Funny timing. I addressed your questions while you were typing you last post

I think most people don't bother because they figure they already know what the response will be, so why commit the time or energy?
Just so everyone knows, I positive repped you for that.
Come on give it a try. At least answer one of my questions?
Don't cost nothin. C'mon prove the crazy guy wrong.
I ask many questions, plently of chances for you guys to put me in my place.
Do it.
Do it.
xfi thanks for your help in trying to figure it out.
So the money to fund this huge army probably comes from Saudi Arabia?
That's funny. Doesn't the US "sell" Saudi 100+billion in weapons bombs and bullets?
It was all over the news.
I mean sure they need all that weaponry for de-fense I suppose, just like israel does.
But if Saudi may be funding ISIS surely the USA wouldn't say "here ya go, have a shit ton of weapons, we won't ask what ya do with them".
I mean if what you say is true then that would mean the US does arm "the Terrorists".
And Iran also funding them? Any proof?
Surely if our and israels worstest enemy the evil iwanians were funding isis both of their wonderful intelligence agencies would expose it yes yes?
And "the terrorists" don't attack the US because they can't get here?
Anybody can enter the US.
You can cross the Rio Grande on an elephant in front of a border control headquarters for fucks sake, its been done look it up.
Just like in WWII? The japanese and germans attacked the US all over .......where the US was which was in their part of the world invading it..
There are us troops and embassies all over the world. There are troops headquarters outposts all over the middle east and Africa.
Plenty of shit to attack.
This isis al-qaeueada is a huge army, but they never attack their sworn enemy US or israel (but they do attack US and israels enemies) and your reasons just don't explain why.
I mean with enemies like that who needs friends?
And they have been fighting in the middle east for hundreds of years?
True. Fighting invaders like the greeks, romans, british, usa.
Thanks again for taking the time unlike some people.
Right FOUser#4510856320198a? We're #1 We're #1.
Except for the women who at least in my part of the country are mostly 100 or more pounds overweight and look like walking refrigerators with terrible attitudes and bad manners. Usually sucking on a ciggie with their tattoo covered arms and fingers that look like links a summer sausages.
I mean haha its hard to tell if many of them are even female haha.
Most make fucking Sumo Wrestlers look like Karen Carpenter until they speak and that baritone boom leaves their mouths causing all the birds to fly away in a panic.
I mean how do you guys even bang these things? You must need an 18 inch dick just to penatrate them an inch or two.
And other countries have pizza. And breast implants, only better and more real looking, and viagra is sold over the counter and cheap but most men don't need it because their women are so beautiful.
Want to know who wants to leave their country for the USA?
The poorest of the poor from poor countries and on a lesser scale well educated people from poor countries.
And even they don't want to leave.
They come for the money, nothing else.