Why chavs?

'Chavs' are an underclass - a bit like white trash, but with an obsession for cheapo fake gold jewellery and fake designer labels.

As for why 'chav': there's two theories. One is that it's derived from the gypsy word for 'child' - 'chavi'. The other is that the Cheltenham Girls' School described the local riff-raff as 'Cheltenham Average' - or 'Chav' for short. Nobody knows the 100% definitive answer.
Why yes ! Americans can be absolutely captivated by a more dignified sounding spoken "UK-ish" accent.
It always sounds more authoritative and attracts a better listening audience, IMO. An English accented salesman could sell fireballs in hell !! lol !

I think you talking about the 'Plummy', 'Queen's English', that generally denotes the middle/upper classes of the UK..

Mind you, it means endless work as bad-guys, for many of our actors, in the movies.

Actually, most Englishmen talk like Dick van Dyke did in 'Mary Poppins'.. 'Clean yer crevices, mi ladeh':1orglaugh
Actually, most Englishmen talk like Dick van Dyke did in 'Mary Poppins'.. 'Clean yer crevices, mi ladeh':1orglaugh

Thank god I dont have an accent like that, it has to be the worst american trying to be british accent ever! Me old mucca.
Bloody Hell?
I was watching a US cop show today, where female cops were posing as hookers to trap men who pay for sex. It occured to me that in the UK, the only people to be arrested would be the cops as they were advertising the service, which is illegal, but the men would be safe as paying for it is not.

Also, what is jay-walking? Are you really not allowed to cross the road unless you use a proper crossing area?

Bloody Hell--bloody-covered in blood=bad. Hell=bad. So bloody hell=very bad. All these words and expressions were very literal when they were created many centuries ago. :thumbsup: :wave2:
Why do British people have bad teeth?

Why does the British government (and Australian for that matter) think that taking guns away makes the commoner safer from the criminals who will be criminals whether guns are banned or not?

Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?

Why are we not surprised that 1984 is becoming a reality in Britain?

What happened to your country post WWII? Churchill was a badass, and now look at you.

Why is the British pound smaller than a 50 Pence?

Why do you use MPH but not drive on the side of the road the majority of the world does?

Did you read this far?

Q:Why do British people have bad teeth?
A: Don't know, maybe cause dentists are so expensive, but why are Americans so fascinated with this?

Q:Why does the British government (and Australian for that matter) think that taking guns away makes the commoner safer from the criminals who will be criminals whether guns are banned or not?
A: Maybe so it's not easy for an upset teenager to get his dad's gun and slaughter his schoolmates, or blast away your neighbour over the size of his hedge.

Q:Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?
A: Most of us don't, so I can't say.

Q:Why are we not surprised that 1984 is becoming a reality in Britain?
A: Never read it, but from what I've read on Wikipedia (yes, I know) it's probably just an illusion, caused by general public which is more bothered with important stuff rather than arguing with polititians over trivial matters.

Q:What happened to your country post WWII? Churchill was a badass, and now look at you.
A: It's that government again, trying to keep people happy so they keep votes.

Q:Why is the British pound smaller than a 50 Pence?
A: The pound was made of gold, 50p made from silver. Gold has more value so you wouldn't need as much.

Q:Why do you use MPH but not drive on the side of the road the majority of the world does?
A: Most people who drive on the right use KM, the US is actually unusual in using a mix of right-side and MPH. I think we've covered why we drive on the left.
'Chavs' are an underclass - a bit like white trash, but with an obsession for cheapo fake gold jewellery and fake designer labels.

I already know what they are, thanks. :D

As for why 'chav': there's two theories. One is that it's derived from the gypsy word for 'child' - 'chavi'. The other is that the Cheltenham Girls' School described the local riff-raff as 'Cheltenham Average' - or 'Chav' for short. Nobody knows the 100% definitive answer.


I think a guy I work with will end up looking like that.
Why do British people have bad teeth?

Not anywhere as commonplace as Americans would seem to believe, but it might be because successive governments have made it far too hard for the public to receive quality dental care.

Why have Americans historically believed the fear of socialism, bad teeth or higher taxation is more important than providing sufficient healthcare for all, regardless of who they are, where they come from or how much they earn?

Why does the British government (and Australian for that matter) think that taking guns away makes the commoner safer from the criminals who will be criminals whether guns are banned or not?

Because statistics demonstrate that in Western countries where firearms are banned, the murder rate (both with firearms and otherwise) is usually lower than in countries where they are legal. Fewer murders are a compelling argument in our societies -- why aren't they in yours?

