Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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:1orglaugh Really? And you're not?! You keep saying that you're done with this thread but you keep posting in it, for what reason if not to get attention?

simply because you and your butt buddies want to keep the thread alive after I was told to drop it (which I had done). therefore, i will continue to hold it down. you want to keep smacking your press on nails against the keyboard and boast about whats right from wrong, ill keep letting you know I am reading :)
simply because you and your butt buddies want to keep the thread alive after I was told to drop it (which I had done). therefore, i will continue to hold it down. you want to keep smacking your press on nails against the keyboard and boast about whats right from wrong, ill keep letting you know I am reading :)

god, why the fuck havnt you been booted yet?

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
simply because you and your butt buddies want to keep the thread alive after I was told to drop it (which I had done). therefore, i will continue to hold it down. you want to keep smacking your press on nails against the keyboard and boast about whats right from wrong, ill keep letting you know I am reading :)

Hold what down exactly? :dunno:

Butt buddies?! Isn't that a homophobic term? Ahem, I do believe I'm a girl & most of the other people that have posted here are guys, if you hadn't noticed! :boobies:

Oh and my finger nails are my own thank you very much! :D
i honestly dont care if anyone likes me or not.. youre 22 years old with almost 4000 posts in under a year. (lol) maybe you should cancel your internet service and get a different hobby.

Seriously? You have got to be kidding. I post here because i like it, not because i don't have a life. You are three years older than me. How does three years make a difference in any way. It's now getting pathetic to see you try and come up with insults. I feel bad for laughing because you probably try so hard to come up with these posts
Seriously? You have got to be kidding. I post here because i like it, not because i don't have a life. You are three years older than me. How does three years make a difference in any way. It's now getting pathetic to see you try and come up with insults. I feel bad for laughing because you probably try so hard to come up with these posts

the post ratio is the difference.. that's the joke.. is my humor too advanced for you? there's gotta be something else to do in Scotland.. maybe join a rugby team?
the post ratio is the difference.. that's the joke.. is my humor too advanced for you? there's gotta be something else to do in Scotland.. maybe join a rugby team?

All i can say is wow. Too advanced? Really?, did you understand what i said in my last post. Rugby isn't the biggest sport in Scotland either. I have no idea where you got that from
listen cock suckers, this topic was already dropped, remember? you are getting a neg back for the negs youve given me first! quit acting like little pussys you fucking slack jawed faggots. now move the fuck on with your lives.

you are quite the attention whore... did daddy not love you much?

poor larss.. youre 48 years old man, dont spend your golden years trying desperately to be liked on an internet forum... go buy a dirt bike and enjoy your midlife crisis

i honestly dont care if anyone likes me or not.. youre 22 years old with almost 4000 posts in under a year. (lol) maybe you should cancel your internet service and get a different hobby.

simply because you and your butt buddies want to keep the thread alive after I was told to drop it (which I had done). therefore, i will continue to hold it down. you want to keep smacking your press on nails against the keyboard and boast about whats right from wrong, ill keep letting you know I am reading :)

youre 22 years old with a join date of 2004... if my math is correct, you are in violation.

it could of been over already, keep posting and stirring the pot & ill return to chime in from now on.

the post ratio is the difference.. that's the joke.. is my humor too advanced for you? there's gotta be something else to do in Scotland.. maybe join a rugby team?

thats a bogus claim, you're more than welcome to do an IP check.

I'm pretty sure I understood.. sorry, not too up on my Scottish sports... maybe its Cricket?

Reading through your posts on this page alone is like reading the book of dumb.

This is fun!

This is kind of fun.

For someone who apparently wants the topic dropped and isn't seeking attention, why post? You say you're "holding it down" or chiming in, but dude, if you aren't the definition of an attention whore I don't know what is.
god damn, youre like a broken record.

this is pretty fun actually. i love it when they let a mutt stay loose for a little while
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