dungeons and dragons (D&D) anyone?

PvP works if the players will it.

To be a good DM you have to fit the needs of the players and make sure they are all in agreement with the plot.

If players want to be chaotic evil then let them, but don't waste your breath on creating an epic adventure for 1-3 level characters cus generally they cannot do much or do not have the character background to pull sh*t off. They will always question.

Level 1-4 is for players to find themselves and what there plot is. If they declare they wish to go for a PvP plot then will it for them.

Good DMs are abso-fucking-lute masters of imagination.
I didn't allow evil player characters or any PvP in games I DMed. A player could have their character become permanently evil if they wanted to if they were willing to make it an NPC under the DMs control. Most of that was due to the fact nobody in our group played like that, most games or even that pre-written adventures and other things are not written around that, but another reason and maybe the biggest was at some point sooner or later, usually sooner it just ends up being a gigantic headache to say the least for everybody. I've seen it ruin games.

It has to be something the entire group wants to do from the very beginning, and it's a totally different type of game from what a standard RPG is. It almost never works out and is even worse when only one or two people in the party is evil. Something like that is for one of those times when people want to play something different for a short time, they like and play things like that exclusively or it's the type of setting where it's expected and they really like that, or for something to do that's just messing around and not being serious.

When starting up a long running session I ask before hand how the group will handle conflict in the game, how they will handle a situation where something like a paladin will be a part of the group (which almost practically needs group approval before hand since it almost always leads to either conflict or where the group essentially following the tenets of a paladin at a reasonable level), what happens for example if the group has to deal with prisoners or helpless foes, and other things like that and how they are going to handle it in and out of character and how their characters look at it before a new group of characters even gets going. I at least wanted the players to know about what they were getting into before hand.

Not that their is anything wrong with inner character differences or even conflicts of opinion, but I never liked when it could come to the point of destroying the game or getting the actual players upset at each other.
In the event someone cares to kiss my ass....


If I had an incredible amount of excess money to blow I would consider getting you one. (I might even have also gotten you a lawn gnome that you have been sorely lacking. :tongue:) Then I could have you run a game for me.

Alas, I'm always broke as hell and barely afford to buy my own RPG stuff, and even they are some of the few minor luxuries I get.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
If I had an incredible amount of excess money to blow I would consider getting you one. (I might even have also gotten you a lawn gnome that you have been sorely lacking. :tongue:) Then I could have you run a game for me.

Alas, I'm always broke as hell and barely afford to buy my own RPG stuff, and even they are some of the few minor luxuries I get.

I sent hubby a link and told him that nothing says "I love you" like a 30th anniversary, leather bound book of Cthulhu. :cthulhu:

I do have a 5th edition lying around though. I really need to run a game.
I sent hubby a link and told him that nothing says "I love you" like a 30th anniversary, leather bound book of Cthulhu. :cthulhu:

If that doesn't work and he doesn't get the hint there is always the option of busting out your whip and getting some sense into him that way. ;) I'm sure you have gotten a lot of practice using it with the people in the FreeOnes office over the years.
I once heard of somebody that went camping and didn't have dice so he had a t-shirt where he drew a bunch of numbers from 1 to 20 and equal number of times and the players would pick the number they got by closing their eyes and touching a part of his shirt after he moved and turned around a bit. :1orglaugh
When I first started playing we would use a pencil for a D6. And now sometimes if we want to mess around, we will tear up paper and put in my Fedora instead of using dice.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten has a system where instead of rolling, you have a hand of cards and play them.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
When I first started playing we would use a pencil for a D6. And now sometimes if we want to mess around, we will tear up paper and put in my Fedora instead of using dice.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten has a system where instead of rolling, you have a hand of cards and play them.

Man, I really need to pull out All Flesh and give it a go. Too many systems, too little time to game...

Oh, and Savage Worlds uses playing cards for initiative. Each round a new card is played.

And there's a game called Suzerain Mojo Rules that uses a deck of cards instead of dice. That wasn't really my cup of tea for a system so I was happy when they also opted to create Suzerain for Savage Worlds as well. :)

And Nobilis is a completely diceless game. Never got beyond character creation so I'm not 100% sure how it actually plays. The book is beautiful though!
Man, I really need to pull out All Flesh and give it a go. Too many systems, too little time to game...

Oh, and Savage Worlds uses playing cards for initiative. Each round a new card is played.

And there's a game called Suzerain Mojo Rules that uses a deck of cards instead of dice. That wasn't really my cup of tea for a system so I was happy when they also opted to create Suzerain for Savage Worlds as well. :)

And Nobilis is a completely diceless game. Never got beyond character creation so I'm not 100% sure how it actually plays. The book is beautiful though!

I would describe AFMBE as decidedly middle of the road. It is not terrible, but you can do better. There honestly are too many skill points and ability points and not enough to spend it on. My group had 5 players, each of which had overlap with at least 2 others. It was bad.

Another diceless system is Marvel U. That is one I love, and would recommend it to anyone. We played a non-marvel game with it. It was anime themed and a blast.