Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in head

He's a nut. Here, from USA Today:

His classmates called him a radical liberal, The Communist Manifesto is one of his favorite books and he's on YouTube lighting the American flag on fire. He also doesn't believe in our money system because it isn't backed by gold and he doesn't "Trust in God"? What is there to connect him to Palin, The Right or anybody?? The woman he tried to kill was a Blue Dog Democrat that Liberal Democrats tried to oust. She's hard on illegal immigration and supported the 2nd Amendment.

Nothing he said makes any sense. His YouTube vids are straight rhyme or reason. He repeats himself over and over as if he spotted some clever system that nobody else can see.

It's just crazy. You do a google search and you see the Rush and Hannity wannabes trying to make this guy look like he's Sean Penn with a Glock and the liberals are trying to make him look like another example of the imaginary Tea Party terrorist cell. People need to fit this into some neat, convenient rational system because they can't face the fact that shit in this world is nuts and chaos is a part of it. It'd be so easy if we could just blame it on a political group, a movie, religion or video game. Well, we can't.

Well despite the horror and tragedy that took 6 lives including that of a 9 year old girl, there are those out there already foaming at the mouth making conspiracy theories about the events.:tinhat:
I guarantee that the chode Alex Jones will have this story on his broadcast, Rush, Hannity, Olbermann etc will go nutzoid and blame the other side.

I think this 22 year old nut was a couple of fistfuls short of thorazine.
Well despite the horror and tragedy that took 6 lives including that of a 9 year old girl, there are those out there already foaming at the mouth making conspiracy theories about the events.:tinhat:
I guarantee that the chode Alex Jones will have this story on his broadcast, Rush, Hannity, Olbermann etc will go nutzoid and blame the other side.

I think this 22 year old nut was a couple of fistfuls short of thorazine.

I don't mind the conspiracy theories so long as they are genuine. I don't like 'em, but I don't mind 'em. It's probably healthier that some wonky-headed folks have a way to vent 'em out into the interwebs rather than let it manifest like this asshole. Or maybe not.

Yeah, Hannity will blame Jeremiah Wright and the SEIU and Maddow will blame the NRA and Glenn Beck and Glenn Beck will blame George Soros and Woodrow Wilson...and then he'll pretend to cry right before a commercial break. And then he'll go and swim in a kiddie pool full of money.

You and I disagree on religion, afterlife and all that, but here's one thing I think we can agree on. Nothing at all good came from this horror, but at least those who lost their lives won't have to witness the ugly fucking charade that will dominate the next week-long news cycle. The dead will be oblivious to their exploitation.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Both leftists and extreme right wingers are to blame for the vitriolic hate. However, hate/violence to some degree has always existed in US politics since the 1800s.

This is what I always wondered about American politics: why do the Republican and Democratic parties hate each other? Why can't they work together? Instead of spending all the time they do on pointing out the other party's flaws, why not tell Americans what the party wants to do and how they will work with the other party to achieve it? Maybe I'm just an idealist, but America, and democracies in general, would achieve so much more if these damn parties put aside their differences and actually attempt to work together instead of using every damn moment to try and destroy one another.
This is what I always wondered about American politics: why do the Republican and Democratic parties hate each other? Why can't they work together? Instead of spending all the time they do on pointing out the other party's flaws, why not tell Americans what the party wants to do and how they will work with the other party to achieve it? Maybe I'm just an idealist, but America, and democracies in general, would achieve so much more if these damn parties put aside their differences and actually attempt to work together instead of using every damn moment to try and destroy one another.

Wanna hear a secret? They do! They do work together. It seems the the Ds and Rs are butting heads all the time...look at health care, tax cuts/increases, guns and global warming, immigration...they're at war! Right?

Not really. Wars get funded, bloated military budgets get passes, Patriot Acts get passed, bailouts and debt ceiling raises get passed. Billions get spent on corporate welfare and ridiculous corporate pork. Millions still cross the border illegally to work for illegal wage rates...few get stopped, fewer get deported.

To say that there are two parties is really a lie. There's one giant party and certain chunks of that party have certain special interests, but it's all the same.

Look at Romney; the guy who rates the highest in the GOP 2012 polls. He was the governor of Massachusetts and raised taxes and helped usher in what we now call "Obamacare". He was tough on guns, was pro-choice and part of his campaign platform was to increase the troop level in Afghanistan.

Romney is Obama.

Same shit. Different color. And that's the party system in a nutshell.
This is what I always wondered about American politics: why do the Republican and Democratic parties hate each other? Why can't they work together? Instead of spending all the time they do on pointing out the other party's flaws, why not tell Americans what the party wants to do and how they will work with the other party to achieve it? Maybe I'm just an idealist, but America, and democracies in general, would achieve so much more if these damn parties put aside their differences and actually attempt to work together instead of using every damn moment to try and destroy one another.

The Founders wanted to make it difficult to change policy. It's not perfect, but the Constitution is one of the most genius documents ever created, and all of the Founders were pretty much on board with it, after they got the Bill of Rights.

I do agree that Washington realized that divisive parties were bad for our democracy, and I think I have to agree with that.
This is what I always wondered about American politics: why do the Republican and Democratic parties hate each other? Why can't they work together? Instead of spending all the time they do on pointing out the other party's flaws, why not tell Americans what the party wants to do and how they will work with the other party to achieve it? Maybe I'm just an idealist, but America, and democracies in general, would achieve so much more if these damn parties put aside their differences and actually attempt to work together instead of using every damn moment to try and destroy one another.

