England is the best country in the world!


i'm sure this thread is just a bit of weekend fun. it can't be serious can it, mate? :dunno:

Will E Worm

hi there. I'm no english, and i really don't give a fuck about it, except for the Premier League. But since you say that England is so great, i tought i wouldn't find anything bad about it. Mistaken i was...


You forgot: They can't own firearms, They have the BBC (four channels)

Here's some from Yahoo! answers.
1) no, or limited private ownership of guns. hitler registered all the guns, then the jews, then took the guns, then the jews. citizens need to own guns period.

2) socialism and multi-culturalism has destroyed britain. i'm guessing that within 10 years the star and moon will fly over london because of these insane policies.

3) nobody goes to britain for health care. reference the recent yahoo story on people in britain pulling their own teeth because of the insane health care system. i don't recall too many foreigners scrambling to get into britain to have their major cancer surgeries? when oddly enough thousands are clamoring to get into the US for health care. and recently a politico from CanaDUH came to California for her breast cancer treatment. canaDUH's socialist health care isn't so good eh? neither is britains despite the socialist's lies.
hi there. I'm no english, and i really don't give a fuck about it, except for the Premier League. But since you say that England is so great, i tought i wouldn't find anything bad about it. Mistaken i was...

Top 10 reasons Why ENGLAND SUCKS

1. British people suck. They are either homosexual or evil.
2. You call cigarettes Fags over there. You all Suck on Fags.(See #1)
3. You have a national monument called big ben. You climb on Big Ben(Or bill or bob or whatever the case may be). (Again see #1).
4. You have a queen of your country.(See #1).
5. Your government could'nt tie its shoes without asking The US how to do it.
6. We have Nukes.
7. You Sip Tea.
8. The reason players in the NFL wear pads is because they are smart. Most people don't like to get into a scrum(notice the close resemblence to CUM) or a huddle and then destroy each other without pads. If your country had a variation of baseball would it involve hitting yourselves over the head with a bat?
9. You call an elevator a lift. Thats just gay.(See #1)
10. You made huge colonies all over the world at one point. You had ACRES AND ACRES AND MILES AND MILES of land that you took over from EVERYONE. This was commendable. How much do you own now? PUSSAHS.

In response to your points -
  1. There are homosexual people in Britain as there are all over the world - although you seem to be confused as this thread is about England not Britain you maybe need to return to your geography textbooks as you call this list “top 10 reasons why England Sucks” & than proceed to make reference to Britain in your first point! Similarly there are evil people in England, as there are all over the world. By claiming that we are either homosexual or evil you seem to be equating the two. Actually maybe not? You are saying people are homosexual OR evil. So I’m guessing the two traits are mutually exclusive? Regardless there is nothing wrong with being homosexual so I do not see this point as a valid example as a reason for why England sucks.
  2. Yes, fag is a slang term for cigarette, cigar, cheroot etc. However, as the term fag is not in common usage as a slang term for homosexual in England the “you all suck on fags” insult is meaningless to an Englishman. It is also statistically incorrect, not everyone smokes so we don’t "all suck on fags” as you so eloquently put it.
  3. Big Ben is the name given to the bells housed within one of the largest clock towers in the world. It can be found at the Houses of Parliament a truly historic building, or monument as you call it, where Parliament has been meeting since the 13th century. I have never seen anyone climb on Big Ben?!? Anyway, how does this relate to your #1? Is it homosexual to climb onto bells? Are the bells in someway inherently evil?!? Regardless it’s far better than your silly monuments, such as Mount Rushmore. Take an area sacred to the native population & carve the faces of four white blokes onto it! The result, a rather insulting giant paperweight!!
  4. Yes we have a Queen, which is a term for a ruling female monarch, so at some point a male equivalent will have that position & be called a King. The monarchy is certainly an increasingly controversial element of our society but regardless of that I fail to see how a female monarch has any bearing on your #1. Unless it is in reference to some people who use Queen as a derogatory term for homosexual? Or maybe you think she is evil?!? (you may have a point there).
  5. I will concede that unfortunately America has an increasing influence on overseas governments. However I am pretty confident in stating that all members of our government could tie their shoes without asking the US how to do it. & what is meant by asking the US?!? Do members of government simply dial a random American phone number?!? Well David Blunkett might need some assistance. As an interesting & relevant aside there is a pair of shoes in the Museum of London dating back to the 12th century which is the earliest example of shoelaces as we recognise them today. Another English invention!
  6. I fail to see how having the capacity to destroy the world can be seen as a positive thing?
  7. Another positive aspect of English life, if you & many of your similarly minded fellow Americans partook of a nice soothing cup of tea, perchance with an accompanying hobnob or two, it may calm you lot down a bit!
  8. Sorry NFL players are smart?!? Hilarious! & I wouldn’t say there is really a close resemblance between the word scrum & cum. More accurately they words rhyme with each other. Many words rhyme with scrum such as chum, crumb, drum, dumb, glum, gum, mum, numb, plum, rum, scum, slum, some, strum, sum, swum, thrum, thumb, tum. So I do not get your point, it is the meaning of words that matter not what other words they rhyme with. Then again this is a linguistic argument with someone who comes from a country without its own language!! By the way, we do have a version of baseball; it is called rounders & is played by children.
  9. In what way is calling a transportation device that ‘lifts’ people from one floor of a building to another gay?!?
  10. Well, it was a British Empire not an English one, another example of your geographic confusion. But you have a point there, well, if you really thing that the outdated notion of colonisation is still important. The reasons are many & varied for why the British Empire ended. One cause is that in the aftermath of WW2 there had been a shift in power from Europe to the likes of America & the financial cost of the war effort had bankrupted us. Being able to sustain our Empire was not possible, nor really was it desirable as there was much anti-colonial feeling from those living under the not always benevolent yoke of British rule; although there were many positives from our Empire which still have an impact on the world today so it wasn’t all bad. Also for the most part we attempted to peacefully end our control of overseas colonies, unlike some of our European rivals. I will also reiterate that the notion of one country owning lots of others does not really seem relevant or necessary in the modern world. What does it achieve? So if not having an Empire makes us PUSSAHS then so be it. Whatever the hell a PUSSAHS is?!?


