Why America is the best country and the "goodest" one in the history of the world

Are you for real? :-O

It's sad to see how many americans become more and more like the talibans they used to fight. Worst of all is that they are too stupid to realise it themselves.

If I believed in a god I would thank him for the sane and nice people from USA that I have met through the years. They are much needed to compensate for the morons like the one who started this pile of shit of a thread.

/proud european socialist

Just look at how poorly are doing in terms of economy France, Italy, Spain and Portugal after having been governed by stupid leftists. I am a proud european conservative but I don't like socialists. I prefer a proud conservative American to a desillusionned leftist socialist European. Americans are becoming more patriotic and they are right. People who aren't patriotic, are generally sell outs.