A World Remembers 9/11

A World Remembers 9/11

I will let all these links and texts explain for themselves. :( :crying: :weeping: :bawling:

September 11 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11
September 11, 2001 attacks - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks
In Memoriam: September 11, 2001 - http://sep11.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Memoriam

A Nation Remembers 1 - http://www.markfiore.com/animation/remember.html
A Nation Remembers 2 - http://www.markfiore.com/animation/twoyear.html
A Nation Remembers 3 - http://www.markfiore.com/animation/rememberthree.html
History Held Hostage - http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20000817/
The CIA's Refusal to Declassify the Covert Record on Chile

Chile and the United States - http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB8/nsaebb8i.htm
Declassified documents related to the military coup of September 11, 1973
Anna Lindh (June 19, 1957 - September 11, 2003) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Lindh

Anna Lindh was a Swedish Social Democratic politician, Minister for the Environment (1994-1998) and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Swedish Government, from 1998 until her death.

Anna Lindh was generally seen as one of the prime candidates to succeed Göran Persson as President of the Social Democrats and Prime Minister of Sweden. In the final weeks of her life, she was intensely involved in the pro-Euro campaign preceding the Swedish referendum on the Euro, held on September 14, 2003, only three days after her death. One of the most popular politicians on the pro-Euro side, she was used as a frontperson, her face on billboards all over Sweden the day she was attacked and murdered.

Anna Lindh died on the early morning of September 11, 2003, following a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of September 10. Just after 4 pm she was attacked while shopping at the Nordiska Kompaniet department store. She was stabbed in the chest, stomach and arms. Following the assault she was rushed to the Karolinska Hospital where she underwent surgery for over nine hours, receiving blood transfusions continually during the operation. Reportedly she suffered copious internal bleeding, her liver was seriously damaged, and her medical situation remained grave, even though at first it appeared to have improved after the surgery. One hour after concluding the initial nine-hour surgery, complications forced resumption of surgery. At 5:29 am local time all attempts to save her life had been exhausted and Anna Lindh was pronounced dead.
On a positive note:

1297 - Scots under William Wallace defeated English troops in the Battle of Stirling Bridge.
Battle of Stirling Bridge - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stirling_Bridge
William Wallace - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wallace

1885 - D.H. Lawrence, novelist (d. 1930)
1940 - Brian de Palma, director
1964 - Roxann Dawson, actress (Star Trek: Voyager)
1965 - Richard Melville Hall aka Moby, musician
Do you remember what you were doing on that day, 3 years ago ?

I was in a orchard getting some apple... i stopped, for not apparent and went home... turn on the tv and saw the second plane it... i knew something was really wrong... i've all day with my brother glue to the tv screen, i'll never ever forget that...:(
I've noticed, being an outside observer, for the majority there's hardly two words about 9/11 all year & then when the day rolls around *everyone's* a teary-eyed falg waving patriot.

:2 cents:


Hmmm, its been 3 years, now I love my country as much as anyone else, but its time to move on and focus on more important priorities in life, like fixing our economy and focusing on our unemployment, as far as anyone one else I could careless, my family and friends are more importnt to me than people in NY. Sorry but thats just how I feel.


Member, you member...
Yeah, but if they dropped a plane on your friends and family then you would know how those people in NY feel.


jod0565 said:
Yeah, but if they dropped a plane on your friends and family then you would know how those people in NY feel.

never gonna happen, so i try not to think that way.
Many of my uncle friends as well as my friends died in the towers three years ago. What happened three years ago made me even more ruthless against terrorists and their allies.
May the victims of the 9/11/2001 RIP:( :crying:
bigdan1110 said:
Do you remember what you were doing on that day, 3 years ago ?
I was well stoned and I was walking through my local shopping precinct and I remember walking past Dixons (a tv, stereo, computer, etc shop) and saw what was happening on the tv in the window. I thought I was going mad and didn't actually believe it was happening until I got home and watched the news with my mum and brother.


Phil77 said:
Sorry but this thread should be closed, :2 cents:

Er, why???

I had just been to the electrical store and bought a new TV. I was tuning in the channels at home when i saw the one of the twin towers with smoke coming out of it. i wondered what the hell was going on, and then all became clear when the newsman expalined that a plane had crashed into one of the buildings.

I will remember that day for as long as i live.:(


Sutty said:
Er, why???

I had just been to the electrical store and bought a new TV. I was tuning in the channels at home when i saw the one of the twin towers with smoke coming out of it. i wondered what the hell was going on, and then all became clear when the newsman expalined that a plane had crashed into one of the buildings.

I will remember that day for as long as i live.:(

meh I know who have alway hated no matter what I say, but to me its just like any other day. It's sad that it happened, and I fnd to keep remembering it year after year is almost exploiting the attacks, its good to reflect, but to have all these news programs about it is beyond ridciulous. Today is 9/11/04, not 9/11/01.

By the way I was sick with the flu that whole week.
I remember WTC incident three years ago. I was watching The '70s Show on TV, and they had an extra news broadcast about the planes crashing into WTC. Well, only the first had crashed when it was, but the second one came later. I remember I then watched TV for 24 hours straight, before I was so exhausted I went to bed.

One year ago, the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Anna Lindh, died by the wounds she had received the day before, by some maniac who stabbed her several times with a knife. She was out shopping with a friend when it happened. So now, when it is 9/11, I have more than one reason to be sad.

Well, on a good note, the Battle of Stirling Bridge, where the Scots under William Wallace defeated English troops, was today. The story about William Wallace has been filmitized into the great film Braveheart! Well, it is only a small consolation...



Well I dont have many memories of that day seeing as it didnt affect my personal life all that much (I dont know anybody who lost someone that day) Anyways what I do remember of that day is me skipping school and sleeping threw what happened. When I woke up and turned on the news (a couple hours after the planes hit) I realized what happened and watched the news for awhile.

9/11 will probably be remembered for several more years but eventually it will go down in history just like with Pearl Harbor and we'll stop making such a spectacle of this day! I dont mean to sound cruel or anything but I'm kinda tired of revisiting 9/11! :2 cents:
jod0565 said:
Yeah, but if they dropped a plane on your friends and family then you would know how those people in NY feel.

And THAT'S excatly how the Palestinians -Afghans and Iraqies feel dude !!

Those people have been molested ,murdered , raped, and disappeared for decades and to 'bring freedom' now they are bombed by America....as if it wasn't enough that they where prosecuted by a dictator/dictators at home !!

The thread was opened and now I am gonna tell what I think of the things that happend.....

America needs to stay out of the shit that goes around at the other end of the world, always meddeling and involving in other country's ( especially when there's oil to get ). The 9/11 attack is a justifyed attack on an agressive country who invades other country's whenever they want, and because of the on going lies by Bush administration and the following occupation of muslim country's the hatred will only grow against America and that cocksucker Sharon in the MiddleEast, ERGO...more attacks and never peace again!!!
You Americans STILL havent learned yet that you can NEVER defeat a people who have nothing more to loose...All that has left to them is their lives and even that is of NO importance when your whole family is slaugthered!So there you have your suicidebomber also......1 example will make others follow, there you have your 100 other suicide bombers!!!

It will never be peace aslong as America usses his weight to repress other nations ..

Dont come with the argument that the invasions etc came AFTER 9/11 because Osama Bin Laden was quite clear in his statements...America has proven to be the enemy and by supporting and justifying the killing and prosecution of thousend and thousends of Palestinians by Sharon &Co under the guidance and with support of America, it is now time that we will bring the war to THEIR house and see how they like it when people are getting killed random !!

Take it as you like!!


