Are you for abortion or against?

Are you for or against abortion

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 15 18.3%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The point is not if people are pro or against abortions.

Women must have the choice to decide if they are able to not only put a child in the world.. they have to be free to decide if they will be able to provide for this child.

Way too many kids are being put into this world which end up fucked up
The point is not if people are pro or against abortions.

Women must have the choice to decide if they are able to not only put a child in the world.. they have to be free to decide if they will be able to provide for this child.

Way too many kids are being put into this world which end up fucked up



Is somewhere outhere.
I'm unsure although if it were me then I would be against it.But i'll never
be in that position so i'm sitting on the fence :D


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I'm against it, but I do believe there are certain exceptions where I agree with it. My late mother was a nurse, and she told me about some medical conditions that are worse than death, and abortion is the "humane" thing to do. The other exception is in a rape case. Other than those 2 conditions, I'm against it.


OK, I just skipped to the end (realizing that the answer might be somewhere in the middle) to ask, how in the hell do I answer this poll?
against. i am against the fact that you are killing a living thing when you go for an abortion. i have a longer argument but that is one sentencer.
If you eat eggs and don't support a woman's right to choose. You're a hipocryte


mmmm chicken abortions

And yes I know that chickens have nothing to do with humans, but guess what neither does a fetus. They are both not human

Jon S.

For the record....I am 100% supportive of retro-active abortions in certain cases! Think about it! Ha ha ha! For real though!
I think it is a horrible thing.

I'm for a woman's right to choose.

However, I think the open debate and opposition to abortion is important.
i think if you believe in the ideals of basic darwinism and evolution, and take the universe as a whole from a clear scientific perspective abortion is good and stem cell research can help us discover new cures for stuff like cancer.

however if you take any religous, spiritual, or humanitarian view on the subject whatso ever, there's no point in even arguing the subject.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I think it's every woman's right to choose (though I know I myself would never be able to have one)
I think there are certain circumstances where abortion might be the best or the only answer, ie: rape victims, women who it will physically harm to have children, or if the child was going to be born with a life altering disease..

BUT I also think it's repulsive when a woman uses abortion as a form of birth control.. I knew a girl who had had 8 abortions in a matter of 2 years.. That's disgusting to me.. At that point you just need to keep your fucking legs closed! :mad:
I have no right to decide what a woman does and neither do you or the government....plain and simple :)

That is my stance, pure and simple. If you dont support the right given by the U.S. Supreme Court, dont have one.
I understand the argument "for," but would those of you who are "pro" be willing to do the abortion? I couldn't do it, but that's just me. What a disgusting thought.

I don't think you should have an abortion.

I don't think that what I think should dictate what you are able to do. If what I thought were to dictate what you are able to do, you wouldn't be able to own a gun, you would have a socialized medical system, and the political system in the USA would be totally dismantled in favour of a parliamentary system.

You wouldn't care for that much, I'm guessing.

Don't assume what you think about abortion should be what dictates what other people are able to think on the subject.


Closed Account
Ask the dead children what they think about it..Oh wait..
Ask the dead children what they think about it..Oh wait..
A) There are no dead children as a result of abortion, a child is "a human between the stages of birth and puberty".
B) Aborted fetuses cannot talk. So they would not be able to articulate what they 'think' about it. In fact they would not be able to formalize a thought on the matter due to lack of brain development.