We are in the age of A.I. In very short order, we will elect a non-person...using an old Orwellian term. The candidate will be a visual composite of its supporters' fears, beliefs and prejudices. But it will not be flesh and blood. What it WILL be, is just like its enthusiasts. Don Trump isn't a person to the MAGAn crowd. Not really. Those who support him don't support Trump the person. They don't like him because of who he is. They like and support him because of WHAT he represents. He isn't Donald Trump. Instead, he is NOT the other side. Like any figurehead, he doesn't require acuity, intellect or even reliability. He may as well be a cardboard cutout, or a mirage with a voice. Trumpsters vote with emotion, and a knee-jerk tendency of viewing the world. They vote strictly on personal beliefs, rather than on tangible facts. They like and support Trump because, to them, he is a buttress---a protection of their value system. Where their candidate is concerned, morality and sensibility do not bear relevance. He is the big gun on one side of a very divided nation. Politically, his Washington supporters fear the backlash from voters and peers if they do not side with him, more than they fear the damage he might do. Naturally, there are exceptions. Some Trumpsters actually like the guy. They have no choice. Their allegiances line up with their affections like strands of DNA. I don't hate the Don. But I am afraid for a country that is so polarized, it will elect a figment of their fears and angers despite that figment's composition. Folks, this is how despots have gained power all throughout history. It's one thing to secretly harbor deep resentments over the power and prestige afforded certain minority and political groups. It's one thing to fear for the evenness of your ideal life. But it's entirely another thing to allow those prejudices to steer this nation into an iceberg. Think before you cast your vote, if you decide to vote at all.
It is so easy to slander anyone who is not a Biden and Obama devotee especially when everyone who is sane knows about their catstrophic immigration policies , foreign policies a catastrophe and a failure and their economic programs a fuck up. Maybe people who don't like Biden have very good reason not to like him. Trump is not a cardboard cutout as you like to caricature him unlike Creepy Joe who is an abolute senile dolt. How do you know how Trumpsters vote and according to which facts please post some concrete proofs not just assumptions. Because democrat candidates whether it is mid terms or presidential elections are concerned, moral and sensible ? Very unlikely just look at Eric Adams, we can also quote Corey Booker (a well known Kamala Devotee), Dick Durbin, Adam Schiff (shifty shiff an incompetent and biased fool), Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Mazie Hirono, Richard Da Nang Bumenthal (a pathologocal liar about his past regarding his so called service in the Vietnam war), John Fetterman (another fool), Any Klobuchar, Chuck Schumer (a total Schmuck) and Sheldon Whitehouse , they are all despicable people all worth one another stinking cowardice , unpatriotism, bias, double standards and worse. They are the ones that made the country divided, they are the ones who declared openly war on Trump so don't invert roles and they should be ashamed by their actions but they are not. People look what they have in their pockets, their safety and their economy and they will vote in regards to these criterias accordingly . And yes there is a difference in the economy under Trump and Creepy Joe, an article points it out, here are the key take aways:
Point 1) I quote " Real per capita disposable income — that is, total income from all sources minus taxes — grew by 24% under Trump. Considering just the pre-pandemic months, though, it was more modest: 8.9%. Conversely, it has fallen by 4.4% under Biden. Since June 2022, though, it has grown at 8.8%, nearly the same as the nonpandemic Trump record. "I chose the candidate who brought more cash in my pocket, the winner here is Trump
Point 2) I quote " The Trump era was certainly good for stocks, even though it included a major crash during the pandemic. Markets cratered when the virus hit in the spring of 2020, but they’d recovered by late summer. Overall, the S&P 500 was up 65% during Trump’s time in office. It was up 48% under Biden through early October. Strong market performances under both presidents have boosted workers’ retirement savings. The average 401(k) balance grew 31% from
the end of 2016 to the end of 2020, according to Fidelity, finishing at $121,500 as Trump wrapped up his term. It’s further grown to $127,100 through the second quarter of this year, a little less than 5% (over two fewer quarters). " When you are working in an international and global company its performance ast the stockmarket matters because it is the source of your company 's income
Point 3) I quote "Prices were much more stable under Trump than Biden. This is probably the factor that has hurt Democrats more than anything.
“In the end, I subscribe to the idea of Occam’s razor in explaining why voters are downbeat, why perceptions of the economy are more pessimistic now than in the Trump administration or prior years — [it] is inflation and interest rates,” Sweet said. The consumer price index rose 7.7% for the 48 months Trump was in office, from January 2017 to January 2021. It rose 19.9% in the first 44 months of Biden’s tenure." Prices matter when your expenses bills are much higher than they were before , it is a bad sign and you have less cash in your pocket, winner here is Trump again
Point 4) I quote " The cost of food at home rose 6.5% under Trump, according to the CPI. It is up 21.6% under Biden. To use another data source: The weekly grocery bill for a non-thrifty family of four, two parents with two young children, measured by the U.S. Department of Agriculture rose 5.8% under Trump, from $250.40 to $264.90. It has risen 18.8% under Biden so far, to $314.70. " Here again spending more for food means less cash for you in your pocket, here again Trump wins
Point 5) I quote " Gas prices have been significantly higher under Biden. The price of a gallon of regular gas averaged $2.41 during Trump’s time in office, according to Energy Information Administration data. Under Biden, it has averaged $3.37. " More spending on gasoline means less cash in the pocket for you, here again Trump wins.
If the Biden ppresidency was so irreprochable and without any single gaffe, I would have said a single word but it is not. More spending from the law abiding citizens over 4 years with some significant rises in the costs of life are a sign that is not a that good presidency on the other hand people had less expenses and more cash under Trump this is what will matter but also several other things.