CIA Waterboarded Mohammed 183X in 1 Month, Zubaydah 83X in 1 month

Experts with years of experience disagree with you. The only reason there is for saying that is because you're a sadist.

Yeah pretty much


Staff member
If being pro American means blindly accepting the misdeeds of a group of war criminals (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the war council) than I'd rather be a leftist socialist brainless tool. For the first time in history an administration has said it will disregard the Geneva convention and they delibirately corrupted the law to serve their agenda and to escape prosecution but you think they're the dogs kahuna's. You can try to twist and wriggle your way out of it any way you want but that makes you a pro war crime person.

What about accepting the misdeeds of a liar under oath (Clinton) and the bunch of fucktards that were in his government (Madeleine Allbright, Nancy Pelosi, Emmanuel Rahm and some others tools) that only kissed the UN's ass and that only belived in blind diplomacy and useless talks. Because Russia or Iran respect the Geneva convention????:rolleyes: You think Clinton was an angel, right? You have all wrong,then. And if you think that Obama isn't corrupt in a certain way, then you got that wrong as well. Bill lied during a trial and used a coward exit strategy in Mogadiscio, does it make him respectable? No. The war cimes were judged in Nuremberg after the second world war. You dare to compare Bush with Nazis??? Seriously are you out of your mind? Some people were involved in terrorism and yet you expect these detainees to be treated with respect even if they have bloods on their hands or even if they finance terrorism???? Me a pro war crime person? Please leave that bullshit argument in the dustbin and please get real. If I was a martial court judge, how would I judge a guy involved in financing terrorism or by being involved in a terrorist group? Would I be a judge, would I always refer myself to the actions comitted in the past by a suspect as well as to his record. After that I would have proved that the fucker is 100% guilty, I would send him to death, plain and simple. I advocate the martial law against terrorists and people who back them up blindlessly. Interpol and other law enforcement agencies have no gentle policies towards criminals and terrorists.


Staff member
Re: torturingdemocracy

I didn't bother to correct him on it,as he mis-states so much of what he says I think about so many things eitheir on purpose or some other reason it gets to be a waste of time.
You are of course correct I do support the 2nd amendment and right to bear arms.I just won't go along with some who think its reasonable to claim there isn't some negative consequnces to the right.This idea that alot of guns makes us safer in day to day lives doesn't hold up IMO.I support the right for the reason that I still think an armed population has power an unarmed one doesn't.Might be an archaic even romantic or crazy idea but I cling to it lol.

Because you don't mis-state so much in what you say?? :lame: C'mon, get real. All you do is to make the Obama administration sound like it is the administration composed of godsavers when in fact it is an administration which is so full of shit. wow really wow:scream: :lame:
Calling 911 and hoping that cops will be there on time and when you need them is being very naive. Good luck facing and fighting a thief with a 9 inch blade without a gun during a home invasion or a robbery.
What about accepting the misdeeds of a liar under oath (Clinton) and the bunch of fucktards that were in his government (Madeleine Allbright, Nancy Pelosi, Emmanuel Rahm and some others tools) that only kissed the UN's ass and that only belived in blind diplomacy and useless talks. Because Russia or Iran respect the Geneva convention????:rolleyes: You think Clinton was an angel, right? You have all wrong,then. And if you think that Obama isn't corrupt in a certain way, then you got that wrong as well. Bill lied during a trial and used a coward exit strategy in Mogadiscio, does it make him respectable? No. The war cimes were judged in Nuremberg after the second world war. You dare to compare Bush with Nazis??? Seriously are you out of your mind? Some people were involved in terrorism and yet you expect these detainees to be treated with respect even if they have bloods on their hands or even if they finance terrorism???? Me a pro war crime person? Please leave that bullshit argument in the dustbin and please get real. If I was a martial court judge, how would I judge a guy involved in financing terrorism or by being involved in a terrorist group? Would I be a judge, would I always refer myself to the actions comitted in the past by a suspect as well as to his record. After that I would have proved that the fucker is 100% guilty, I would send him to death, plain and simple. I advocate the martial law against terrorists and people who back them up blindlessly. Interpol and other law enforcement agencies have no gentle policies towards criminals and terrorists.

Lying under oath, and torture aren't really comparable crimes, except maybe in the eyes of god. And he changed the channel decades ago, man.

