Bloodiest or Goriest Game You've Ever Played

Back in the day, there were a couple of games for the PS1 called Loaded, I remember those being pretty gory for their day.

Recent games:

Dead Space 1 and 2
Dead Rising 1 and 2
Gears of War Series
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2-This is probably the bloodiest series of game I've played. Doing headshots against the zombies would remove the zombies head and leave blood everywhere. You can shoot off limbs, and doing stomach shots would show ribcages and intestines and everything.
Resident Evil Series
God Of War 3
The Resident Evil 1 remake for for the Gamecube. same things as the first game just with more gaphic depictions (i.e. getting chewed apart by the dogs,) that was pretty brutal stuff
I mentioned Blade of Darkness already. It's bloody by itself, but it gets even more so with this mod:

I have to try that. I searched for such a mod for a time but all I found were game-crashing mods. Maybe this works.
I would have to go with either of The Suffering games.There are times were you are covered from head to toe in blood.

How I wish they would make a new version of those games.

yea! i remember the 1st one ... i loved that game just never played any of the others. lost interest i guess.
Manhunt was a fun fucking game. i loved that one also. hated that the 2nd one got screwed by the violence rating!
These PS3 Fallout games are kind of gory, I mean, shooting a guy in the head and then see it in slow motion literally explode with the eyeballs going all over, then sometimes you can even see down the trachea or esophagus. Oh, yeah, then there's the explosions, put a landmine someplace, watch some guy lose both legs, pretty awful
Back when psones where getting chipped there was a bootleg copy of a game called Thrill Kill it was a game that four players would go at it with a multitap it was all nut cases fighting to win release from a nutfarm that was way over the top. I player was a Dom she had a cattle prod for a weap
Fallout 3/New Vegas with the Bloody Mess perk. Close range shot gun to torso equals bloody chunks everywhere. Sometimes so bad is the destruction that I can't loot the poor bastard I reduced to bloody mush.

I have also played dead space 1&2, Gears 1&2, dead rising 1&2, Left 4 Dead 1&2, and red dead redemption. I still think Fallout 3/New Vegas are the goriest.
Mortal Kombat (the game that was so violent, it influenced the ESRB rating system)series, Manhunt1 & 2, Dead Rising 1 & 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2.
I was just playing the new Warhammer Space Marines demo yesterday,and it's pretty brutal in it's own right.
The new Dead Island game looks pretty gory.

Basically any zombie game has been the goriest Ive ever played.
Cant think of any games that I mutilated sane looking humans to a bloody pulp... ;)


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Warhammer 40k Space Marine.... there is the part where you rip open heads, using a powersaw to turn a groin in to a hole or just smashing things to bits, and every single action leads to something dying in a horrible bloody mess.

I love it! :elaugh: