Death Penalty

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An eye for an eye makes the world blind?. Nope. It's justice if the bastard did it. And to live by that phrase is to let evil run rampant more and more as time moves on. That's my view on it. Keep the death penalty!. Child murderers and murderers in general should be dealt with in the same manner they gave their victims. The world is too fucking soft these days. Criminals know that. This is why the criminal is playing the justice system like a piano. Playing it to the tune that suits them otherwise it abuses their human rights if the wrong tune is being played. TOO BAD. Certain rights should be forfeit when a person kills another person (if it's not self defence) the same pitty shown to the killer as the killer showed their victims. To give a killer more rights is a fucking insult to the person to whos life they extinguished. The victim has had their human rights violated to the point of no return. And so the culprit should too!. And if the fucking cunts don't like that then they shouldn't kill another person then if they don't want to die themselves. Deliberate killers human rights are not worth more than those whos rights they themselves took away!. And to deny them the death penalty is to act as if they are worth more.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I was a correctional officer for a couple of years. If I were being chased by the cops and knew I was going to prison I would rather the cops shoot my ass than serve time in a Texas penitentiary. In prison you're going to get it in the ass. That's a given. Not only that but most of the CO's are as bad if not worse than the inmates. I saw the juice coolers get peed in just about every day, and that's just for starters. lol

But since life in prison really isn't THAT torturous


If prison wasn't so cushy, then I'd say do away with it and let the assholes suffer in jail. But the prison systems give FAR too many rights and luxuries to criminals who shouldn't have any. Save our tax dollars and do away with beds, tv's, three square meals, fancy exercise equipment etc and actually make them suffer. But since life in prison really isn't THAT torturous, I'm for the death penalty in some cases.

In principle, I agree with you completely, but there's that pesky and very expensive appeals process that essentially allows death row inmates to die of old age while being imprisoned... Does anybody have any facts and figures available to show everybody just how much death row inmates cost the taxpayers as compared to non death row inmates? It was a staggering contrast of $$$$, that's all I know.

In reference to maximum security prisoners (in general) having to many freedoms, I would imagine this is true in most cases... I've heard that drugs are readily available regardless of the efforts put forth by prison facility security. Imprisoned gang leaders are in some cases controlling what goes on outside of the prisons and conjugal visits still allowed in various states. :hammer:
I was a correctional officer for a couple of years. If I were being chased by the cops and knew I was going to prison I would rather the cops shoot my ass than serve time in a Texas penitentiary. In prison you're going to get it in the ass. That's a given. Not only that but most of the CO's are as bad if not worse than the inmates. I saw the juice coolers get peed in just about every day, and that's just for starters. lol

If I know I'm going to prison, I'm not going to wipe my ass for three months. And then, I'll never wipe it while in prison.



An eye for an eye makes the world blind?. Nope. It's justice if the bastard did it. And to live by that phrase is to let evil run rampant more and more as time moves on. That's my view on it. Keep the death penalty!. Child murderers and murderers in general should be dealt with in the same manner they gave their victims. The world is too fucking soft these days. Criminals know that. This is why the criminal is playing the justice system like a piano. Playing it to the tune that suits them otherwise it abuses their human rights if the wrong tune is being played. TOO BAD. Certain rights should be forfeit when a person kills another person (if it's not self defence) the same pitty shown to the killer as the killer showed their victims. To give a killer more rights is a fucking insult to the person to whos life they extinguished. The victim has had their human rights violated to the point of no return. And so the culprit should too!. And if the fucking cunts don't like that then they shouldn't kill another person then if they don't want to die themselves. Deliberate killers human rights are not worth more than those whos rights they themselves took away!. And to deny them the death penalty is to act as if they are worth more.

Emotion. :2 cents:

(I mean no disrespect.)

Will E Worm

I saw the juice coolers get peed in just about every day, and that's just for starters. lol

Sounds like a crime that needs to be reported. :yesyes:

I will agree to locking people up. I will not agree to things like this. :nono:
Emotion. :2 cents:

Not logical if you are stuck in the mentality the society of todays way of dealing with things. Which by the way is wrong. That's why there is so much tragedy in peoples lives. There's little to no justice these days. It's a rare thing when there is justice done.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Sure, if you want to be labeled a snitch and catch a shank from an inmate that was down with those particular CO's.

Sounds like a crime that needs to be reported. :yesyes:

I will agree to locking people up. I will not agree to things like this. :nono:
it needs to be reformed. stream lined. like in texas. no more waiting, put a limit on the appeal times, forget the expensive methods. have em dick a hole, get in, bullet to the head, fill in hole. simple, easy, cheap


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You probably don't watch MSNBC, but on the weekends they run a series called "Lockup". You should check out a few episodes. I don't miss working for the TDCJ.

If I know I'm going to prison, I'm not going to wipe my ass for three months. And then, I'll never wipe it while in prison.



Ravenholm said:
An eye for an eye makes the world blind?. Nope. It's justice if the bastard did it. And to live by that phrase is to let evil run rampant more and more as time moves on. That's my view on it. Keep the death penalty!. Child murderers and murderers in general should be dealt with in the same manner they gave their victims. The world is too fucking soft these days. Criminals know that. This is why the criminal is playing the justice system like a piano. Playing it to the tune that suits them otherwise it abuses their human rights if the wrong tune is being played. TOO BAD. Certain rights should be forfeit when a person kills another person (if it's not self defence) the same pitty shown to the killer as the killer showed their victims. To give a killer more rights is a fucking insult to the person to whos life they extinguished. The victim has had their human rights violated to the point of no return. And so the culprit should too!. And if the fucking cunts don't like that then they shouldn't kill another person then if they don't want to die themselves. Deliberate killers human rights are not worth more than those whos rights they themselves took away!. And to deny them the death penalty is to act as if they are worth more.

Emotion (I mean no disrespect)

(me neither) :p

The thing I'm noticing is that we as observers aren't spending enough time observing what the surviving families members of the murdered victim goes through on a day to day basis after their loved one was taken away ... it's almost as if they don't exist.


Official Checked Star Member
I was a correctional officer for a couple of years. If I were being chased by the cops and knew I was going to prison I would rather the cops shoot my ass than serve time in a Texas penitentiary. In prison you're going to get it in the ass. That's a given. Not only that but most of the CO's are as bad if not worse than the inmates. I saw the juice coolers get peed in just about every day, and that's just for starters. lol

"you're going to get it in the ass" ???

Hell I'VE gotten it in the ass, it ain't THAT bad. Sure it may be unpleasant, and sure, as a man your ego and masculinity gets challenged when another dude is stuffing his sausage up your casing, but in comparison to what the victims of these criminals undoubtedly had to go through in their time of death...getting a lovenoodle up the pooper pales in comparison. You do the crime, you deserve ass raping. Innocent people do not. Prison IS far too cushy for criminals, even with the buttrape.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well ok, I just didn't want you to think it was all yoga and lattes. :D


"you're going to get it in the ass" ???

Hell I'VE gotten it in the ass, it ain't THAT bad. Sure it may be unpleasant, and sure, as a man your ego and masculinity gets challenged when another dude is stuffing his sausage up your casing, but in comparison to what the victims of these criminals undoubtedly had to go through in their time of death...getting a lovenoodle up the pooper pales in comparison. You do the crime, you deserve ass raping. Innocent people do not. Prison IS far too cushy for criminals, even with the buttrape.

So ... thumbs up or thumbs down Spexy? :dunno:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Start using it...I'm tired of seeing criminals sit on death row for 10 or 12 years, over a minor technicality. In today's modern world, there is no reason an innocent man should make it to the death chamber, and anyone on death row, should automatically have any DNA, or other modern scientific test performed to assure their guilt before they're hooked up tp the chair. And they should bring back the chair, or firing squads. This lethal injection bullshit, isn't sever enough.


Closed Account
Start using it...I'm tired of seeing criminals sit on death row for 10 or 12 years, over a minor technicality. In today's modern world, there is no reason an innocent man should make it to the death chamber, and anyone on death row, should automatically have any DNA, or other modern scientific test performed to assure their guilt before they're hooked up tp the chair. And they should bring back the chair, or firing squads. This lethal injection bullshit, isn't sever enough.

That is one of the issues. Instead of spending the money and time on forensic testing like you mentioned, spend it looking for legal loopholes and keeping them in prison. I have no problem with the death penalty just be sure it's the correct person. There was a man in Florida in the mid eighties who even the prosecutor wasn't sure it was the right guy because another person was later convicted of a similar crime and fit the same decription. But because he used up his appeals and the Governor at the time would not give him a stay, he was executed.