I wish Mexico would close the border from her side and see how Americans like that.
I wish Mexico would close the border from her side and see how Americans like that.
Tennessee is a border state with Mexico? When did that happen? Am I missing something here? :wtf:
Dummies don't realize if you don't hire them they will stay where (home) they are.
Arizonians are arseholes!
Yea, we will see how something like this goes over in states like California where all those rich motherfuckers have illegal staff in their homes:2 cents:
i assume the crimes that you might be mentioning of would be drug trafficking. You do understand that American's purchasing these drugs is what fuels the act, right? Did you also know that America actually arms the cartels with the guns that spark the violence?
simple google searches are your friend concerning this matter, turn off the tv and read.
"Americans are understandably focused on the flow of drugs and migrants into the U.S. from Mexico," says Andreas Peter, author of "Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide."
"But too often glossed over in the border security debate is the flow of weapons across the border into Mexico,"
i am sure you could refer to many other acts of crime linking to illegal migration, yet it comes down to the basics of societial issues eg: poverty
i also can say this much
men, women and children in Mexico are being killed by the tens of thousands, because America wants its cocaine
One of the problems with this, you can bet your bottom dollar that those who employee these illegal immigrants will get away scot free from any legal punishment.
Blaming Mexicans for the problems of a state. How fresh.
I wonder who will make up that lost sales tax revenue?
I guess Arizonans property and sales taxes will be increasing dramatically to hire new cops for their dream police state, fund deportation gulags and to transport these "criminals" back to the homeland
If a white person speaks French or English with a funny accent, I guess the AZ police will be checking to see if they're in the state illegally too?
There's a reason why Arizona routinely comes up in the top ten of "Dumbest States" annually. This bill will be tossed out.
I guess it does make for a nice political ad for the Gov's reelection campaign?
One of the problems with this, you can bet your bottom dollar that those who employee these illegal immigrants will get away scot free from any legal punishment.
One of the problems with this, you can bet your bottom dollar that those who employee these illegal immigrants will get away scot free from any legal punishment.
The rich who employ them in their homes will get off, as they always do. Justice can be easily bought & sold. . .No they don't. They have raided a lot of places that hire illegals. They do not get off.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer today signed into law an immigration bill that gives the state the toughest law in the nation, making it a state crime to be in the country illegally and requiring local police to enforce federal immigration laws.
Brewer said she signed the bill in response to "the crisis the federal government has refused to fix.''
WAY TO GO JAN BREWER!!! It's about time someone takes a bite out of the crime in our state.
I am for this 100% and it has nothing to do with racial profiling...if you're here illegally...you're committing a CRIME!!!
The problem is people from Mexico think this is just about them. It isn't. This state has a lot of illegals from Central and South America. No one has the right to enter this country illegally and then march and demand rights. You do not have rights when you are not a citizen. The attitudes of the illegals amaze me. I can't march into Canada illegally and demand things. They would deport my ass back to the US.
I oppose curbs on immigration. Let the folks in.
If you lose your job to someone who is a fresh arrival, you just have a shit job and have wasted your life. Step your game up, dont hate!