I also want to point out that Jan Brewer was not elected Governor, but only gained the position because the previous Governor left to Become Obama's head of homeland security.
So Arizonans are being bound to a law put in place by someone that we didn't even fucking vote for. That stinks.
I'm sad to see Arizona going down the can by pandering to the most short-sighted reactionaries. Another recent bill that she passed was to allow concealed firearms without a permit- which of course was salivated over by gun nuts- and takes away that previous source of revenue for the state that is spiraling toward bankruptcy.
Speaking of which Brewer failed to muster enough support to get a sales tax increase pushed through; her only plan to help the economy (I thought Republicans oppose taxes?). So what is she doing now? Blame it all on Illegal Immigrants and distract the public away from the fact that Arizona has nothing to balance the budget, except a new law that does nothing to prevent people from Illegally Immigrating here in the first place and wastes even more state and local money processing them through the civil court system, instead of leaving it up to the federal ICE.
The cops really have no way of identifying whether someone is an illegal immigrant, but to stop and ask them, so how on Earth can she say that this won't effect American citizens? It will effect everyone.
I'm not defending illegal immigrants, I just object to the fact that I'm an American citizen that has (or used to have) the right to protection against unlawful search and seizure and now I have to prove it just because the state wants to know.
What happened until innocent until proven guilty? Guess that's gone too. Now it's presumed guilty of being an illegal immigrant until proven innocent.