You have no idea how the process works, judging by some of your statements. How can you form an opinion on something you only half understand?
Originally Posted by Facial_King

I love how 95% of the time, the pro-torture people just operate on the blind assumption that if someone's locked up in one of these places (Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, etc.) then they're automatically a terrorist.

That's :bs:

Now the UberLiberals have created a new group to label and denigrate...the PRO-TORTURE PEOPLE!
Hunt them down! Ferret them out! Burn them!Send them to San Francisco! Death by, that's torture!:rofl:

So, what you are contesting is being labeled pro-torture - because now you are the victim(s) :crying: of a sort of witch hunt? You don't contest my characterization of your assumptions regarding War on Terror prisoners? Please elaborate.


Staff member
Re: torturingdemocracy

Georges, obviously I can't speak for the posters who departed before my arrival, but during the 3 1/2 years I've posted here I can't think of a single regular "leftist" poster (other than perhaps Fox, and at this late date I'm not even 100% sure about him) that's ever advocated the repeal of the 2nd amendment. It's possible I'm overlooking somebody, but I don't think so.

Fridayonmymind has stated very clearly on multiple occasions that he has no desire to see the amendment repealed.

I am not talking about you but people like Friday who have the same views than him. In the past, we had the 4 big leftist posters: Brino, Starman, Nightfly, and Mc Rocket, aside Starman all are no more members of this board. All were Clinton lovers and UN Annan ass kissers. They all hated the former governement and ciriticized the Republican administrations like whining little children (which is what Friday on my mind does). Then appeared **********, the dumbest and most idiotic poster on this board, posting so much nonsense and so much anti american bullshit that I am not going to comment about him.
Let me get it straight and make it clear, I don't see the everyday life through pink glasses or Alice in Wonderland, I deal with the (cold hearted and hurting) reality which is something no easy to do and which many people are not able to deal with or to cope with. It explains the way I react and the way I think. Also, remember that the founding fathers gave you that inalienable and holy right. Going against what the founding fathers have implemented, is a lack of respect towards them and definitely not a sign of respect towards your country. This is how I view things and I am not pretending to have the absolute truth.

best regards

Well then, Bootsy, looks like we've already slipped down to the level of our Commie enemies:

"Government studies in the 1950s found that Chinese Communist interrogators had produced false confessions from captured American pilots not with some kind of sinister “brainwashing” but with crude tactics: shackling the Americans toforce them to stand for hours, keeping them in cold cells, disrupting their sleep and limiting access to food and hygiene.

“The Communists do not look upon these assaults as ‘torture,’ ” one 1956 study concluded. “But all of them produce great discomfort, and lead to serious disturbances of many bodily processes; there is no reason to differentiate them from any other form of torture.”

Worse, the study found that under such abusive treatment, a prisoner became “malleable and suggestible, and in some instances he may confabulate.”"

Hmmm.... sound familiar? Oh yeah, now torture can be part of what makes America great, too! (but, like the Commies, we just won't CALL it torture!)

from here:

That's exactly why softer methods such as waterboarding are used. The goal is not to cause excessive pain but to achieve the psychological effect of making the detainee feel that he or she is not in control. The object is to break the detainee by causing regression. It is all in the manual.
That's exactly why softer methods such as waterboarding are used. The goal is not to cause excessive pain but to achieve the psychological effect of making the detainee feel that he or she is not in control. The object is to break the detainee by causing regression. It is all in the manual.

You didn't watch the documentary I posted link too I bet.We used all those other methods as well as the old "water torture" method.Chained people to the wall for days etc.Many died in custody.

OH and BTW Georges rememeber I support the 2nd amendment,I won't be bringing a knife to a gun fight.:ak47::thefinger


Staff member
Lying under oath, and torture aren't really comparable crimes, except maybe in the eyes of god. And he changed the channel decades ago, man.

You have no idea how the process works, judging by some of your statements. How can you form an opinion on something you only half understand?

I know very well how the process works, so quit lecturing me. And also before claiming that I form an opinion on something I only half understand, make sure that you know me well. Because you don't and making assumptions like you did won't help.
I know very well how the process works, so quit lecturing me. And also before claiming that I form an opinion on something I only half understand, make sure that you know me well. Because you don't and making assumptions like you did won't help.

Let me see your badge.
That's exactly why softer methods such as waterboarding are used. The goal is not to cause excessive pain but to achieve the psychological effect of making the detainee feel that he or she is not in control. The object is to break the detainee by causing regression. It is all in the manual.