Why do you guys like the show "Big Brother"?

It's far less popular than it used to be, with viewing and voting figures drastically lower. It's due off the air by 2010.

All countries went through an obsession with reality shows there for a while. It's just something to gossip about around the water cooler, I suppose.

Why are we not surprised that 1984 is becoming a reality in Britain?

Because the Labour government has had such a significant majority in Parliament, and the opposition has been pathetic. As a consequence, they've got away with things that they wouldn't at any other time. It is part of the natural acquisitiveness of the executive to take as much power to itself as often as it can.

That is all about to change. Gordon Brown's premiership is unbelievably low -- nothing short of a miracle will win the next election for Labour. Hopefully, Cameron's not completely hot air, and will restore our civil liberties.

However, even with the ubiquitousness of the surveillance culture, we're in a better state than you are. We generally don't mix religion with our politics. We didn't elect a subnormal simian into office for 8 years because we forgot we were supposed to be a secular nation. We are sceptical of our governments, and opposed the Iraq War. We have the most critical media in the world. We don't kidnap people from their home countries and hold them without charge. We don't torture, abuse and humiliate our prisoners. We don't execute our prisoners, or condemn them to death and then realise the case wasn't proved beyond reasonable doubt.

What happened to your country post WWII? Churchill was a badass, and now look at you.

I could offer you a complicated reply, but essentially, it's simply the way of the world. All empires rise and fall.

While America appears to be showing signs of decline, Britain's importance on the world stage has been steadily increasing since the '70s.

Why is the British pound smaller than a 50 Pence?

It's not. The British pound has a greater mass than a 50 pence piece, and contains a more valuable alloy.

Why do you use MPH but not drive on the side of the road the majority of the world does?

We use MPH because miles are part of the Imperial units derived in our nation. I support a change to KMH.

The side of the road thing has already been covered.

Did you read this far?

Unfortunately, yes! :)
In the Western world we do everything from left to right. We read from left to right. We live from left to right. Driving on the left makes absolute sense, always did. Driving on the right makes less sense. Right handed, left handed, who cares? What does that have to do with it? Gearsticks? Give me a break.

We do everything from left to right? That may be true about reading but not much else. And reading has nothing to do with driving.

Also, driving on the right makes more sense because then the steering wheel is on the left side of the car so you can steer with your left hand and shift gears with your right (which is the natural position for right-handers).

Only about 34% of the world by population drive on the left, and 66% on the right. The 66% that drive on the right include every european country except the UK. Here's a map of the world that shows who drives left and who drives right.---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Countries_driving_on_the_left_or_right.svg

Lastly, all boat traffic in the entire world keeps to the right. So it would make sense that all road traffic do the same.

(I don't really care about this issue. Just making a point in response to Fox)
Because statistics demonstrate that in Western countries where firearms are banned, the murder rate (both with firearms and otherwise) is usually lower than in countries where they are legal. Fewer murders are a compelling argument in our societies -- why aren't they in yours?

Because we believe in population control. HAHAHA!

(I'm just kidding)
^Touchy touchy Fox. Don't get so bent outta shape about it.

Like you said. It's just a matter of opinion. An opinion that 66% of the world seems to share with me.

As far as whats more logical I'll just say this. The UK is surrounded by nations that drive on the right. It would make more sense for nations that are located in the same geographical area to conform to the same traffic standards. Since europeans often drive across borders into other countries it seems to me that it would make more sense for everyone to just drive on one side or the other. Instead of having to switch sides whenever they cross the Channel Tunnel.

Your point about doing everything from left to right. I still don't see how that applies. And I can't think of one other thing we do from left to right other than reading.
Why do you think I am bent out of shape? Because I disagree?

I got the impression you are bent outta shape because of the "tone" of your writing.

Like I said earlier, I don't really care about this. I just decided to respond because of the way you condescendingly stated that left hand drive makes more sense than right. When it obviously doesn't matter either way.

Traffic law uniformity would make sense. Which is why many countries have switched from left to right. But hey, I like national individuality just as much as the next guy. So keep driving on the left England. No one really gives a shit anyway.
No they don't share your opinion. Who knows what they think. If you're born in a country that drives on the right, then you're gonna prefer that. And so on. I see things more objectively because I grew up in England and learned to drive in America, I see the advantages of both, and think the left makes more sense in the parts of the world that read left to right. As for the 66%. They just live in countries where they drive on the right. Reading and everything that goes along with it is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Boat travel is not. Name *one* thing that we do from right to left in the western world, something with even 1/10th of the significance of reading.

