Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

Seek professional help - IMMEDIATELY!

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a narcissistic asshole of truly EPIC proportions, but Hilary can't possibly win against anyone.

All the baggage from her first run would carry over, and the fact that major members within the Democratic Party conspired to derail the Barry Sanders campaign against Hilary would raise too much of a shit-storm as to whether she was involved.

At this point, the Democrats have NO viable candidate.

Fox News and their obvious declaration of war on Biden seemed like nothing more than propaganda bullshit (at first), but as time has passed, their claims of Biden being mentally unfit seem more and more like fact.

And, Kamala Harris is a ridiculous joke. Her mental meltdowns against her own staff shows she is unfit as Vice President, so God help us if she becomes President.

I am not a Democrat, nor Republican, so unlike most, I can truly be objective. What the Democrats need is an outsider. Some would be quick to say Oprah Winfrey, but that's laughable. The only person I can think of (at this point) that would have a chance is Jon Stewart.

That may seem silly, at first, but think about it. Every time he went up against Bill O'Reilly, he made a brilliant Bill O'Reilly look utterly stupid, so think about what he could do to the Great Donald Trump.

Wow, that is a lot of words and fontage to recommend medical help. I'll admit I'm a bit of an Americanophile, but I think this is a thread created by someone in Germany on an NL, I think yours is a great reply from a tongue in cheek prediction. I couldn't tell if you were saying that it is too early to predict or if you were taking a guess yourself.

...and No, I wouldn't want to bet on this. Was just throwing out an early prediction and didn't really expect any response to the post.

The thread is great fun.
Seek professional help - IMMEDIATELY!

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a narcissistic asshole of truly EPIC proportions, but Hilary can't possibly win against anyone.

All the baggage from her first run would carry over, and the fact that major members within the Democratic Party conspired to derail the Barry Sanders campaign against Hilary would raise too much of a shit-storm as to whether she was involved.

At this point, the Democrats have NO viable candidate.

Fox News and their obvious declaration of war on Biden seemed like nothing more than propaganda bullshit (at first), but as time has passed, their claims of Biden being mentally unfit seem more and more like fact.

And, Kamala Harris is a ridiculous joke. Her mental meltdowns against her own staff shows she is unfit as Vice President, so God help us if she becomes President.

I am not a Democrat, nor Republican, so unlike most, I can truly be objective. What the Democrats need is an outsider. Some would be quick to say Oprah Winfrey, but that's laughable. The only person I can think of (at this point) that would have a chance is Jon Stewart.

That may seem silly, at first, but think about it. Every time he went up against Bill O'Reilly, he made a brilliant Bill O'Reilly look utterly stupid, so think about what he could do to the Great Donald Trump.
The passion behind this post made me smile. Loved it.




On the dark side of the moon
Why not just run the corpse again? I thought he was doing a good job.
He is doing a wonderful job at not being Donald Trump. Love him for that. He hasn’t fucked anything up yet though.
He is doing a wonderful job at not being Donald Trump. Love him for that. He hasn’t fucked anything up yet though.

Well there you go. Compared to all the other possible Democratic candidates I've heard about that sounds like an enthusiastic endorsement. Roll those dice when you roll out the coffin and don't forget the defibrillator.

Somebody mentioned Jon Stewart. I also agree that would be a better idea especially when you consider Biden's possible feeble condition by 2024. Until then Jen Psaki could use some help carrying all that water.


On the dark side of the moon
Well there you go. Compared to all the other possible Democratic candidates I've heard about that sounds like an enthusiastic endorsement. Roll those dice when you roll out the coffin and don't forget the defibrillator.

Somebody mentioned Jon Stewart. I also agree that would be a better idea especially when you consider Biden's possible feeble condition by 2024. Until then Jen Psaki could use some help carrying all that water.

You assume Biden goes for a second term. I believe he's a transitional president who steps aside in 2024 for Kamala. He'd be 82 heading to 86 by the end of his term.
As we've discussed before:
Can we all agree on no Presidential candidates over 70?
I guess we're back to the drawing board. Who's left? I mean remaining. Want our Governor? He has good teeth and enough hair gel for a second term.

Wow, that is a lot of words and fontage to recommend medical help. I'll admit I'm a bit of an Americanophile, but I think this is a thread created by someone in Germany on an NL, I think yours is a great reply from a tongue in cheek prediction. I couldn't tell if you were saying that it is too early to predict or if you were taking a guess yourself.

...and No, I wouldn't want to bet on this. Was just throwing out an early prediction and didn't really expect any response to the post.

The thread is great fun.
I don't think gmase is in Germany. Anyhow...

After my post, I looked back a little and saw some posts labeling Trump as the worst President in history, which is completely wrong. That dubious honor belongs to George Walker Bush, but right now, it looks like Biden is going to take the #1 spot away from GW.

If you look at what Trump did as President and ignore all his verbal diarrhea and personality disorders, he didn't do a bad job.

Until 2016, the Presidential elections boiled down to one question - who is the best person for the job.
However, 2016 changed that, forcing us to ask a different question - who is the lesser of two evils.

Trump lost in 2020 because all the good he did was overshadowed by his mouth and antics. If he runs is 2024, we'll see if he learned any lessons from that loss, but I strongly doubt that he did.


If you look at what Trump did as President and ignore all his verbal diarrhea and personality disorders, he didn't do a bad job.
Trump didn't do anything good, the only interest he had in any policy-making was if he was going to personally benefit.
After other people created 100% of the policies, Trump came back from his full-time job golfing, signed a few documents while being photographed, and took full credit for everything.
The government would have been more successful if Trump was never there.
If anything good was done then it was in spite of what Trump or the Republicans were doing.
Can anyone name a few things that the Trump Republican administration did that benefitted most Americans???


On the dark side of the moon
@Connor Macleod
Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan are hurt.

Biden is a nonentity which is why he failed epically in his prior presidential runs. He was not Trump which is why he won in 2020.

Trump energized his base which is probably why he failed. When COVID struck he chose the wrong path. Instead of addressing it early and building a broad coalition to fight it, he chose confrontation.

When lost the election, he again took the wrong leadership direction. Consistently, he chooses to be a self serving public figure. He appears to be only Interested in only his own self-aggrandizement.

COVID was a no-win situation. Whoever was there was not going to be successful. Hillary may have failed as well. The election debacle was completely avoidable.

We need a leader or two who look forward to the challenges ahead - not refighting past battles.

A few 70/80 year olds are not the answer. No offense to those who are only slightly older than me.
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FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Trump didn't do anything good, the only interest he had in any policy-making was if he was going to personally benefit.
After other people created 100% of the policies, Trump came back from his full-time job golfing, signed a few documents while being photographed, and took full credit for everything.
The government would have been more successful if Trump was never there.
If anything good was done then it was in spite of what Trump or the Republicans were doing.
Can anyone name a few things that the Trump Republican administration did that benefited most Americans???
^ True. A very narcissistic individual. In his own eyes, Donald Trump can do no wrong. He uses his lawyers to get him out of everything bad. Like the criminal investigation that the Manhattan DA's office is pursuing or the civil matter that the New York State Attorney General's Office is currently conducting. His legal bills must be astronomical. I'd just like to know what the Internal Revenue Service will do to him after auditing the 2008 and 2009 Trump Organization tax returns. Where he got a $72 million dollar refund from the Inspector General's Office. They have to approve the refund. The Internal Revenue Service can't give out refunds that high. He's going to be held liable for signing (and knowing about) filing those fraudulent tax returns.
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Trump didn't do anything good, the only interest he had in any policy-making was if he was going to personally benefit.
After other people created 100% of the policies, Trump came back from his full-time job golfing, signed a few documents while being photographed, and took full credit for everything.
The government would have been more successful if Trump was never there.
If anything good was done then it was in spite of what Trump or the Republicans were doing.
Can anyone name a few things that the Trump Republican administration did that benefitted most Americans???
However, you feel about Trump, the only other choice was Clinton.

Benghazi damaged her beyond measure, but I concede that wasn't fair.

My sticking points about her were:
  1. The email scandal. She definitely violated national security, and that dipshit FBI director over-stepped his authority by publicly stating that she shouldn't be indicted. That wasn't his call, it was up to the Justice Department.
  2. Bill meeting the Attorney General on the tarmac.
  3. The conspiracy to derail the Sanders campaign (was she involved?).
And there certainly were other issues. Trump called her a crook, but I saw her more like a delusional mafia boss.

Personally, I think if that conspiracy had never taken place and Sanders had actually won the Democratic nomination, he would have beaten Trump in the election for the simple reason that he was not Clinton.


On the dark side of the moon
If you look at what Trump did as President and ignore all his verbal diarrhea and personality disorders, he didn't do a bad job.
Given what his rhetoric caused, you can’t bifurcate his verbal diarrhea from the actions taken by his followers. He may or may not have incited the violence of Jan 6, but the violence did occur. He is responsible. We can neither ignore nor forget that fact.

In the end, the events of January 6 completely undid any benefit of the doubt given to him. As Laura Ingraham texted “ … this is hurting all of us … he is destroying his legacy.”


On the dark side of the moon
I guess we're back to the drawing board. Who's left? I mean remaining. Want our Governor? He has good teeth and enough hair gel for a second term.

He is under 70 and will be for the next 16 years. Jennifer would be a First Lady upgrade.

Ich bin kein Deutsch.
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I don't think gmase is in Germany. Anyhow...
My mistake. Not sure why I thought Superduperfly created this. Not even sure where he was from. I just had that stuck in my mind.
My point being that there is some international swirl to all of this. Not the least may be my misunderstanding of some nuances.

You'll never get people with different opinions to agree on Trump. At least from my experience.


He may or may not have incited the violence of Jan 6, but the violence did occur. He is responsible. We can neither ignore nor forget that fact.
In his speech prior to the riots, Trump clearly says to the crowd to go to the Capitol and fight, and so did the other aholes who spoke at the pre-planned riot rally.
Trump also said he'd go there with them, but he clearly had no intention of going, because he knew that the riot he planned and incited was going to happen, with the help of the Proud Nazi Boys, and other Anti-American far-right terrorist groups.


On the dark side of the moon
In his speech prior to the riots, Trump clearly says to the crowd to go to the Capitol and fight, and so did the other aholes who spoke at the pre-planned riot rally.
Trump also said he'd go there with them, but he clearly had no intention of going, because he knew that the riot he planned and incited was going to happen, with the help of the Proud Nazi Boys, and other Anti-American far-right terrorist groups.
You are correct. Given the fact the crowd showed up ready to fight, he didn’t really need to provide much encouragement. He enabled the environment.