In fairness to American politics (as bad as it can be sometimes) at least we don't have politicians physically rioting in the wells of their forums like some of the other places around the world.

But in the US it is just a complicated circumstance rising mostly out of post civil war reconstruction.

Not speaking to this specific tragedy and certainly the issues have for the most part changed since reconstruction. But the conservative and progressive sides of contemporary issues are still staked out along some of the same reconstruction premises.
That's such a cheap, scumbag move, man. I despise Palin as much as anybody and her inflammatory horse shit was disgusting; talk of reloading and whatnot. But to connect her to a dead 9 year old? Pretty fucking despicable.

Yeah, sounds like he was under the Palin spell. You know crazy, Commie Palin supporters who want to take land away from property owners and create a new currency...

Sorry to burst your bubble and I'm sorry that you can't exploit dead people to degrade the reputation of people you disagree with, but this guy wasn't a "Teabagger" or a Palin-fanatic; he was just plum-fucking crazy.

And, just for fun: Fucking Liberal's, man, planting the seed of MURDER!

See how ridiculous that is? There ya go.

When you light a match near dynamite, it’s more than just the dynamites fault it blew up.

If you are going to use violent rhetoric and gun imagery to solve political differences, don’t be shocked when gun violence happens.
This is a shame. Security should pat down everyone for events like this. Even if they didn't they shouldn't not have allowed the shooter to fire at as much people as he did. A 9 year old got killed and she wasn't even a target.
This is a shame. Security should pat down everyone for events like this. Even if they didn't they shouldn't not have allowed the shooter to fire at as much people as he did. A 9 year old got killed and she wasn't even a target.

Oh how terrible! We should pat down everyone! As they walk down the street they might be carrying a weapon, we need a real police state! Damn!

Oh wahhhhhhhh!
Listing a bunch of books on Myspace or Facebook doesn't mean anything and it doesn't mean they were ever read. Orwell wrote his books in response to Fascism and Fascist states (i.e. Hitler's Germany).

In what ways is America becoming similar to Hitler's Germany (roughly speaking: warmongering, racial hatred, using the bible to make decisions).....
Oh how terrible! We should pat down everyone! As they walk down the street they might be carrying a weapon, we need a real police state! Damn!

Oh wahhhhhhhh!

Or we could just ban guns and melt them down. There'd probably be less mass murdering going on in broad daylight at grocery stores and malls in this country.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Or we could just ban guns and melt them down. There'd probably be less mass murdering going on in broad daylight at grocery stores and malls in this country.
What will we have to defend ourselves against the impending alien threat though?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Or we could just ban guns and melt them down. There'd probably be less mass murdering going on in broad daylight at grocery stores and malls in this country.

I don't think you really need to ban weapons. Just make ammo harder to come by. Like Chris Rock puts it:

Sorry for bringing humour in this, but seriously, he has a point.

If that killer would have to scratch his last dimes together for the single bullet with which he wants to kill that congress woman, he would not waste more on extra targets.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
^You have a point there. Although if you like to visit the gun range then it might be a bit inconvenient.
This is what I always wondered about American politics: why do the Republican and Democratic parties hate each other? Why can't they work together? Instead of spending all the time they do on pointing out the other party's flaws, why not tell Americans what the party wants to do and how they will work with the other party to achieve it? Maybe I'm just an idealist, but America, and democracies in general, would achieve so much more if these damn parties put aside their differences and actually attempt to work together instead of using every damn moment to try and destroy one another.
They work together, botching everything.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Oh how terrible! We should pat down everyone! As they walk down the street they might be carrying a weapon, we need a real police state! Damn!

Oh wahhhhhhhh!

:tinhat:I knew it was only a matter of time before Conspiracy Man crawled out from under his foil hat to defend a fellow Tin Hatter. If you take the time to watch the gunman's video, then read a few choice cuts of WTC's posts, you'll be amazed, but not amused, at some of the common themes; and even the common language.:tinhat:

Hey police are looking for a second man as a person of interest as a possible accessory .. anyone know where WTC7 was yesterday? I'm calling Arizona now ...:D:D
Or we could just ban guns and melt them down. There'd probably be less mass murdering going on in broad daylight at grocery stores and malls in this country.

Hmmm, Washington, D.C. has maybe the strictest gun laws in the country and SEVEN people - more than the number murdered in AZ - were gunned down last week. :cool:

Let me tell you about how many "illegal" guns I have come across growing up in the inner city: a .380, a .357 short-barrel S&W, a rusty ass old Ruger .25 that jammed it was so dirty, a sawed off Mossberg shotgun that was clearly manipulated beyond legal regulations, and lastly a beautiful Remmington 12 guage.

I shit you not. I never messed with that trash, even though some white trash brought the .380 trying to trade for an Xtant amp I had. I've never had a felony in my life and I've never had any violent crimes, so I can legally own, and I do, and I've never and will never own an illegal firearm.

What's the moral? You will NEVER get rid of guns that are on the market, as the crooks would never register them. It's just not gonna happen. All those pistols I just listed are out there somewhere. Taking legal firearms out of the hands of good, hard-working and sane Americans is flat-out crazy talk. It's just flippin' nuts, and how intelligent libs can't see this (are they elitists, perhaps?), I don't understand. I've seen the illegal shit up close and it's everywhere out there. Mind you, all of these pieces came by my way a good while back when I had some bad figures in my circle, so I wouldn't even know where they are at this point anyway.

But like Heston said: "from my cold dead hands," as my little old aunt keeps a loaded shotty by her bed for protection she is so vulnerable. :hatsoff: