Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy

Evil asshole Trump doesn't give a shit about any of his supporters, other than their votes and conning them out of their money.
I think secretly there are a lot of Trump supporters that know this.

They also know that Trump hates the same people they do, and that's all that matters to them. That and being told what they want to hear and not the truth. The lies coddle their little feelings. As long as Trump and Republicans in general hurt the people they don't like slightly more than them that's all that matters to those people. They loved it when they were in control and could be part of the group that was subjugating people. The mere idea that demographic changes might make them lose power makes them lose their shit even when they never cared about other groups other than themselves when they should have. They will demagogue others and invent scenarios where all those "others" are out to get them because their world view requires them to live in fear all while trying to act tough and macho.

Then you got the people that support Trump because they think they will get somewhat favorable tax breaks or other monetary benefits (and even this is not true unless they're rich), or that will sell everybody out because of an extremely small chance they can beat the odds and become part of the rich themselves, and that's all that matters to them, and they will forgive any other despicable things Republicans do. They look for ever more reasons to find a false moral justification to their abject selfishness. Those people are pretty much as bad as the former.

Then you got what I like to call the voters that support those type of politicians because they are single issue voters or at least a handful of issue voters past the point of all common sense, dignity, and sanity. They are the people that will literally mortgage out their children's future and everybody else's to ecological disaster and normal people becoming virtual serfs to their corporate overlords because they can't get passed the Slippery Slope Logical Fallacy on gun control, or they don't like abortions all while turning a blind eye to their support of people that cause even more death and misery in the world and being a greater evil to the political ideas they don't like. They like the idea of defending life until somebody is actually born and then they don't give a shit anymore. They will sellout to anything that will let them keep a gun with a large magazine no matter how futile it will be to an actual modern army. Those people are just as bad as the other two groups.

I'd like to say something about rational, scientifically minded, compassionate, ethical, non-hypocritical supporters of the Republican party, but they don't exist.
It's the same BS propaganda repeated over and over.
You have to stop watching that pro-Trump crap, you're literally brainwashing yourself.
Stop drinking evil asshole Trumps' kool-aid !!!
Trump is literally an evil asshole and a criminal with decades-long ties to the mafia and organized crime.
Evil asshole Trump wants to be the dictator of America, the same way evil asshole Putin is the dictator of Russia.
Look at all the lives evil asshole Trump destroyed because of Jan. 6, 2021 !!!
And all the people who died and continue to die of covid because evil asshole Trump told them that covid was a hoax.
Evil asshole Trump doesn't give a shit about any of his supporters, other than their votes and conning them out of their money.

I appreciate the help, Lux. Please take this poor wandering soul by the hand and show me the balanced, sane, and responsible sources of information you recommend. I don't want people thinking I'm deranged or puppeteered in any direction.


It's called common sense. Just look at what evil asshole Trump has said and done.
That should be enough to make most people realize the truth that Trump is an evil asshole.
If Republicans don't admit the obvious truth that Trump is an evil asshole and try to expunge him/it from the republican party, America will become more and more divided.
It's called common sense. Just look at what evil asshole Trump has said and done.
That should be enough to make most people realize the truth that Trump is an evil asshole.
If Republicans don't admit the obvious truth that Trump is an evil asshole and try to expunge him/it from the republican party, America will become more and more divided.

Give me an alternative. Who do you feel positive about and recommend that I vote for? Be positive, Lux.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Give me an alternative. Who do you feel positive about and recommend that I vote for? Be positive, Lux.
John Hickenlooper.

I don't want people thinking I'm deranged or puppeteered in any direction.
Don't sweat what people think. Deranged and puppeteered are acceptable nowadays. Those qualities have shed their stigmas.
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John Hickenlooper.

Don't sweat what people think. Deranged and puppeteered are acceptable nowadays. Those qualities have shed their stigmas.

I actually heard that during the pandemic more people were letting their freak flag fly. People go to work without even putting their pants on now thanks to Zoom. Soon pants will become obsolete.

Sell me on Colorado's John Hickenlooper. I'm no more of a Trumpster than the rest here are Bidenmaniacs. We all have different financial portfolios and other priorities so there may not be a one size fits all. What type of public servant would John Hickenlooper make for me?

Does anyone here have positive feelings toward either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Sell me on Colorado's John Hickenlooper. I'm no more of a Trumpster than the rest here are Bidenmaniacs. We all have different financial portfolios and other priorities so there may not be a one size fits all. What type of public servant would John Hickenlooper make for me?

Does anyone here have positive feelings toward either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?
I have positive feelings for Joe. He's trying to get stuff done, but some in his own party are blocking his agenda. In a 50-50 senate, we knew it would be tough to get anything radical done. My portfolio did quite well last year - as it has for some time. Normal business cycles have more to do with it than the president.

Two-and-half-years from an election, no need to sell since it is still way too early. He explored running for the 2020 nomination, but dropped out before any primaries. He co-founded one of the largest brewpubs in Colorado. Purveying beer is a large plus for me!
"I ran twice and I won twice."
I bring this up to Trump supporters and ask if they support him running again. (The answer is always "Yes!") They honestly think he gets a mulligan. I even had a reply he should get two full terms because "how the Democrats treated him the first time."


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Remarks on National Healing

An unissued EO was drafted in mid-December which would have “empower[ed] the defense secretary to “seize, collect, retain and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention.”

Imagine if this EO was issued. Would the military have complied? Would Trump have enlisted militias to enforce it? As bad as Jan 6th was, it could have been way worse.

Should we credit Trump with some sense in this matter?






Never Again
Never Again
Lux, not to be my disagreeable self but in all honesty I firmly believe that there are many thousands if not millions that have groups in mind for if not that exact treatment, similar. Different race, religion, ethnicity, whatever. For the good of the country, mankind, money, whatever. They are out there. I've known a few of them in my life. And got away from them as fast as I could.


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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Another gem lost to history. :(

I worked at a place that had a DJ named Les Moore. His most popular request was for, "Less Les but more music please". Les never got any sex but kept a scorecard about everyone else who did. He even knew how much some of the gals charged. Was usually just a 2 drink minimum but not often more than twelve.



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