By the way, if anyone wants to pick up a copy of Fantasy Grounds (google it), I'll run a game. Just realize it'll probably be at 2pm EST on whatever day of the week. ;-)
By the way, if anyone wants to pick up a copy of Fantasy Grounds (google it), I'll run a game. Just realize it'll probably be at 2pm EST on whatever day of the week. ;-)
By the way, if anyone wants to pick up a copy of Fantasy Grounds (google it), I'll run a game. Just realize it'll probably be at 2pm EST on whatever day of the week. ;-)
surely not daily?
you know petra, theres not enough time in the day to play games everyday and that makes me sad. im doomed!
i looked up savage worlds btw.. it looks good. good reviews.
Well I don't want to ruin my chances of not being included so I will voice myself "involved" and happy to play. I am GMT and can play tues,wed,thur,sat,sun... I'll be buying the lite
A couple od friends and myself played several roleplay games, starting off with D&D, then Warhammer, Midgard and finally, "Fading Suns".
The latter one proved very satisfactory, as the amalgam of high-tech future, medieval everyday life, soace travel via jumpgates (Which was a major spark for creating all of the 'Stargate' films and series) was awesome.
A little insider joke I made jeld through until in 1999, the others got computers with internet, too and found out where I got the idea for my space pilot slash space intelligence undercover agent named Nikki Nova ^^
I even had her picture on my roleplay sheet, but had photoshopped it with a filter that made it looked like I drew her with a pencil :1orglaugh
Warhammer was very fun, too, as many of the scenarios and adventures were written by some college students with insane kind of humour, I remember a storyline were our group had to fight a demon called 'Zahnarzt'. Which is german and translates to dentist
I played a transylvanian noble, name of 'Igor von Drakenhof', half torturer, half violinist, and before questioning the captured, I used to play 'Agaony in Fis Major' to them to create the right atmosphere. Our gamemasters girlfriend played my ingame sister, 'Zefira von Drakenhof', a necromancer, so there never was any redundance if an interogation went fatal
By the way, if anyone wants to pick up a copy of Fantasy Grounds (google it), I'll run a game. Just realize it'll probably be at 2pm EST on whatever day of the week. ;-)
What does that cost to be able to get a version where you can hook up to somebody else to be able to play? I've never played over VTT before. Also I couldn't find any system requirements for it. What are the realistic requirements for making it work adequately? From what I have learned about some people's VTTs games over the years is that some of them require hefty bandwidth with good connections depending on how they are set up and what other features they have with it. Granted some of those people had a lot of extras like VoIP with multiple people all connected at a time and other things that probably increased resources needed quite a bit. As I'm unfamiliar with it on a detailed level I'm unsure as to how practically even a relatively minimal program would run. I'm sure I have a computer that can run most programs themselves, but in all likelihood I doubt I have an adequate connection speed to make it feasible.
What does that cost to be able to get a version where you can hook up to somebody else to be able to play? I've never played over VTT before. Also I couldn't find any system requirements for it. What are the realistic requirements for making it work adequately? From what I have learned about some people's VTTs games over the years is that some of them require hefty bandwidth with good connections depending on how they are set up and what other features they have with it. Granted some of those people had a lot of extras like VoIP with multiple people all connected at a time and other things that probably increased resources needed quite a bit. As I'm unfamiliar with it on a detailed level I'm unsure as to how practically even a relatively minimal program would run. I'm sure I have a computer that can run most programs themselves, but in all likelihood I doubt I have an adequate connection speed to make it feasible.
i wonder how good it is.. im using a slow computer right now since my power supply croaked on my desktop.
if its easy id be pretty interested. but then again, im not confident i know the rules well enough to play with any sort of vet. actually, i know i dont know the rules anything close to what i should.
im still not sure if im leveling up correctly, and i just found out i can flank diagonally yesterday. *sigh!*