I appreciate the dedication Jack but, as I remarked previously, there are already an abundance of threads on this topic. That's what the "search" function is for (upper right-hand section of your screen). You need to learn how to use it....it is designed to avoid the posting of redundant threads like this one. I contributed my views to a very significant degree in those threads so if you want to know what my thoughts and reasoning on the subject are, please do a search and I assure you that you'll find an abundance of material in that regard.
Alternatively, if you'd care to discuss the subject with me one-on-one, feel free to send me a private message and I promise I'll reply. However, I'm not in favor of wasting any more of Freeones' bandwidth on an extremely redundant thread.
The "few" people that get executed every year are not making this world any safer and capitol punishment is not a deterrent in any sense of the word. Death, death, death. My government does not need to add to the totals. Lock 'em up, no basketball, no weight bench, no cigarettes. Let whatever evil fucker it is sit in a box for the rest of his life.
They should keep it and we should have it in the UK too :clap:
The government executed Timothy Mcveigh and I don't recall there being any candlelight vigils. :dunno:
Oh, that's right, Mcveigh was a real REAL bad guy, therefore, we can easily make an exception for the termination of his life.
... to sanity. :tongue:
Opposed to one human being taking the life of another human being for any reason.
... and please don't ask me "Oh yeah ??? ??? ??? Well, what would you do if someone killed your brother. Wouldn't you want to kill them ??? ??? " etc.![]()
Fair enough. You're sane.
I'm civilized.
You no. :tongue:
You're too liberal. Liberalism brings the downfall of civilizations.
Actually, I'm not liberal! I don't believe in orchestrated, planned and deliberate murder that is grounded purely in vengeance and retribution.
It's draconian and barbaric Will - plain and simple. And altogether apolitical; you used the term 'sane'. Sanity and politics ... they don't really belong together, do they?
I still say sanity. Some people have to be put to death in the best interest of a sane society.
It's about justice. We can agree to disagree.
With the right people sanity and politics would work. Term limits could help.
Here is a list of your "sane" countries.
Death Penalty Permitted
Yup, "sane" is how I'd describe these countries.
Of course we can agree to disagree Will.
In my mind, the problem with 'justice' is that it is too often determined using emotion and/or ideology vs. objectivity and logic.