I think it's sad that there are so many causes to fight for that genuinely affect life or death in this world, but the most passionate cause for so many seems to be "I deserve to own a gun, it's my right". It brings out the kind of fight in people I never see on other threads. To me that's sad because if it were really about "rights and liberties" and not just - I want to have a gun screw the government, the same people from this thread would argue very passionately about many other rights the government takes away. Some people do, but I've never seen so much anti-government sentiment as on this: but it's not about life or death or poverty or lies... just about gun ownership. I suppose, if that's what you want to stand for.
It's absolutely about life and death, and poverty or lives. People are so fanatical and passionate about it because it might very well be our most important right. Could you imagine in the past the leaders actually given their citizens the right to arm themselves, it would have been unthinkable because then they would have no control over the populace. Our right is the keeper of all the rest of our liberties, and without it all the others are just words on a piece of paper that are ripe to be taken away in the future.
Now, what part of that can't people understand? Everything else we always have a chance to fight back if we need to. In the end, it's what makes are liberties reality. It's what guarantees government of, by, and for the people. Our right to cast a vote sure as hell doesn't do that for us; to think that is to be a fool. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our right to defend ourselves was not given to us, but merely recognized as something that exist for all people, for a very good reason.
Let me ask everybody this. Given everything you know about history, human nature, and the way our government works is there any reason
NOT TO BELIEVE that we will move closer to an Orwellian society?
I'm also amazed that some of the most distrustful people of the government we have in our society are some of the most firmly anti-gun people we have. It's like they had a lobotomy and removed a part of their brain that controls common sense. They don't like the government but when it comes to protecting their liberties their philosophy is to, "just trust them".
I swear some people in this country have lived too soft and cushy lives. I guess when you never have to suffer and sacrifice, dumb ideas will come up, not to mention the shear complacency and apathy that makes me embarrassed to be an American most of the time. If you were the one that had to suffer, bleed, and die for nothing more than the hope that your children and other countryman’s decedents could breath free I wonder how much you would take the tenuous grip, and it is tenuous, on your freedoms for granted. An untold amount of people had to go thorough an unthinkable amount of hardship to give us what we have, but it won’t take but a relative instant to take that all away from us. I have neither forgotten about them or what they have done for me even if they never knew me or I wasn’t even born yet. If that is ok with any of you, fine, go ahead and make yourselves and people like you victims. Comfort yourselves in the selfish notion of the little bit of temporary security you’ve think you’ve gained by sacrificing your future and the future of your next generations. Just make sure you leave people like me the hell alone and whatever you do don’t tell us what we should be doing or what we should have. One way or another I nor my children, nor their children’s children any future people will not live like that. Even if that means they only have the means and tools to die free and not live as a slave. I plan to give them that option. Maybe if you are lucky, extremely lucky, someday those future people like me will come and save the stupid people’s asses, even if they don’t deserve it, after we have taken care of everybody that actually wanted to fight for their liberties. Not that I will shed to many tears if they don’t.