I opened this thread expecting that I had finally found something on which I could come to Obama's defense. Based on the article from the original post, however, I don't see anything the teacher should be fired over. Was it in bad taste? Yes. At the same time, he never said he thought the President should be assassinated.
Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class, told The Birmingham News that the teacher "was talking about angles and said, 'If you're in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president.'"
Anyone who has seen a documentary on the JFK assassination can visualize the angle Lee Harvey Oswald was shooting at. I'd give the teacher an ass chewing, but I certainly wouldn't fire the guy for what he said. It was a poor choice of words.
This is yet another case of a liberal media making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I rest my case.t the same time, he never said he thought the President should be assassinated.
we will see how long he lasts and if he is not prosecuted in court sooner or later for having lied about his citizenship and birth certificate.
Yes, this does get old. Let's let it go. Until any evidence comes forward, it's time to drop it. If there was credible evidence, those who have it would bring it forward.Do you have one tangible, credible shred of evidence he lied about his citizenship and birth certificate??
Yes, this does get old. Let's let it go. Until any evidence comes forward, it's time to drop it. If there was credible evidence, those who have it would bring it forward.
And this is why America is doomed. People like you will have children.
Now being opposed to Obama, or leading an exercise in bad taste, denotes racism and sexism? The article doesn't even mention the teacher's race.
I meant evidence to the contrary. You read what I wrote the opposite.There is credible evidence and it has been brought forward time and time again that he IS A CITIZEN OF THE US.
I meant evidence to the contrary. You read what I wrote the opposite.
Doesn't matter who the president is, talking about his assassination or even wishing it, is in bad taste, just like this one:
As much as I oppose Obama, I don't wish for his assassination, nor am I just hoping for him to be impeached, I mean, I might think he's a communist or something similar to that but all I want is for him to be defeated in the next election.
You can personally attack me all you like that is fine I can take it. That's no problem I have a thick skin.
No the article does not mention racism. But if you don't think all these are attacks on Obama are not at least partly based on racism then you are blind.
Don't get me wrong and don't misunderstand my politics. I am not saying Obama is perfect, nor is any president. But there have been more distasteful protests using his image and likeness than I have ever seen of any president in the past.
There needs to be more political discourse in this country of real ideas and real conversation. All that happens anymore is the yelling, screaming, protesting and hatred where one side is blaming the other side for the their problems. Very little effort and compromise is put forth in solving real problems.
Just my :2 cents:
Doesn't matter who the president is, talking about his assassination or even wishing it, is in bad taste, just like this one:
As much as I oppose Obama, I don't wish for his assassination, nor am I just hoping for him to be impeached, I mean, I might think he's a communist or something similar to that but all I want is for him to be defeated in the next election.
This is the most rational, lucid and unbiased political comment I have ever seen you make on this board, Spyder. This is a great example of what happens when we take off our blinders and make an honest attempt to see the big picture instead of the minuscule and myopic one we see when we cling to our partisan beliefs no matter what. It is interesting and mind-expanding and, best of all, a uniting force when we consider alternative evidence, opinions or options that might actually be reasonable and viable if we were simply willing to take the time and make the effort to consider them.
Rep to you, sir! :thumbsup:
I know, 'Mega. I deliberately ignored that because I am trying to encourage him to actually think.
If you've got 3 Obama's,
and you kill 1 Obama,
How many Obama's do you have left?
C'mon, this is no biggy.
The answer is.............( 3 over 2, carry the 1, ......uh, uh) 2!, the answer is 2.
I did it!
we will see how long he lasts and if he is not prosecuted in court sooner or later for having lied about his citizenship and birth certificate.
I call B.S. on this. Proof or we need a retraction. I think you're making this up Prof. I do recall that there were "some" nasty protest posters targeting Dubya and Cheney during the warmongering of 2002-2004, but there was nothing like what you are claiming.
I don't know all though--so, provide some links and show me :dunno:
I opened this thread expecting that I had finally found something on which I could come to Obama's defense. Based on the article from the original post, however, I don't see anything the teacher should be fired over. Was it in bad taste? Yes. At the same time, he never said he thought the President should be assassinated.
Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class, told The Birmingham News that the teacher "was talking about angles and said, 'If you're in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president.'"
Anyone who has seen a documentary on the JFK assassination can visualize the angle Lee Harvey Oswald was shooting at. I'd give the teacher an ass chewing, but I certainly wouldn't fire the guy for what he said. It was a poor choice of words.
This is yet another case of a liberal media making a mountain out of a mole hill.
we will see how long he lasts and if he is not prosecuted in court sooner or later for having lied about his citizenship and birth certificate.