You're trying to argue something that is conjecture, a matter of opinion. I say it makes more sense on the left. You say it makes more sense on the right. Opinion vs opinion. Why is there more to say? Neither of us are right or wrong cause it's a matter of opinion. See. Why do you think I am bent out of shape? Because I disagree?

England driving on the left is part of its charm to Europeans and Americans and part of its Englishness. If you had a democratic vote, 90% would vote not to change. So that is that, really. They are right to drive on the left, because they want to. Belgium already switched over, against their people's wishes, to match the nations around them. That's not England's style :)


I really don't see how reading even has anything to do with driving. If people drove like they read, they would start on the left and gradually drift over to the right side until they were totally on the right. Then they would stop, back up a car length, then start again on the left. I think we should do it like that perhaps.

You say that 90% of the English would favor driving on the left remain the norm. Well I daresay that nearly 100% of Americans would vote to favor driving on the right be the norm. What does that statement of yours prove?

Perhaps the 100% of Americans don't matter because Americans are stupid anyway?

Driving on the left sure may be part of the charm of Englishness, but so is rejecting the metric system, something the UK and the US foolishly continue to do. Just because something is charming doesn't mean it is right.

I personally don't see any advantage to driving on either side, except possibly tubuler's argument about the gearshift. Since more of the world drives on the right (including all ship traffic as tubuler mentioned) the UK should just conform to the rest of the world to make things easier. If more of the world drove on the left, then I would say the right driving nations should conform.

Of course it is all opinion, as you point out, but my opinion is that driving on the right is better. But of course that matters not, since I live in the US and that's the way I learned it.
Ahh, I see. You called me condescending. Because I stated my opinion, that the left makes more sense. So you stated your opinion that the right makes more sense. But of course, when you say it, you're not condescending. It's only if it's not what you agree with, that it's condescending. :D I'm not the one who's bent out of shape, it turns out. I'm just rolling my eyes. You're the one that thinks having an opinion opposite to yours is condescending:) You're also the one that addressed me by name to tell me my opinion was somehow wrong. So... er. Whatever.

Uniformity on human rights, uniformity on peace, those things are important. Uniformity on traffic laws? That infringes on people's democratic rights to vote for what they want in their own land. I'm sorry everyone doesn't think like you. You could make a world where they do! Invent one!:wave2:


Stating your opinion is not what I consider condescending Fox. It's comments like, "Give me a break" and "natural position my a**" that are condescending. Deriding my point of view in a disrespectful manner is condescending.

I made some good points. You made some good points. The only difference is that I didn't respond to you with disdain and contempt for your opinions.
You didn't read what I said properly, of course.

I said, I think driving on the left makes more sense. I do not think any countries should change any laws at all unless the people want to.

I see what tubuler means about condescension. What does that "of course" mean? Just because it is me who is replying to you, it should indicate that "of course" I didn't read what you said properly?

By the way, I never said that you did think countries should change their laws. :confused:

This has nothing to do with America. Read what I'm saying before you assume that I'm against your precious beautiful perfect land of the free. We weren't even talking about America. Americans aren't stupid but writing long responses after not even following the conversation... :D

Oh, I followed the conversation well, in fact I follow all of the conversations on this board well enough to know that you routinely blame the American people for the mistakes of their government and leadership. That's why it wasn't a very far jump for me to suspect that you might question the potential opinions of the 100% of Americans who would vote for driving on the right. Perhaps I was hasty in suspecting that without giving you a chance to respond. Further condescension noted in bold was not lost on me.

And are you serious about the UK "conforming" to the 66%? Did you really just say that? For someone who loves America and democracy, that's the most un-democratic thing I've ever heard.

Even in a democracy, the government makes certain decisions for its people. I think it would be smart for the UK to agree to conform to the rest of Europe and drive on the right. But perhaps it would cause more trouble than it is worth. British and European automakers can keep making two versions of every car that is sold in both the UK and the rest of Europe.


Back to the difference between jam, jelly and if I may add another called
"preserves" - Grape jelly for example, starts out as a liquid, exactly as does a bowl of cherry jell-o. Jelly contains no fruit solids - only extracted juices, all binded up in a gelatinous medium, and yes, GSB is correct in that jellies can be somewhat runny depending on the batch or mfgr.

Now, Jam, in fact has some fruit solids in it's content, but not and overwhelming amount as compared to say . . Strawberry "Preserves" which is a bitch to work with and generally has such a great deal of fruit solids in the mix, I don't care too much for it.

I tend to be a jam man !