Closed Account
i'm sure this thread is just a bit of weekend fun. it can't be serious can it, mate? :dunno:

I don't even agree with the heading to be honest, I just thought I'd get some punters through the door with a statement, and see what came out of it! I posted another thread about climate change being a conspiracy too, haven't checked for a while, but there's likely to be people in agreement there!

For the record I don't think there is 'a best country', I don't really give a monkey's nutsack about it, unless we're talking sport, and that's what sport is for! Unless you want to talk who invented the best sports!... That last bit was a joke for anyone about to respond to it!
I don't know if it's the best... But they do have some good music and probably the best football league.
Hopefully I'll be able to travel there soon.
To all those American colonial types slagging of Merry Olde England, what language are you writing in? English! You haven't even got your own language!! & another thing, Sir Tim Berners-Lee (he's English by the way!) invented the World Wide Web.

... Geoffrey Chaucer invented porn. And without King James I there wouldn't even be an America to begin with.

Dame Vera Lynn was a hottie btw... :banana:

And to all you Nazi krauts out there: Your very own Ludwig Wittgenstein proclaimed: "It seems to me as good as certain that we cannot get the upper hand against England. The English — the best race in the world — cannot lose! We, however, can lose and shall lose, if not this year then next year."

Note: NEXT YEAR!!! That's the 2010 World Cup. You'll lose, you pig dogs! Ballack is an Ossi fag!
3) nobody goes to britain for health care. reference the recent yahoo story on people in britain pulling their own teeth because of the insane health care system.


While you are correct that there were cases in which someone somewhere in the UK decided to perform their own form of "DIY" dentistry. Where your argument falters is the reasons you have attributed to these actions. The actual reason those people decided to do this is because at the moment there aren't enough practicing NHS dentists. Most dentists nowadays tend to set up private practices and a lot of people cannot pay the high prices that come with dental care which in turn leads to barbaric actions such as these.
Firstly lets get one thing straight some of you seem to confuse the terms English and British, while English are automatically deemed British (England Ireland,Scotland,Wales)the same cannot be said the other way round ie British is NOT automatically English!

I am proud of living in arguably THE best country in the world! But no seriously I think we have a reasonable balance of everything.

