Is somewhere outhere.
This looks like the beginning of the end for BP and deserevedly so too
A nuke might be the solution.
..mmhh, somewhere in this area the *gulf-stream* changes direction.
That means : If the oil reaches the open atlantic ocean, it could be *pickedup* by the gulf-stream to be carried north, so within some weeks we could have a problem at European coastal areas too ...
Are we all doomed?
BP don't care about how long this will take. BP don't care that there mistake was in the backyard of the largest energy consumer(USA). BP don't care that they are destroying lives and this planet. If a hurricane strike than all the oil and chemicals will reach far inland and could have devasting effects. In short FUCK BP!!!!!
If it hits The Netherlands first, we have the FreeOnes Oil Expert, he can go where BP fears to tread
El Fonz, take over :glugglug:
There is plenty of blame to go round on this enviormental disaster.BP ,the govt and lastly one you don't hear about much, the people who consume all this oil (some more than others) but all who consume are at fault.
Will we now get a big push to reduce the consumption of oil like getting (by law or gas taxes if necessary) people to buy more fuel effeicnt vehicles(much fewer suv's and pick up trucks)? I'm not holding my breath.
Or see a crash program of building nuclear power plants (the only truly large non enviormental damaging energy resource on the horizon)? Again not holding my breath.
So next time you gas up that less than 30 mpg vehicle,think of the gulf,the fisherman,the wildlife etc and say to yourself I am part of the problem along with a lot of other people.But again we know that won't happen don't we,BP and the govt are easier and less painfull to put all the blame on.
Re: BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak
BTW, where are all the groups that are usually the first to be in the spotlight when it comes to these kinds of environmental disasters?? They have been very quiet for a spill larger than the Valdez..... :dunno:
As expected.
Anyhow, while all of this excitement is taking place, I venture back to how this fucking gargantuan catastrophe happened in the first place and I'm simply not buying what the government has to offer.
Think about this, from a strategic point of view, Could our enemies have found a better, more crippling and more vulnerable target of ours to hit?
And they could not afford some workable tech to prevent or fix situations like the one at hand.
There is plenty of blame to go round on this enviormental disaster.BP ,the govt and lastly one you don't hear about much, the people who consume all this oil (some more than others) but all who consume are at fault.