First of all, your getting the War in Iraq mixed up with 9/11 as so many people do because of the Bush Administrations lies! The Iraq War is an unjust war but dont use that as an example to say that 9/11 was justified! Whether were the ones doing the killing or they are, the killing of innocents is never justified! They didnt attack us because of the Bush Administration, they attacked us because of our culture in general! I agree with a few things you said but dont ever say that 9/11 was justified!
i agree with you, Brino. murder is never justified. but i think what The Boss wanted to say with that, is that it was par for the course. it was the bill for the US actions in Afghanistan. and there i totally agree with him.

but actually i wanted to say something completely different. what's frustrating me about the 9/11 incident and the aftermath is the hypocritical selective compassion the world is showing. when the bodycount of the african tribal wars reached some hundred thousand nobody gave a fuck, but when 4000 americans lose their lives in a very spectacular way, the whole world is shedding tears. how come ?!? why aren't we having a minute's silence for the countless children dying by starvation every day ? are wealthy people more valuable than poor ones ?
the whole incident has been hyped by the medias and governments to an obscene level, and we have all come to a simple conclusion: terrorism must be fought !!!
what's killing more people, terrorism or famine ? right, then why aren't we fighting hunger with the same effort ?!
Through the eyes of the prosecuted and outcasted people of Palestina it is most definetly justifyed that a blow was handed to the mighty USA for allowing, participating and sponsoring the brutal and ongoing slaughter and driving in excile of a whole people from their birthland !!

Dont be surprised if England is next to hit the 'To do list' from the guys of Al-Qaida, after all they responsible for the stealing of a great piece off of Palestina in 1948...which by the way was condoned and under guidance of y'all USA ( again meddeling and interfering with country's at the other end of the globe!).

Like it or not Brino, I said it before...Americans are an agressive people who reap what they have sown for along long time !!

Innocent people dying is never good you said...well hell yeah your right about that but why is it that when innocent people die in West Bank by tanks and shit like that , that it is okay and totally NO effort is made to correct this wrong.....but when people who have nothing but rocks and homemade bombs who are willing to blow up them selfs in the process, and actually do so are deamed "terrorist" !!!???!!!!

Dont you guys understand when a man is left absolutly NO choice and his family has been slaughtered (litterally!) in front of his eyes, that there is NO FUCKING WAY that you can get at peace with this man or calculate what he might do against the oppresion he so hardly feels ?
That is an war you will not and cannot win, them guys did war for almost 60 years now man and still there is no look at peace( not by a long shot),... Now what the fuck you think is gonna happen when USA is keeping on invading country's ? Bring peace and "democracy" or having to stay there for ever and get bombed at for another 60 years and loose soldiers every goddamn day of your stay overthere??

If you dont wanne get targeted, then dont involve yourself in every thing around the world...Russia learned it in the 10 year stay the hard way over in Afghanistan....you think the killing has stopped overthere because CNN dont broadcast anymore??? No man every day hundreds of people die and for what ??? Taliban has been exciled and Bin Laden has taken the high road, why bomb these poor people anymore? After all they the ones who suffered the most through Taliban regime allready !!!
And now Operation Enduring Freedom, what a motherfucking joke that is, bombs people who already had nothing to begin with..
I say ...dont act surprised and shocked when another blast is shaking y'all awake again, because things can't go on like this...

Take it as you like !!

The Boss
No one cares about Ireland either and our struggle to free the north from a hostile occupational force.
The EU turns a blind eye and America is getting very pally pally with Britain which will in turn cause friction between Ireland & the USA, the old "is the friend of my enemy my friend or my enemy" thing.
I never agreed with the bombing of civilians though, that only hurt our cause not helped it & it was a stupid & cowardly thing to do. Had I been in charge we would have stuck to military targets. At least they know what they're getting into & accept the risks, a civilian is just a helpess target & there is no honor in blowing them up.
You kill a person or several people in a bar what do you accomplish? NOTHING. You destroy an APC or a helicopter what do you acomplish? A LOT. A civilian costs the enemy government nothing, a military helicopter & crew or an APC costs them time, money & expensive to train personel.
We just want our own island back. Nothing wrong with wanting that but we're left twisting in the wind because we're not important enough obviously.
I can relate to how a Palestinian would feel...

:2 cents: