No. This is my weekly game...started out as D&D a few years ago and we're currently on vampire. But even in D&D we were a real backstabby bunch.
For the supervillain game, you actually have to work together. The basic megaplot is a race of aliens invaded earth. The alien's "enemy" alien came and cleared them out and became the heros of earth. Then it turned out that the two races were working together.
They managed to get all the superheros in one place, offed them. The only ones left that can now save earth are the ones who wern't invited to the party...the villains.
The big daddy of them all villain, Dr. Destruction, formed a resistance and he puts together "cells" of supervillains. Trust me, if you value your life you'll work along your fellow villains to do whatever Dr. D says.
Get quite messy when you don't.
So that's the little caveat that makes villains not be stabby stabby like my D&D/Vampire group is.