...and thus, the detainee will tell his interrogators whatever he thinks they want to hear, whether it's true or not. Whatever it takes to make them stop.

If we already know what the truth is that they should be telling us (the truth that, once heard, will put an end to the "enhanced interrogation"), then it seems that the torture is unnecessary for its intended purpose anyway.

Otherwise, I suspect a fanatic Muslim terrorist - willing to die in various horrible ways - would have any problem spouting off a bunch of lies just to make them stop.

....and of course, all of this conveniently sidesteps the whole problem of administering cruel and unusual punishments upon people who have not been convicted of crimes.
blind obedience to my nation doesn't mean i love it, questioning and pointing out the flaws so my nation may improve does. being the ostrich with it's head in the sand is the farthest thing from being a good american i can think off. your loyalty to the u.s. government should not be like loyalty to a monarchy. the constitution is considered a living document and it lives because of our action and our thoughts, the government is not the heart of the nation, the leaders are not the heart of this nation, only the constitution is.
You truly don't understand what you're talking about georges. The terrorist attacks aren't what's important here, the real issue in this discussion is how Bush and his merry gang of war criminals reacted to the attacks on 9-11 (and just so you know, war crimes are not only about WWII. There are war crimes being committed as I type this). First of all the Bush administration lied to the American public about who was responsible for the attacks. They saw it as nothing more than an excuse to finally get rid of Saddam and dragged America into a war based on lies. But even that isn't the biggest issue. The core issue here is that the Bush gang comprimised what America stands for (and if you really want to be angry about something, that's what you should be angry about as a self confessed pro-American). They perverted everything you hold so dear to push their nutjob agenda and used the legal interpretations of basically one man (Yoo) to define their view on what torture is. They also used Yoo to pervert the law so they could circumvent the Geneva convention because they knew if they didn't they could be prosecuted as war criminals under the Geneva convention. They even granted themselves and everyone involved in the torture of innocent people immunity from prosecution. Now ask yourself georges, if the Bush gang did nothing wrong why would they grant themselves immunty from prosecution of war crimes? Another interesting thing to know is that over 500 innocent people were held captive (and tortured) for years by the Bush administration without ever being charged of a crime and than they were released, again without any explenation. Does this sound like the America you love? A country were the president can bend and pervert the law whenever he (and maybe one day she) sees fit to escape prosecution. A country where innocent people can be held captive and be tortured without any explenation or some form of legal process. Tell me georges, is this the country you love?

...and thus, the detainee will tell his interrogators whatever he thinks they want to hear, whether it's true or not. Whatever it takes to make them stop.

If we already know what the truth is that they should be telling us (the truth that, once heard, will put an end to the "enhanced interrogation"), then it seems that the torture is unnecessary for its intended purpose anyway.

Otherwise, I suspect a fanatic Muslim terrorist - willing to die in various horrible ways - would have any problem spouting off a bunch of lies just to make them stop.

....and of course, all of this conveniently sidesteps the whole problem of administering cruel and unusual punishments upon people who have not been convicted of crimes.

I think that you need to read what I wrote again and then google KUBARK.
From the wiki, on KUBARK

"The Baltimore Sun reported that, former Battalion 316 member Jose Barrera said he was taught interrogation methods by U.S. instructors in 1983, used this technique: "The first thing we would say is that we know your mother, your younger brother. And better you cooperate, because if you don't, we're going to bring them in and rape them and torture them and kill them.'"

Ameeeeerica, Ameeeeeerica, god shed his grace on theeeeeee. And crown thy good... with brooo-ther-hood. From sea to shining seeeea.


From the wiki, on KUBARK

"The Baltimore Sun reported that, former Battalion 316 member Jose Barrera said he was taught interrogation methods by U.S. instructors in 1983, used this technique: "The first thing we would say is that we know your mother, your younger brother. And better you cooperate, because if you don't, we're going to bring them in and rape them and torture them and kill them.'"

Ameeeeerica, Ameeeeeerica, god shed his grace on theeeeeee. And crown thy good... with brooo-ther-hood. From sea to shining seeeea.

So? When you are through singing maybe You Might actually make some kind of point...:sleep:
Will you all just shut the fuck up for a minute... Most of you fucking cuntbags are QQing about this torture thing due to your own fucked up "Morals" (Religious Invention tbh)

This fucking muslim prick comes out Whining about how he has been tortured etc, Then in the next breath he is back at some shitheap in fuckknowswhere Afghanistan shooting at our troops with whatever the fuck he can find.. AND dont give me that "WHAT DO YOU KNOW" Shit, I served for 12 years in that Muddy, Dirty heap of shit place (NUKE IT TO BE FUCKING HONEST).

Most of you are 19 year old fucking basement dwellers anyway.

Will you all just shut the fuck up for a minute... Most of you fucking cuntbags are QQing about this torture thing due to your own fucked up "Morals" (Religious Invention tbh)

This fucking muslim prick comes out Whining about how he has been tortured etc, Then in the next breath he is back at some shitheap in fuckknowswhere Afghanistan shooting at our troops with whatever the fuck he can find.. AND dont give me that "WHAT DO YOU KNOW" Shit, I served for 12 years in that Muddy, Dirty heap of shit place (NUKE IT TO BE FUCKING HONEST).

Most of you are 19 year old fucking basement dwellers anyway.


Right. We cannot speak our minds about the torture because what.. there's a chance that those muslims imprisoned illegally by the US may one day use guns against US troops? Then why not round up all the able bodied men from across Middle East because any one of them can use arms against US and its allies? And to lecture us about having morals is laughable. Without morals we'd be no better than the enemies we fight against.


Right. We cannot speak our minds about the torture because what.. there's a chance that those muslims imprisoned illegally by the US may one day use guns against US troops? Then why not round up all the able bodied men from across Middle East because any one of them can use arms against US and its allies? And to lecture us about having morals is laughable. Without morals we'd be no better than the enemies we fight against.

That would do credit to any 12 year old in Sunday school being encouraged to have an opinion...:rolleyes:

Running with the puppies...:rofl:


Staff member
You truly don't understand what you're talking about georges. The terrorist attacks aren't what's important here, the real issue in this discussion is how Bush and his merry gang of war criminals reacted to the attacks on 9-11 (and just so you know, war crimes are not only about WWII. There are war crimes being committed as I type this). First of all the Bush administration lied to the American public about who was responsible for the attacks. They saw it as nothing more than an excuse to finally get rid of Saddam and dragged America into a war based on lies. But even that isn't the biggest issue. The core issue here is that the Bush gang comprimised what America stands for (and if you really want to be angry about something, that's what you should be angry about as a self confessed pro-American). They perverted everything you hold so dear to push their nutjob agenda and used the legal interpretations of basically one man (Yoo) to define their view on what torture is. They also used Yoo to pervert the law so they could circumvent the Geneva convention because they knew if they didn't they could be prosecuted as war criminals under the Geneva convention. They even granted themselves and everyone involved in the torture of innocent people immunity from prosecution. Now ask yourself georges, if the Bush gang did nothing wrong why would they grant themselves immunty from prosecution of war crimes? Another interesting thing to know is that over 500 innocent people were held captive (and tortured) for years by the Bush administration without ever being charged of a crime and than they were released, again without any explenation. Does this sound like the America you love? A country were the president can bend and pervert the law whenever he (and maybe one day she) sees fit to escape prosecution. A country where innocent people can be held captive and be tortured without any explenation or some form of legal process. Tell me georges, is this the country you love?
I understand what I am talking about. The 9-11 attacks happened because of the laxist Clinton administration that did nothing when the first WTC bombing happened in 1993, when the bombing of the American Ambassy in Nairobi happened in 1997 and when the bombing of the USS Cole happened in 1999. If Clinton caught OBL at that time then there wouldn't be 9-11. My main problem is left wing governments in general who think that diplomacy will always work especially with rogue states when it doesn't. In a world of compromise, you better have to solid back up and defense than always using an ill policy of diplomacy. Left wing governements are the worst that can be , they have rarely patriotism and no pride for their own country. Ask yourself what to do when you have a group of people with a record filled of criminal activities. Don't bring the innocent till proven guilty argument because I have heard it more than enough from Friday on my mind's mouth. One with a criminal record is a criminal, want it or not. Saddam was anti american and was a sympathetizer of Ben Laden that is all I know.
To be honest with you, I like an America where there is zero degree of socialism, zero social assisted parasites and to finish an America that treats criminals and prosecute them how they be prosecuted and treated as well. I liked America the most during Reagan's presidency but disliked it during Clinton's presidency. I am not liking a president who is kissing the UN's ass and who is far to strive for the interests of his nation.