A World Remembers 9/11


Given that I served in the U.S. Marines during the first Gulf War, I can appreciate the whole aura of what our country feels when the word "terrorism" is used in our everyday conversations now.

I will never forget 11 September 2001. I was at home asleep - having been home only a couple of hours - when my neighbor across the street called me and frantically told me to turn on the television. What I saw in those next few moments are still etched in my mind.

Immediately after the first building fell, I called my girlfriend and told her to get up, get Morgan up, turn on the t.v., and be ready to see me in a half-hour. She was crying hysterically; having never known the feeling of being shot at or having heard the burning hot passing wind of bullets flying in the air.

I made it across town in record time. At the time I lived clear across town from her and can vividly remember the blur of the surrounding scenery as I flew across town to be there with her & Morgan. Nobody knew what was happening. Our entire country was paralyzed by fear; not knowing if there were to be more attacks or nuclear bombs falling on our cherished land.

I made it to her house in fifteen minutes... a drive of 38 miles that normally took at least twice that amount of time. Not a cop in sight. No traffic. It was a straight shot on the freeway. I can remember the howl of the wind across my truck as I drove as hard as I could to her.

Our country was forever changed by what we witnessed. And felt. And saw. And experienced.

I can remember crying as I saw people willingly fall hundreds of feet out of those windows to escape the flames. I can remember the feeling of utter helplessness as I saw two symbols of our freedom crumble - at first slowly, then rapidly - to the ground. I still feel the numbing shock as I watched everyday heroes - the fireman, the police officers, and the medical community - so willingly put their lives at risk to ensure the safety of those in that building.

I remember the haunting sounds of TAPS float through the air and the mournful moans of bagpipes playing "Amazing Graze" days later as our country gathered her fallen heroes and laid them to rest in honor for their selfless sacrifices.

I will forever remember this day... the day our beautiful country lay naked and bruised on the ground as a petty bully gloated and cackled over our wounds.

I will forever remember the pride I felt when I saw my country's colors snapping jauntily in the wind; knowing that MY country - though forever scarred by this tragedy - would stand tall and deliver retribution upon those responsible for the loss of innocent lives.

I will forever remember the saluting those colors with tears in my eyes as I stood next to my beautiful girlfriend and her precious daughter.

I will forever remember all those who have sacrificed their lives since that day to ensure our safety and well-being. For THEY are the true heroes that guarantee our freedoms as Americans....

I will forever remember the creed of the Corps:

Semper Fidelis

Sept 11, really bothered me as well, I am a retired volunteer firefighter and I was at work when I saw the planes hiton T.V., and I sed to a co-worker that BIN LADEN must be involved. when the planes hit, , it felt like I was hit in the chest with a sledge hammer, esp after hearing of how many firefighting brothers had died. But 1 odd fact, shortly after the attacksthere was a documentaryabout firefighters, called "The Bravest", and the camera crew was talking to one of the firefighters about what kind of training they did at the WTC, and the firefighter replied in case of a terrorist attack. That documentary was filmed, I believe was 2 weeks before the attack. Now that was really spooky
i don't want to sound insensitive but this thread has been dead for three months, we all feel for the people who died in spt 11 and for the ventrans who have and are fighting in the gulf. but comeon your not saying anything that has not been said already in this thread and in many others.


And not to be disrespectful at all.... but you are entitled to your opinion as well.

Nobody forced you to read it, Harold... know what I'm saying?

I can understand - and appreciate - what you're saying and how you feel... but, I'm still going to post my views, thoughts, and feelings. It's what this very board is about... know what I mean?

You chose to come on the thread and post.... just like I chose to do the same.

C'mon.. lighten up a little. It's all good.


Two things I'd like to type about 9/11.

One: the way everybody is going on about 9/11 is understandable. But when I think about all the shit that has happened to so many countries in the world that are ten times, if not one hundred times worse then 9/11. It makes me think that America has had it REALLY easy for a LONG time.
Now America has to (sort of) live with what millions around the world have been living with more years or decades or longer.
You'd better get used to it. Because the days of no worries about terrorism are over (I suspect). At least for your lifetime.

Two: As much as everyone was stunned and mourning 9/11 and all that. I still believe that the average American was FAR more scared of the anthrax mailings turning up around the country then about a plane flying into their house or place of work. And wasen't the theory that an American perpetrated the mailings? (BTW did they catch the person(s)?)

Like I typed above. The threat of terrorism is here to stay. So get used to it.

P.S. unless of course you live up here in Canada. We have almost as high a standard of living (as the U.S.), a MUCH better health care system (here, you get very sick and your poor you probably get better); In the 'states if your poor and get really sivck - you probably die, far less handguns to shoot at each other everytime one of us gets pissed off and most countries don't hate us. :)
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Great posts................I'll always remember it, unfortunately, it happened on my birthday :glugglug: .



Today is 07 December 2004. The 43rd anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

"... a day that will live in infamy ..."

Let us remember the fallen heroes from that day forward unto this day. May they never be forgotten. May their selfless sacrifices be remembered and cherished.