assault weapons ban!!

It isn't a law, it's an Amendment ...

We also have the right to right to assemble peaceably and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So as much as many Americans love guns, the rest of America has the right to challenge that law. What are you going to do shoot me?
It's not merely a "law." It's an Amendment to the Constitution. It can only be overturned by a repeal of that Amendment through the normal Amendment process, which requires a "supermajority."

I've covered this before.

Knowledge of American civics is not optional when discussing the Constitution. Otherwise you're just selling a "popularist" platform. We've see many, many nations go the "popularist" route, and self-destruct rather quickly. That's because a majority of the "will of the people today" not only quickly overrides the minority, but doesn't respect the will of the people before them.

They call it "civics" for a reason. ;)
What are you going to do shoot me?
Yes. I have a gun fetish and live only to shoot other people. It's my only motivation in life. It's what drags my carcass out of bed every day!

By golly! You have me figgered all out!

We also have the right to right to assemble peaceably and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

That's why they call it a right. It is no different than the ability to petition the government in the first place.

So as much as many Americans love guns, the rest of America has the right to challenge that law. What are you going to do shoot me?

I guess it depends. Are YOU going to be the one that comes and takes them away?
Gotta have to agree with drock, prof and roughneck.


Well, I always mostly agree with roughneck, ProfV, and sometimes even D-rock :D ; but, there is one thing I need you to address and no one else...

How the hell did you get 22 rep points?!?!?!?:shock:

Good post RN - i like to hear your perspective, but i still personally don't see it - but, i guess, i'm not an American :)

This country was founded upon the cherished principle of individual liberty. A man is free to do whatever the hell he wants, so long as he doesn't interfere with the equal rights of another.

but you're not allowed to smoke weed, and i believe, at least formerly, oral sex was prohibited in several states :dunno:
Good post RN - i like to hear your perspective, but i still personally don't see it - but, i guess, i'm not an American :)
You're not alone. Many people - even in my country - don't see it.

Do you know how much this attitude bothers me?

Let me give you an example:
United States Constitution. Article 1. Section 4

That law still exists. And the grotesque manner people encourage government to ignore it just adds to the perversity of it all.

The trouble is that most people don't consistently apply the "principle of individual liberty". They constantly think every problem requires a government intervention for a solution.

but you're not allowed to smoke weed, and i believe, at least formerly, oral sex was prohibited in several states :dunno:
My very next sentence answers that :
Roughneck said:
Over time, our strict adherence to this principle has diluted - to the point we're tolerating all kinds of abuses from gun laws to income taxation.
(emphasis mine)

* Up untill the passage and ratification of the 16th Amendment in 1913 - the Income Tax did not exist in my country! Imagine that! For about a 130 odd years, except for temporary ones to fund wars (which were promptly declared void and unconstitutional within years of it's institution); the United States never had an income tax in place! People always joke that "Death and Taxes are eternal" - they don't know how wrong they are!!

* Why stop at weed and oral sex? Up to about a 100 years ago, women weren't allowed to vote. Did you know that before the meddling intervention of government - people were free to use drugs like cocaine and opium? Nobody was thrown in jail for cultivating hemp?

Example: It is the biggest hypocrisy of today that people seem to be all up in arms over legislating "drugs" and claim to support the "Drug War" --- all while popping pills by the millions. [For fucks sake! We have thousands of kids on Adderall ... which is just a legal name for amphetamine!) Drugs is one of the biggest industries in the United States - people just don't want to fess up to their complicity in making it so.

I don't claim that the system is perfect. Show me any man who claims their system is perfect and I'll show you a fool.

No! My argument has always been that a system founded on individual rights and liberty is the most moral. All laws must be moral; but not all morals should be law.

* Weed and oral sex shouldn't be a matter for government. And even if you want to make it an argument for government intervention - it is a job for local and state governments. NOT the Federal government. Blakey, untill/unless you can fathom the reason and importance for enumerated powers and foundation of States Vs Federal government - explaining concepts will be hard.

Let me put it this way:
How do you see it -

The United States is a powerful country


The United States are a powerful country,

There is a world of difference between the two out looks.

Let me put it this way:
How do you see it -

The United States is a powerful country


The United States are a powerful country,

There is a world of difference between the two out looks.


I guess i see it as the first one "The United States is a powerful country" & this would be the most common view where i come from
- i do understand the federal nature of the government though, we have that here in Europe too ( eg Germany )
- but as the United States have a common defence & foreign policy and a federal government & President i've always primarily though of the US as one country in that way

( but i feel i could be about to receive some firm correction on this matter ;) )
I guess i see it as the first one "The United States is a powerful country" & this would be the most common view where i come from
- i do understand the federal nature of the government though, we have that here in Europe too ( eg Germany )
- but as the United States have a common defence & foreign policy and a federal government & President i've always primarily though of the US as one country in that way
( but i feel i could be about to receive some firm correction on this matter ;) )
Yes, because you should step back and read up on American civics and history, instead of getting it from the media.
That's why you don't understand many points that I, Roughneck and many others mention.

