Alabama teacher uses Obama assassination example in class

Re: Here's the deal ...

Yes that was exactly my point - that in Obama's case the alarm bells aren't just media generated hype - a segment of the population actually has performed an action that's highly alarming.
Last time I checked, the sales started before the election. The economy might have had a lot to do with it as well. I know several people who bought their first firearms in 2008, well before the election.
If I'm not mistaken, was there not a film made about the assassination of George Bush while he was President? I don't remember any repercussions coming from that. In fact, I think the person was hailed as a hero by the liberal media and Hollywood.

it's called 'death of a president' and i'm pretty sure it was a british movie
it's called 'death of a president' and i'm pretty sure it was a british movie

Yes it was a foreign made movie and it did as I recall generate a lot of negative comments by america and its media.That is very different than a school teacher in the US talking about such IMO.

But of course were talking about Obama here and we know the same rules do not apply to him as to what is inappropriate.The tea party types and some others like this southern white teacher in Alabama just can't swallow the idea that someone who is not white is president.This teacher and anyone else who would use such examples are playing with fire and creating a climate that might lead to some whacko trying to assasisinate Obama.Not as bad as when J.Edgar Hoover who thought MLK was a great threat to the white power structure and created an enviorment where a white racist thought it might be acceptable and he would be heralded as a hero by the white majority for killing MLK ( which is what James Earl Ray thought) but this teacher ( a govt employee entrusted with children) must be disciplined to send a message that such talk will not be tolerated in our public schools.

Alabama needs to show the south has changed and this kind of racism will not be allowed from a teacher by firing him.Maybe we can't do much about the racists outside of govt but in our schools and from other govt employees we do not and cannot tolerate such.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
If we fired every teacher who said anything like this, there would be no teachers. Seriously.

It's bad enough to have a few bosses. But teachers have 30-60 bosses that change yearly. There are always a dozen parents calling for their firing every year.

What if every little thing you said for 9 months of the year wasn't heard by those 30-60 people, but but told to someone second-hand, and it lost all of the original context? That's teaching.

Ironically, schools and teachers want to record their classroom for their own, legal protection, to have the full story and context. Unfortunately it is not allowed, as it invades the privacy of the students.

Using bad judgement occurs with teachers. Sometimes they foul up big. But jumping up and down like a bleeding heart liberal isn't going to change the world for something that is just stupid and should be forgotten.

Endangering the kids lives, not focusing on their political statements, is where the judgement is really lapse and calls for firing. If you don't know how it is to be a teacher, I invite you to be one for several years -- not just substitute or try-it-out. You've never hear your words twisted in ways you never meant like anywhere else.

And, BTW, statistically bleeding-heart liberals dominate teaching. So if you really what to harp on an alleged political statement like this, you've never seen it the real, other way. My wife is a teacher, and she gets tired of the bombardment with bleeding-hart bullshit.

And she considers herself left of center as it is!

I sympathize with teachers. I really do ... it's tough job that society does not value enough. I applaud your wife for being a teacher and teachers in our society do not get paid enough if you ask me.

I know all about the educational system as my father was the president of our town's school board growing up. So I saw all the politics and drama.

But let me say this ... common sense is common sense. Whether you are teacher, truck driver or business man ... or whatever! What this guy did is beyond "bad judgement", it shows a total lack of common sense! It's flat out ridiculous, if you are a teacher planning out your lesson and you think that using an assassination of another human being as a good teaching demonstration example then you are just lacking. It's that simple and that's they way I see it. It's not a mistake!!!!

Now with your bleeding heart liberal bullshit. People on the right always throw that term around. It's a label that means nothing, it's no different than me saying "right wing nut job", which I never did!

That is the EXACT problem with political discourse in this country at the moment. People are either "right wing nut jobs" or "bleeding heart liberals" and both sides like to throw out the labels. When in reality the silent majority is in the middle but all this name calling and :fight: does nothing to advance real solutions or solid political discourse.
Reminds me of "Alabama Man" from South Park.

Too bad there wasn't a Limited Edition 'Bama Man. Mullet, Copenhagen dip can, spit cup, Bush beer can, rifle rack, GMC pick-up truck, fine girlfriend who sits right next to her man when they're in the truck accessories. :D


Without much effort I was able to pull up lots of kill GWB bs, pics of signs saying kill GWB, etc...the conversation was around a long time, and only extreme denial Lefties can pretend that nothing was said in that vein that was bad, but anyone expressing their hate for the effects of the current incompetent President and his admin are horrible racists, etc, instead of really being what they (UberLefties) hate most about this Americans who feel like saying shit about Barry Otrauma and his Clown Posse.
I don't have a lotta time, here's the links I got right away...there are many more out there on the "Kill Bush" trail...

Kill Obama! Kill Pelosi! Kill Lefties!

(Of course I mean this figuratively a form of free speech!):rofl:


lol at right wingers.

Down with Obama, Up we even have a credible candidate? Fuck it, just say Palin

Rofl at Lefties who had no viable candidate and elected him anyway!!! :rofl2::rofl2:
(Joe Biden has been quietly killed and buried in Montana...the Otrauma admin couldn't take any more of Joe...) :thumbsup:

Rofl at Lefties who had no viable candidate and elected him anyway!!! :rofl2::rofl2:
(Joe Biden has been quietly killed and buried in Montana...the Otrauma admin couldn't take any more of Joe...) :thumbsup:

That photo is awesome!!!!!!!!!:rofl: