Amendments aren't changed by simple majority vote ...
In these posts I think you show that you don't love America, per se, but you love *your* America. And you don't respect the rights of Americans, just Americans that you deem intelligent enough to be respected, which I think you would define based on, those who would not vote for something you did not believe in. These are typical ideals of people who have never had the privilege of living in a society that makes decisions democratically.
(1) Who are you to decide which Americans are intelligent and deserve to have an opinion and an influence on politics, and which Americans are "fucking stupid" and therefore their opinions shouldn't count?
The ones who know the Constitution, how you can change it, etc... and the ones that assume simple majority decision can negate any part of it.
(2) If America is not supposed to be democratic, why are we willing to invade countries and remove regimes in the name of spreading democracy? Then again, I forgot... we don't have a choice what our government does.
Americans try to install Democratic-Republics just like ourselves.
Unfortunately, we try to do it much faster than it took ourselves, and we fuck up.
We had 200 years of "testing," 10 years of "formal debate" and then about another 20-30 years of "tweaking" before the US Constitution, it's Amendments, it's initial parties and -- most importantly -- the Supreme oversight of them by the Judicial was established close to today.
Fuck up #1 was alienating the Sunnis in Iraq, clearly a minority that must have its interests equally represented.
Everything has kinda rolled downhill from there.
(3) Do you think the Americans working double shifts and living below the poverty line or without medical insurance, would rather watch American Idol, or go out and vote to better their wages, and get themselves a free healthcare system here, in the richest country in the world. They don't care about politics because they have no voice regardless of whether they care.
Actually, most would rather watch American idol while they get free health care and vote in better wages for themselves.
And the second we socialize medicine, we cut our GNP over 25%, which is the threshhold known as an economic depression -- of which we've only had 1 in our time.
At the same time, 99% of the world drug research will be exterminated overnight, as there is no other country that offers IP protection for drug research.
American citizens currently subsidize virtually all drug research, as most nations utterly ignore our patent system when it comes to drugs.
Without protections, it's gone, and it's over.
(4) You can define what America is to you, but you can't define what America *is*. It is something different to 300 million people, the only thing it consistently is, is home, and all 300 million people should have an EQUAL SAY in the way we do things in our home.
No, that's the "will of the American people today."
America is not the "will of the American people today," but the history of American Republicanism spread over almost 450 years,
largely documented and implemented formally over 30-40 years some 200 years ago.
Your values are not shared by everyone. That is why we let the people vote, and however most people want it to be, it is. It will make more people happy. Do we allow guns? Ask the people.
Until 3/4ths of the people agree -- aka a "Supermajority" -- doesn't matter what the "will of the American people today" think.
If you want to go against that, then there is no America, period.
Do we get involved in Iraq? Ask the people. Free healthcare? Ask the people. You can call them stupid, but Americans still have the right to decide these things for themselves.
And like the Greeks and the Romans, Americans will serve their own interests.
We are the richest nation in the world not because we guarantee fair.
We are the richest nation in the world because we guarantee free.
Access is not the same as free access.
Fair/equal is not the same as fair/equal opportunity.
If some issues are too intricate and small and federal to be popular vote issues, that can be determined. But things like military, funding, spending, taxes, and rights, should be the PEOPLE'S DECISIONS, not the elite's decisions.
And by elite you mean ... ???
We can play that game all day.
After all, the #1 reason cited over and over by the American founding fathers for many things from the Amendment process to the Electoral College was to prevent a single majority from preventing the minority from even being considered.
And the #1 example cited over and over by the American founding fathers as a majority versus a minority was the have nots versus the haves ....
More explicitly, the majority poor should not be able to take away the wealth of the minority rich.
Read up. Until then, you don't understand the first thing why we are the richest country in the world.
And I'm not just talking money, but why the American Republic will eventually implode more than once in its history.