Favourite Movie Quotes

Achillies (Brad Pitt)- If I let you take him, it changes nothing, in the morning you are still my enemy
Priam (Peter O'Toole) - You are still my enemy tonight, but even enemies can have respect

From (the very underrated) Troy

dick van cock

Closed Account
All of a sudden I had to remember some words that Marlowe had told me over fifteen years ago: Dead men don't wear plaid. Hm. Dead men don't wear plaid. I still don't know what it means.

(Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid)
Hello?... Yes. There is a beautiful woman in my bed, and a dead man in my bath.

(The Pink Panther Srikes Again).......:bowdown:


Closed Account
Jerry Maguire

Ray Boyd: "D'you know that the human head weighs 8 pounds?"

Jerry Maguire: "Did you know that Troy Aikman, in only six years, has passed for 16,303 yards?"

Ray Boyd: "D'you know that bees and dogs can smell fear?"

Jerry Maguire: "Did you know that the career record for hits is 4,256 by Pete

Rose who is NOT in the Hall of Fame?"

Ray Boyd: "D'you know that my next door neighbor has three rabbits?"

Jerry Maguire: "I... I can't compete with that!"


Postal Paranoiac
Back To School--with Rodney Dangerfield:

Thornton: I used to dream about going to college!
Jason: When did you dream about going to college?
Thornton: When I used to fall asleep in high school!
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Wedding Security: What's your name?
Rejected Wedding Guest: I'm Stan Lee.
Wedding Security: Sorry, you're not on the list.
Rejected Wedding Guest: I *should* be!
full metal jacket:
"you look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!"
"i will guage out your eyeballs and skull fuck you!"

blue velvet:
"baby wants to fuck"
"shut up bitch its daddy! and wheres my bourbon?!"
"heineken?! fuck that shit! pabst blue ribbon!!"

major paine:
"killing is my business ladies, and business is goooood!"

alot more but i cant think now
Die Hard 2

John McClane: Hey, Carmine, let me ask you something. What sets off the metal detectors first? The lead in your ass or the shit in your brains?

John McClane: Motherfuckin' motherfucker!

John McClane: That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me. You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It dosen't show up on you airport X-ray machines, and it cost more than you make here in a month.
Carmine Lorenzo: You'd be a surprised what I make in a month.
John McClane: If it was more than a dollar ninety-eight I'd be surprised.

Al Powell: What's this about?
John McClane: Oh, just a feeling I have.
Al Powell: Ouch. When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.

John McClane: Yippie-kay-yay, motherfucker.
from army of darkness(Evil Dead 3):
Hey shebitch! (loads Shotgun) Lets go!

And from Evil Dead 2:
(After ash replaces hes left hand with a chainsaw) Groovy!
I think this is how it goes-"I never fucked anybody that never had it coming to him...All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I dont break em for no one"-Tony Montana
Meet the Parents

Greg Focker: You can milk just about anything with nipples.
Jack Byrnes: I have nipples, Greg, could You Milk me?

Jack Byrnes: I guess the only thing to do now is meet his parents. I'm sure they're decent people. I mean they gotta be if they named their son Gaylord Focker.

[Greg is trying to fit his large bag into the overhead bin]
Flight Attendant: I'm sorry, sir, you're gonna have to check that.
Greg Focker: I got it.
Flight Attendant: No, I'm sorry, that bag won't fit.
Greg Focker: No, no, I'm not - hey, I'm not checking my bag, okay?
Flight Attendant: There's no need to raise your voice, sir.
Greg Focker: I'm not raising my voice. THIS WOULD BE RAISING MY VOICE TO YOU, okay? I don't want to check my bag, okay? And, by the way, your airline? You SUCK at checking bags, okay, because I already did that once and you lost it, and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me, okay?
Flight Attendant: Well, I can assure you that your bag will be placed safely below deck with the other luggage...
Greg Focker: Oh, yeah? How do you know my bag will be safe below with the other luggage? Huh? Are you physically going to take my bag and put it beneath the plane? Are you going to go right now outside, with the guys with the earmuffs, and go put it in there?
Flight Attendant: No...
Greg Focker: No? Okay, then shut your piehole and listen to me when I say that I am FINISHED with the checking-of-the-bags CONVERSATION.
Flight Attendant: Sir, we have a policy on this airline that if a bag is this large we take...
Greg Focker: okay you know what, take you scrubby little paws *off* my bag, okay? It's not like I have a bomb in here. It's not like I wanna blow up the plane. I just want to store my bag according to your safety regulations.
Flight Attendant: Sir, sir!
Greg Focker: Hey, hey, If you would take a second, take the little sticks out of your head, clean out your ears, and maybe you would see that I'm a person who has feelings, and all I have to do is do what I wanna do and all I want to do is hold on to my bag and not listen to you! And the only way that I would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over here right now and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers, okay? If you can get it from my kung-fu grip then you can come and have it, okay? Otherwise, step off, bitch.

"This cabinet minister, does he he always travel on the wrong side of the bworder?"

- Predator

dick van cock

Closed Account
Hal Philip Walker:

Who do you think is running Congress? Farmers? Engineers? Teachers? Businessmen? No, my friends. Congress is run by lawyers. A lawyer is trained for two things and two things only. To clarify - that's one. And to confuse - that's the other. He does whichever is to his client's advantage. Did you ever ask a lawyer the time of day? He told you how to make a watch, didn't he? Ever ask a lawyer how to get to Mr. Jones' house in the country? You got lost, didn't you? Congress is composed of five hundred and thirty-five individuals. Two hundred and eighty-eight are lawyers. And you wonder what's wrong in Congress. No wonder we often know how to make a watch, but we don't know the time of day.

(from Nashville)
No need to tell you what the movie is...

David Bowman: 'Open the pod-bay doors, HAL'

HAL: .........

David Bowman: HAL?, do you read me?....Open the pod-bay doors please'

HAL: 'I'm sorry Dave...I'm afraid I can't do that.'


Postal Paranoiac
From Arthur:

Hooker: Whaddya got in mind?
Arthur: I want to spend the night with a stranger who loves me.
Hooker: It'll cost you $100.
Arthur: Great! What time do you get off work?
Slartybartfast: Now hurry, or you'll be late...
Arthur Dent: Late? Late for what?
Slartybartfast: ...Late, as in the late Arthur Dent... It's supposed to be a thret, they can be quite effective I'm told...

from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Wedding Security: What's your name?
Rejected Wedding Guest: I'm Stan Lee.
Wedding Security: Sorry, you're not on the list.
Rejected Wedding Guest: I *should* be!

I havent seen this movie yet, but plan to, but its actually an example of what pisses me off about Stan Lee. Yes he created many of these characters, but his "cameos" have grown from two second shot, to one word character, to fully interacting with the cast and now to this?

For fuck sake we know who he is! We knew when we saw him for the first time in Spiderman. Its like hugh hefner to playboy, we know who we is but we dont need his old mug being thrown in our faces!