Seriously get an education it might do you some good.
I love Freeones. Where else could you find someone with a pretend PhD handing out at advice about the virtues of education?
Seriously get an education it might do you some good.
Any attempt to characterize nuclear as safe just by measure of bodycount is as disingenuous as it gets- contamination from Chernobyl will last centuries
and there are no byproducts of the coal industry which can be lost, smuggled onto the blackmarket and sold to terrorists who can use them to kill hundreds of thousands of people in one go.
Whether or not nuclear is safer than coal is irrelevant...
I love Freeones. Where else could you find someone with a pretend PhD handing out at advice about the virtues of education?
Yeah... where as coal pollution lasts forever. Heavy metals and coal slurry dams that constantly threaten bursting and spreading their poison. What's the half-life of coal ash? Oh, right... it doesn't have any.
The gamma radiation in the Pripyat area is today less than 1% of what it was when the reactor popped.
Today there are tourist rides to Pripyat and the sarcophagus.
It's in the very nature of radiation fallout to destroy itself over time. You wouldn't even have radiation if it wasn't for this fact.
The amount of land lost to Chernobyl correspond to approximately 1/100 to 1/1000 that is lost every year to desert expansion.
Oh dear me... trying to frighten us with the Plutonium Dragon and The Atomic Terrorist™ are you?
The notion that a bunch of terrorists could make a bomb, nuclear or dirty, from spent fuel is about as stupid as worrying that taking a shower will cause a tsunami.
I love this bit the best though:
So first you go "Nuclear is soooooo dangerous!" ...and then... "...but it doesn't really matter." after you got bitch slapped with cold hard numbers.![]()
Oh wow is that the best you can do?
You've been owned on this thread. Fess up son.:1orglaugh
Japan’s nuclear farce
Exasperation with the quality of information coming out of the Japanese nuclear authority, the government and the Tokyo Electric company led to harsh words from the French nuclear authority this morning.
It said the Daiichi accident could be classed as a level 6 event on the scale of one to 7. The Chernobyl calamity in 1986 began as a level 6 event and was then elevated to level 7, which until now consist of the only level 6 and level 7 events recorded.
An official was quoted as saying “Tokyo has all but lost control over the situation”.
This morning the Japan nuclear authority insisted that level 4, an event with purely local effects, was the appropriate level, which is clearly not what the normally ultra-tactful International Atomic Energy Agency thought when it directed the VAAC to issue the warnings to airlines, and also to the airports at which any aircraft exposed to radiation must be thoroughly decontaminated under international conventions.
The quality of information from the Japanese has descended into farce, with simultaneous claims that radiation levels are harmful in the Chernobyl-sized exclusion zone but did not constitute a threat to health. This follows the patently dishonest misuse of radiation exposure metrics used for the first 3½ days of the crisis, which understated the real levels by 1000 or three orders of magnitude.
The US think tank, the Institute for Science and International Security, said the situation at Daiichi had worsened considerably and was now closer to a level 6 event and “may unfortunately reach a level 7”.
Looks like the good professor whimped off somewhere. No wonder you were such a fan of him :1orglaugh
ps I'm not your son, you must have started drinking earlier than usual today or something? at least wait untill after breakfast
Some of us actually work. I've worked 30 hours and travelled 2,500 miles in the last 60 hours.Looks like the good professor whimped off somewhere. No wonder you were such a fan of him :1orglaugh
FYI: 10,000uSv = 10mSv = 0.01Sv. One has to be exposed to 0.3-0.5Sv before it's of serious, long-term concern, and that takes 30-50 hours at 0.01Sv/hr.It remains very serious and people are in fact risking their lives. If you saw the helicopter operation in progress a few hours ago, those pilots were exposed to 10,000microSv levels which are in fact cancerous.
Why does the northwestern sky have an unusual reddish hue to it at this 06:00 hrs west coast time? :surprise: Yes, I said northwestern!:eek:
I wish that I was kidding. . . . I know, I know, it's just a coincidence, yep, just another coincidence.
There is also a certain uncommon kind of calm in the air too.:tinhat:
Prof V What exactly has to happen in order to cool down those reactors?