Alabama teacher uses Obama assassination example in class


Hiliary 2020
I am really starting to worry about you, pal. You think it's a good conversation topic (especially in a geometry class???) to speculate on the possible assassination of the president? :rolleyes: If you were teaching my kids and pulled this stunt, I'd demand your head on a platter along with a lot of other parents. And you are contemplating the possible difference in the legal process (or, if not, what then?) if Obama were to be assassinated by a black man instead of a white man? :confused: That's whacko shit, dude. What if he was Hispanic or Asian? Why think about stuff like that at all? :dunno::confused:

First amendment? I guess the next time I go through security at the airport and joke about having a bomb that would be OK with you as well? There are certain subjects that, in settings like these, are simply intolerable. If you want to joke about stuff like this with your like-minded buds over some beers, that's once thing (still extremely bad taste as you suggested) but to do it in a classroom setting with impressionable teenagers is going way over the line.

I agree with you that, unless they find some substance behind the guy's bluster, he shouldn't go to jail (lose his job perhaps but not be prosecuted). But to attempt to defend or justify what he did is nothing short of abominable....and I'd say exactly the same thing to you if it were a sitting republican president that was the object of his lunacy.

no, i dont get into politics in my classes, it doesn't usually go well.

whats so different about speculating what would happen if the current prez got whacked or speculating what would have happened if say, lincoln or kennedy didnt get whacked?
nuttin at all.
i admit its not worth much, but then again neither are most hypothetical situation conversations.

this is just more americans acting like fools.
that fact is that the whole problem people have here is not the situation this guy spoke of, but the fact that obama was part of it.
if he used anybody else in his example there would be no problems.
Wow if this had been done during Bush's term the libs would have a love fest.
It was. There were open debates, including by teachers, whether the world would be better off if W. was assassinated.

Just remember the difference in reporting in the US media depending on who is in the White House. ;)
It was. There were open debates, including by teachers, whether the world would be better off if W. was assassinated.

Just remember the difference in reporting in the US media depending on who is in the White House. ;)

I think that was more wishful thinking than any hypothetical case study on geometry. :ak47:
Really? Where? In Iran?

C'mon, Quintuple-L! Gore Vidal??? I said "rational". :1orglaugh

I was actually more surprised by the reaction of Joy Beyhar. You expect that kind of shit from Vidal, but she's usually pretty hip on catching herself. And I truly don't think that wishing for Bush's death in certain circles...even certain intellectual circles, would have been met with dirty looks.

There's a difference between threatening or plotting and fantasying about it...not that any of this pertains to the idiocy of a math teacher resorting to such a gruesome scenario to "teach angles."

I'm not even going to pretend I know which "side" is more likely to bring up assassination or execution in what they see as a positive context...but I have to admit that it surely exists on both sides and not just by those on the "fringe." The days of base level loyalty to the POTUS simply because he's the POTUS are long gone...if they ever even existed at all.
Isn't there just a wee bit of difference between a private citizen/celebrity speaking extemporaneously and a teacher in a classroom!!:mad::mad::mad:

Yes. There's a great deal of difference. But if you would have read Jagger's post, you'd see I wasn't using the vid to justify the geometry teacher's idiocy. The teachers wasn't even the subject.

Another example of projection. You and I have different political philosophies, so surely I'm going out of my way to defend some anti-Obama provocateur. Is that it?:thumbsup::rolleyes:
The election of 2009 and his inauguration on Jan 20, 2010 say otherwise.:tongue:

we will see how long he lasts and if he is not prosecuted in court sooner or later for having lied about his citizenship and birth certificate.
It was. There were open debates, including by teachers, whether the world would be better off if W. was assassinated.

Just remember the difference in reporting in the US media depending on who is in the White House. ;)

I call B.S. on this. Proof or we need a retraction. I think you're making this up Prof. I do recall that there were "some" nasty protest posters targeting Dubya and Cheney during the warmongering of 2002-2004, but there was nothing like what you are claiming.

I don't know all though--so, provide some links and show me :dunno:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I see no problem here. wasn't done so that ought to tell you something right there and it is despicable irrespective of who does it.

Only a goofy shill would try to deflect these circumstances by what-iffing.


Note also that the Secret Service reported an unprecedented level of plausible threats against the Prez that they had to investigate after Obama took office. I suppose the librulz are to blame for that, too????
I call B.S. on this. Proof or we need a retraction. I think you're making this up Prof. I do recall that there were "some" nasty protest posters targeting Dubya and Cheney during the warmongering of 2002-2004, but there was nothing like what you are claiming.
I don't know all though--so, provide some links and show me :dunno:
Assume they never happened then. Seriously dude, the British even made a movie about such. Man, wow, didn't expect that level of ignorance of the past 8 years.

God, do people live in such a selective, subjective, politically-aligned vacuum? Understand, I am not an Obama disliker or W. supporter, and I did not vote for either W. or McCain, and think Palin is laughable.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
WTF is wrong with People? Are they that scared of black president. One day we'll have a woman president and there will be people out there saying she deserves to be raped! I am sorry but out country (The USA) is complete fucked with all the bigots and sexists out three!

C'mon people use your fucking god given brain!
WTF is wrong with People? Are they that scared of black president. One day we'll have a woman president and there will be people out there saying she deserves to be raped! I am sorry but out country (The USA) is complete fucked with all the bigots and sexists out three!

C'mon people use your fucking god given brain!

WTF is wrong with People? Are they that scared of black president. One day we'll have a woman president and there will be people out there saying she deserves to be raped! I am sorry but out country (The USA) is complete fucked with all the bigots and sexists out three!

C'mon people use your fucking god given brain!

And this is why America is doomed. People like you will have children.

Now being opposed to Obama, or leading an exercise in bad taste, denotes racism and sexism? The article doesn't even mention the teacher's race.
we will see how long he lasts and if he is not prosecuted in court sooner or later for having lied about his citizenship and birth certificate.

Yes I can see it all now......

I predict the prosecutor will be a driving instructor named Beldar

Obama will be found guilty of traveling back in time to plant his birth announcement in a 1961 Honolulu newspaper.

He will be banished to the planet Remulak, where he will be forced to labor for the rest of his days making intergalactic license plates :hammer: