Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Arizona voting in the headlines: County officials ignore calls from Trump:
" … I didn’t want to have a very rough call to my home on a Sunday night."
More important for the future:
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the decision a “resounding victory for election integrity and the rule of law.”
Justice Alito: “The mere fact there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote. The size of any disparity matters. What are at bottom very small differences should not be artificially magnified.” County officials ignore calls from Trump:
" … I didn’t want to have a very rough call to my home on a Sunday night."
More important for the future:
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the decision a “resounding victory for election integrity and the rule of law.”
This seems like it should be a reasonable statement. Most of us are for integrity and rule of law. See above for why it is not so reasonable.
Justice Alito: “The mere fact there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote. The size of any disparity matters. What are at bottom very small differences should not be artificially magnified.”
Another reasonable point of view which seems like it could be - and will be - used in unreasonable manners.