Stable political system (not all countries can claim that).
stable economy (there are several countries which never have/never will be able to claim this).
No extremes of weather, no earthquakes volcanoes etc (many parts of the globe where extremes are the norm).
Not many poisonous insects reptiles to worry about. So yes I am more than happy to live here without a doubt (thank goodness I wouldnt want to be bitten/stung by some venomous species common in other parts of the globe).
We have a long an rich history, with culture which is the envy of many other nations (we may not necessarily have as much as other nations such as Greece but nonetheless its long enough to matter!)
One of the better social/healthcare systems in the world (some other nations have better, but there are certainly far worse or paid for in other countries).

Viva England:thumbsup:
God save our gracious queen.


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Closed Account
Firstly lets get one thing straight some of you seem to confuse the terms English and British, while English are automatically deemed British (England Ireland,Scotland,Wales)the same cannot be said the other way round ie British is NOT automatically English!

I am proud of living in arguably THE best country in the world! But no seriously I think we have a reasonable balance of everything.

Stable political system (not all countries can claim that).
stable economy (there are several countries which never have/never will be able to claim this).
No extremes of weather, no earthquakes volcanoes etc (many parts of the globe where extremes are the norm).
Not many poisonous insects reptiles to worry about. So yes I am more than happy to live here without a doubt (thank goodness I wouldnt want to be bitten/stung by some venomous species common in other parts of the globe).
We have a long an rich history, with culture which is the envy of many other nations (we may not necessarily have as much as other nations such as Greece but nonetheless its long enough to matter!)
One of the better social/healthcare systems in the world (some other nations have better, but there are certainly far worse or paid for in other countries).

Viva England:thumbsup:
God save our gracious queen.

I agree about our climate, the lack of natural disasters, and killer insects making up for the bad but easily tolerable weather. I've got a question though.

What defines England's culture? what is English culture?

And although the NHS exists in England, I believe it was Aneurin Bevan, who created it, and he was a Welshman.

Also Ireland is part of the british Isles, but not Britain. I'm sure any Irishman reading, would like it to be corrected!


I don't even agree with the heading to be honest, I just thought I'd get some punters through the door with a statement, and see what came out of it! I posted another thread about climate change being a conspiracy too, haven't checked for a while, but there's likely to be people in agreement there!

For the record I don't think there is 'a best country', I don't really give a monkey's nutsack about it, unless we're talking sport, and that's what sport is for! Unless you want to talk who invented the best sports!... That last bit was a joke for anyone about to respond to it!

well i guess that's what the boards here for. ;)

McNulty: Hey, don't knock the Greeks. They invented civilization.
Bunk: Yeah, and ass-fucking, too.

So you know, you can't blame that on us ... although we do like to dabble. ;)
:1orglaugh :1orglaugh

you quote The Wire from Parts Unknown? ;)
may i ask which series you enjoyed the most if you watched them
all and do you know how many of the main characters are originally
from England? i had to link my question to the thread. ;)


Is somewhere outhere.
I can only assume when you started this thread at half two in the
morning,you were high on class a drugs.

So if England is the best country in the world,then surely you would
have been nicked by the worlds best police for class a possession
by now. ;)


Closed Account
there are some nice parts of England, but on whole its a toilet run by idiots.

And on this profoundly insulting, deeply informative note. Mind you, I would have wanted to go live there some years before, almost did, I would have were it not for the R*20 to 1Pound difference at the time, but not anymore. (Why do these keyboards not have a Pound symbol? I need a new PC before I download Word again.)

*South African Rand.


Closed Account
I can only assume when you started this thread at half two in the
morning,you were high on class a drugs.

So if England is the best country in the world,then surely you would
have been nicked by the worlds best police for class a possession
by now. ;)

For the record, I was high on cups of Earl Grey! six cups in an hour, it was nothing to do with my sweet sweet crack pipe! although the statement I made would be better suited to another more middle class form of cocaine, known as cocaine. To be honest, they would have more chance doing me for burglary rather than the cracks, if I wasn't one of thmmmmm, crack. hold on I'm just going to put the Kettle on.


Closed Account
there are some nice parts of england, but on whole its a toilet run by idiots.

If it was a Toilet run by idiots, it would be the best toilet run by idiots in the world!

Also talking about countries run by idiots, I don't think we've yet voted a prime minister that hasn't had the ability to articulate words. Although, was George voted in?