The Executive of the United States actually holds no ability to enact law and the Executive is powerless versus the Judicial.
Furthermore, those who make the laws, those closest to the people, have the least power.
And the federal answers to the states, and the states still hold power over the federal.

The 2000 election was a perfect example that the media utterly missed.
The federal government has no right to tell a state how it votes, Constitutional reality.
Actually I have NO respect for those people I debate with, when they cram their "liberated" mindless nonsense down everyone's throat. All of which is based on "theory" as opposed to real world fact. I agree that there needs to be control on guns - but that is control by people who are responsible gun owners. Criminals and those that abuse the right to own guns should be held responsible completely - meaning that they don't get slapped on the wrists, they don't get to collect $200 on the way out the jail house doors. There needs to be harsher criminal codes for proven violations. But to just go out and downright say that people should not be allowed to purchase/own guns because of brand, style, or configuration is beyond stupid. I would assume that in your arguments for a total ban on guns because they are "more" lethal than any other guns, from those with your mind set - we look forward to seeing a ban on kitchen utensils that pose a greater risk of killing someone because of things like a sharper serrated edge on a bread knife or the length of a cleaver? Maybe you'd like to live in a jelly bean padded world where you can live off the millions of volts that power your electric cars use to make the environment more liveable because electricity isn't made in power plants, it's produced from the love of four leaf clovers grown by fairs from Narnia; and it will never rain on a day you have a picnic while Nancy Pelosi will be serving you and your life-partner lunch under the shade of a big oak tree, all the while Ted Kennedy does his best Dean Martin. Then when some Mexicali-gangbanger jumps the border and violates your loved ones, you can call the ACLU and have them send over their therapists to counsel the felon(s) before they sue you for violating their human rights because of some trumped up worker's abuse charges. You're right...I don't respect those debating this subject, because no matter how many times it gets argued - only one side makes sense in the true HUMAN form :thefinger , that being the side of why should law abiding citizens suffer because of incompetent lawmakers and criminals who are willing to do anything (including violating the law) to make life for those law abiding citizens more difficult! So :moon:

In my last post regarding "leftist-liberal minded fallacies of how the world works". Where electric cars are powered by the millions of acres of jelly bean fields that provide over-abundant sources of energy for the universe, and all men live in peace internally and externally-where children are not disciplined because their "id" is forever controlled by a....oh who the fuck are we kidding!

Gun control?! Forget the Alamo! - The new liberal fight for a world where everyone loves each other! "Remember the Virginia Tech Massacre and Columbine!" Ok....lets take a look at this story: JAPAN a place where guns are a NO-NO-NO! No person in Japan can own a gun, even if he/she was deemed a Saint by all the world's major religions, could possess a firearm. Not even the Yakuza, while in country, use them in criminal activities! Check this story out...

A CAR can be used as a deadly weapon...should we ban them? (Not for pollutant reasons...just because they can kill people. How about the knives this retard purchased? Not military style knives...just your run of the mill household cleaver and carving knives. Ban them? In the liberal world of shit minded decisions this makes absolute sense. But seriously, next to go would be anything with a sharp edge. Prisoners here in the U.S. melt plastic down from cigarette wrappers to make them into shivs. Don't believe me? Watch Diane Sawyers interview inmates in TOTAL LOCKDOWN, on ABC. She talked with an inmate who showed her how they do it! But that's cool, because of all the liberal decisions made on gun in the proud state of the PRK - People's Republik of Kalifornia (leftist liberals in your world the K-in Kalifornia is fitting not a typo :violent:). Does the mentality of control work? HELL NO! It's funny how the libs say that any force that is committed to curb criminal behavior is a violation of THEIR liberties. But GUN CONTROL is ok to impose on law abiding citizens. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!

So if this incident (the one in Japan) happened here. We would be seeing bans on a "4 Wheel Vehicles" and "All kitchen utensils that have serrated edges that are longer that 6 inches". And if law abiding citizens wanted to have any one of these things, they would have to attend a week long class to obtain a certification to own them; and they would have to pay the state a special tariff yearly to possess the items! Wait a minute, anyone take a look at the Kalifornia's dip-shit laws on firearms???

Sounds so similar! To those that live in states like this one, you know what I mean. Libs and leftist dumbshits - :ak47: