Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That is one of the issues. Instead of spending the money and time on forensic testing like you mentioned, spend it looking for legal loopholes and keeping them in prison. I have no problem with the death penalty just be sure it's the correct person. There was a man in Florida in the mid eighties who even the prosecutor wasn't sure it was the right guy because another person was later convicted of a similar crime and fit the same decription. But because he used up his appeals and the Governor at the time would not give him a stay, he was executed.
That's unacceptable, and a major problem in this country. To many prosecutors, and judges are so worried that their reputation will be tarnished by the possibility that they made a mistake, or their out rite arrogance refuses to allow them to admit they convicted the wrong guy, so they vehemently argue AGAINST any additional tests, to insure the right guy is being executed. I've read about it to many times. It usually involves older cases, and it's my opinion that EVERY old case that involves an execution, should be automatically granted any additional testing that becomes available, or brought to light since the conviction. I also wonder if some of the people sentenced to death, should be locked up for ever, and some of the ones serving time, shouldn't be executed.. If you commit an armed robbery, and shoot the store workers, yeah, it's violent, and brutal, but serving the rest of your life in a prison, is worse then death. If you rape a child, in my opinion, you've committed a far worse crime, even if they lived, THEY will live with the fear you exist....somewhere. They deserve the peace of mind that their attacker is executed.