so anyone here got the 100,000 kills yet?
nope i have 22,000
so anyone here got the 100,000 kills yet?
Go fuck yourself. If you want a better review I'll give you one. The storyline sucks, the fact that you can use a shotgun or sniper as an axe to smash heads when they're crawling back to safety or shoving the lancer in a guys back and sawing him is stupid. It's basically the first thing with a few new moves. Happy asswipe?
Not really non contributing board member.
Storyline sucks - And what pray tell is your grasp of the storyline, what do you dislike about it exactly?
You dislike the unique kills - why? I rarely use them so find them quite amusing when I do hit the wrong button.
Basically the first thing with new moves? - Eh....its a sequel, what are you looking for exactly.
Why all the hostility? Were you not loved as a child, did you never have a puppy growing up? Did your mother tease you with the nipple, pull it away sharply then shove the bottle between your lips? There must be something to explain the anal retentitiveness you flaunt like a birth defect to the crowd of gawkers pointing and laughing.
Would you like to take a second stab at your "review", and maybe elaborate a little more. It would improve your own credibility and Id respect your opinion more.
"Sucks" and "Its stupid" are not explanations of why you dont like it. They are quick draw remarks that show you never really played the game in any great depth to appreciate it. Hell it might simply not be your kind of game, that in itself would have been better critique than a caveman grunt of "it sucks".
I would at this point like to draw your attention to the fact -
Asswipe - Used.
Fuck you - Used. (I decided to quote your rep)
Go fuck yourself - Used.
Im open to Faggot, bastard, son of a bitch, cunt, smelly head and poopie drawers. So just in case you feel like replying, heres some suggestions you can try.
So, lemme guess, a friend had it, you played it on multiplayer and probably got "owned" or whatever you teenagers are calling it these days?
Seriously though? Its a good game if you let yourself get immersed in it. I dont bother with the multiplayer outside of horde, so I can appreciate anyones arguement against it.
Its not the usual fast placed gun ho action of the majority of shooters, you move more like a small resistance unit fighting a geurilla war, just depends what you like. The second suffered a little in the plot department, people who've played it will probably agree the whole section with the giant worm could've been shorter, it was almost in there just to pad the game out a little. Then towards the end, to much happened in to short a space with a very open end.
You dont get a terrible amount of background in the game, Ive taken to reading some of the official books to get more information. (Aspho fields if anyone is interested)
If youd just said you played it and didnt like it to start with, we wouldnt be having this conversation. Peace!
With exception of the sniper rifle, why should the weapons zoom in? They dont have scopes, the whole point of the combat in gears is in your face. Id hazard a guess at least 95% of the kills ever made in multiplayer are made within line of sight of one another, none of this camping in a corner bullshit, if you want a kill, you earn it!
Whats so stupid about a chainsaw, its original and a unique take on the classic bayonet, which I admit I have never seen used in a game as a close quarters weapon. Im betting you got ripped a few times while playing or lost your fair share of chainsaw duels?
My crack about teenagers was aimed at the fact you are taking a very immature stance against the game, that or very poor sportsmanship. Fine, you lost at a game you probably had no experience playing before, and because of that it "sucks" or everything in it is "stupid".
so anyone here got the 100,000 kills yet?
just for the record, you can zoom in with every weapon with exception to the chainsaw rifle.... just sayin... miner69r..... ur kinda a moron
With exception of the sniper rifle, why should the weapons zoom in? They dont have scopes, the whole point of the combat in gears is in your face. Id hazard a guess at least 95% of the kills ever made in multiplayer are made within line of sight of one another, none of this camping in a corner bullshit, if you want a kill, you earn it!
Whats so stupid about a chainsaw, its original and a unique take on the classic bayonet, which I admit I have never seen used in a game as a close quarters weapon. Im betting you got ripped a few times while playing or lost your fair share of chainsaw duels?
My crack about teenagers was aimed at the fact you are taking a very immature stance against the game, that or very poor sportsmanship. Fine, you lost at a game you probably had no experience playing before, and because of that it "sucks" or everything in it is "stupid".
I didn't "lose" at a game, I played multiplayer co-op with my friend, we started on one side of the map and had to kill stuff that was on the other side. So to tell you the truth it was last year and I can barely remember, all I really remember is that I didn't like it.
just for the record, you can zoom in with every weapon with exception to the chainsaw rifle.... just sayin... miner69r..... ur kinda a moron