Convicted criminal President Donald Trump's Legacy


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Arizona voting in the headlines: County officials ignore calls from Trump:
" … I didn’t want to have a very rough call to my home on a Sunday night."

More important for the future:
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the decision a “resounding victory for election integrity and the rule of law.”
This seems like it should be a reasonable statement. Most of us are for integrity and rule of law. See above for why it is not so reasonable.

Justice Alito: “The mere fact there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote. The size of any disparity matters. What are at bottom very small differences should not be artificially magnified.
Another reasonable point of view which seems like it could be - and will be - used in unreasonable manners.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
More hate. Thanks to our esteemed Failure of a President, Donald Trump. He should have called them out when they first showed up and had them all arrested. Instead he allowed them to stay on at one of his political rallies and has pretty much supported them throughout. And yes, they were at the January 6 Capitol Insurrection.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Trump: “I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me,”

He could not beat Biden/Harris, but he could beat Washington/Lincoln?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Trump: “I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me,”

He could not beat Biden/Harris, but he could beat Washington/Lincoln?
Talk about related. :) -- Trump/Pence would even lose to Nixon/Agnew. :LOL:


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
“The letter said that the tip line for Kavanaugh’s investigation received over 4,500 tips.”

The FBI did the job they were assigned in a manner in which it was assigned. This was not their finest or worst hour. But, can we reasonably believe there were 4,500 relevant tips?

Ford’s attorneys expressed concerns that those tips may have been dismissed or underinvestigated. Why shouldn’t most of them be dismissed? I would find it hard to believe Kavanaugh assaulted that many women.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Trump's Carnival "If I were a coach, I’ll tell you, I wouldn’t be talking to too many women as we know women. I’d be getting some of these people that, ‘they’re women,’” the former president told a giggling crowd on Saturday in Phoenix, Arizona. “Somebody said that if LeBron James ever decided to get the operation, how would he be on the court?”

I miss this guy. We need him in 2024. 😉
That said, Nixon/Agnew won 49 states over George McGovern/Shriver. And you see how that turned out. I know, I was there.
Near the end Nixon started to lose it and become paranoid, or at least the paranoia he had was exposed, but as bad as Nixon was and as much as some of his policy sucked, there was a long stretch of his political life where Nixon seemed sane and competent. Or at least he seemed competent in what he tried to accomplish if not in doing the right thing. For what it's worth he was also able to mostly go toe to toe with Kennedy in speaking ability. Compare that to Trump who struggles to form coherent sentences.

Trump will end up with none of that. He's uncharismatic and only gets by with demagoguery with a base that's all to willing be told what they want to hear by somebody that hates the same people they hate all while their lives are in the shitty position they are in because of people like Trump and those they vote for. As long as he hurts their perceived enemies slightly more than he hurts them they are okay with that.

Trump is stupid, and I mean PROFOUNDLY stupid. I struggle to think of any major politician in our country's history let alone another person that was president that was nearly as dumb as Trump is. Most pre-teens I've known had better rational thinking and better analytical ability to figure stuff out than Trump has. You could have literally switched places with them and Trump during his presidency and they would have had a better chance of coming up with better decisions than Trump did.

Finally, other than conning other people as dumb as he or other vulnerable people Trump hasn't been competent of a damn thing in his entire life. His dady was rich and gave him a lot of money and that's about it. Even then he underperformed with what he had, like having monkeys randomly throw darts at stocks more than likely being able to outperform Trump with their money kind of bad, and even that is with Trump way more than likely using illegal means to even hold on to what he had. Everything else he either failed miserably in or had other people do it for him.

The difference is that in the 70s the Republicans were still somewhat country over party and not so much fekless putzes that they still had the ability to hold somebody in their own party accountable. Now they are willing to chug the kool-aid hardcore if they think it will keep them in power for a few more seconds.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Always good to see a reminder in case anything gets censored.
I think the guy who runs Twitter who looks like a D-List Heroin dealer should have unlimited authority to create an official scroll like The Ten Commandments carving a list of items you are not allowed to debate or have an unauthorized opinion about without being cast out of society for an indeterminate period of millennia.

Is it too late to reanimate Charles Manson?



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I think the guy who runs Twitter who looks like a D-List Heroin dealer should have unlimited authority to create an official scroll like The Ten Commandments carving a list of items you are not allowed to debate or have an unauthorized opinion about without being cast out of society for an indeterminate period of millennia.

Is it too late to reanimate Charles Manson?

He looks like Peter Dinklage there.

For what goes on Twitter, he should have a right to limit or restrict what is said on the forum. If we decide Twitter and Facebook are public utilities then the answer changes.

Will those companies end up like Standard Oil and Ma Bell?