So now you're patronizing people. You need to chill. This issue doesn't warrant this much animosity.precious beautiful perfect land of the free
So now you're patronizing people. You need to chill. This issue doesn't warrant this much animosity.precious beautiful perfect land of the free
In England we do popcorn with butterscotch/toffee as standard and popcorn with salt is less common and with butter - er - no!
Well thanks, you guys, for telling me how you really feel.
As for Democracy, you are wrong - even in a Democracy, the leaders do not make decisions for the people. In a democracy, the people make decisions. In a fake, warped democracy, which is what we actually have in both our nations, my friend, the government makes decisions on behalf of the people, who have little choice in the matter.
Driving on the left or right is no big deal. If those decisions were taken from us by the government we elect, but they allowed us to choose whether to go to war, I'd settle for that. Unfortunately, it is not up to us whether we go to war. Or where our money goes. And until it is - there is no democracy. It's a facade. Ironic. And fake.
I don't have animosity. I like you guys just fine. I don't think you're condescending, or patronizing. I didn't start name calling. Although presumptuous, yes. I'm really just defending my opinions and points of view and my right to state them. And correcting people who tell me what I feel or why I say what I say.
Dollar Store (US) does not exist in any form
Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?
The alleged "popularity" of this programme is an utter myth. It's a show which appeals to the LCD. It's a show featuring chavs, it's produced by chav-lovers and is aimed at chavs.
Q: OK then. Explain the popularity of the rock band Meat Loaf back in the Eighties.
Why do British people have bad teeth?
Why does the British government (and Australian for that matter) think that taking guns away makes the commoner safer from the criminals who will be criminals whether guns are banned or not?
Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?
Why are we not surprised that 1984 is becoming a reality in Britain?
What happened to your country post WWII? Churchill was a badass, and now look at you.
Why is the British pound smaller than a 50 Pence?
Why do you use MPH but not drive on the side of the road the majority of the world does?
Did you read this far?
Why do British people have bad teeth?
Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?
Churchill was a badass, and now look at you.
Does it count if I just have a few freckles on mine? :1orglaughSpotted Dick
Barney Rubble (trouble)
How do you (the English) feel about having to be the only ones who are "British" while Welsh and Scots can be Welsh and Scots?
Get what I mean?
But we can be British and English.
Also, if it's all one Great Britain, why is there such dislike for the English/Scottish/Irish/Welsh?