And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

What's worse: Obama speaking to children or Dubya using a tragedy to force through a warmongering agenda in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11? How many innocent Iraqis have perished in Dubya's war? :dunno:

Probably alot less than if they were still under Saddam's dictatorship.

In his own words, he really is transforming America..... or at least trying.
The question is do those on the recieving end now have more numbers than those who are being/going to be raped do, and if not, will the rapies have the courage and sense to stop it, or are they too busy working or scared of being called a terrorist or racist for not agreeing with him

And STd, your post shows that your are just a punk

Yes, trying, but failing I'm afraid. At the rate Obama's popularity is dropping I predict by this time next year he'll be as popular as Bush. Everyone might as well start thinking about who the next pres should be because I seriously doubt it will be him. I personally think its time for some new type of party because the Reps and Dems don't seem to be working that well anymore.
Obama is just a fucking idiot, seriously do you think you will be more safe with Daddy O? If you think so then you got all wrong.

Considering that the HSAS (Homeland Security Advisory System) threat level hasn't been raised/elevated since Obama got elected, I'd say yes.

It's possible that Obama is manipulating things so that they seem safer than they actually are, but if this is true and something actually happens it'd be the end of his political carreer & because of that I doubt he'd actually do such a thing.

Of course it's also possible Bush elevated the threat level artificially while there wasn't any actual danger, but why would he do such a thing? I can think of some, which mostly have to do with political gain, but would an honest and sincere politician really use the system in such a way?


Considering that the HSAS (Homeland Security Advisory System) threat level hasn't been raised/elevated since Obama got elected, I'd say yes.

It's possible that Obama is manipulating things so that they seem safer than they actually are, but if this is true and something actually happens it'd be the end of his political carreer & because of that I doubt he'd actually do such a thing.

Of course it's also possible Bush elevated the threat level artificially while there wasn't any actual danger, but why would he do such a thing? I can think of some, which mostly have to do with political gain, but would an honest and sincere politician really use the system in such a way?

Show me and honest and sincere politician in America

Will E Worm

Obama only cares about continuing to campaign and his Marxist agenda. He does not care about the people, only his agenda. He is no different than the past two POTUS we have had. Only that he is way more on tract with his mission then the past two guys.

When will you guys realized this is not about D and R. Its about being a free people vs govt oppression.

I have been trying to tell people this too. ;)

But, this agenda is not his, he is a puppet like all the others.
Probably alot less than if they were still under Saddam's dictatorship.

Yes, trying, but failing I'm afraid. At the rate Obama's popularity is dropping I predict by this time next year he'll be as popular as Bush. Everyone might as well start thinking about who the next pres should be because I seriously doubt it will be him. I personally think its time for some new type of party because the Reps and Dems don't seem to be working that well anymore.

I think its time for a 3rd party to step in. Rep and Dem's are soo far Right and Left that they can never agree on anything or for that matter get anything important done. By important I mean anything that favors the people of The U.S. because judging by what I have seen from either party lately I don't believe either one fights for anything but themselves. I have always been more republican but that doesn't stop me from voting any way I feel. Lets see a president who has my interest at heart and not this lying sack of shit Obama. He preached "change" and "hope" but even after half a year in office I can not outline either of those words with anything he has done. :2 cents:
Thats some link lol.

I encourage everyone to click on it and read a few of the comments posted about the story.These people are just so out there.:eek:

Here is just one,the rest all take the same similar really ludicous POV.

"Comment by Uncle_John
September 3, 2009 @ 7:27 pm

Since before this election, when Obama first appeared as the front runner for the Democratic nomination, I tried to tell everyone I knew that this would be the last Presidential election held in the U.S. No one would listen. First, I have grave doubts that the 2010 Congressional elections will be held. If it looks like the Democrates will loose control of Congress, some sort of "national emergency" will be declared and every attempt will be made to "postpone or cancel" the elections. If, somehow, they are held, then for sure the Mother of all "October surprises" will take place immediately prior to the 2012 Presidential election and it will never be held. At that time, we will have our Second Civil War... It's going to happen as sure as the sun came up this morning. Most of you will simply call this the rantings of a nut; so be it. But just remember, I told you so."

And the same can be found at the Huffington Post and DailyKos, only a lot more. :yesyes:
Stop calling people 'marxist' who really are miles and miles form that.

In a nutshell, do your homework before hitting on other people.

I have done my homework and Obama has surrounded himself with OPEN and Confessed Marxist.

So get out of your nutshell and open your eyes.


Hiliary 2020
What this thread proves, as do most right wing wacko threads do, is that right wing wackoes don't have command of the facts or don't actually care about the facts in any situation, or any topic.

What's worse: Obama speaking to children or Dubya using a tragedy to force through a warmongering agenda in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11? How many innocent Iraqis have perished in Dubya's war? :dunno:

We, as a nation, will never move beyond 9/11 because we, as a nation, can't even build a building!! We would rather have a giant hole in the middle of one of the greatest cities in the world....nice job everyone.
We can't build a building?
Sure your thinking of most of Africa or the middle east?

And on the other hand, although they al;so have more schools, better health care and don't have to worry about themselves and their families being killed for saying anything critical about their leader.
Its amazing how you have a double standard about everything, always against the US of course.
So what you're suggesting is that Obama is trying to say 9/11 was caused by people that are against his healthcare plan?

Not at all. If you can't see my point then ...........oh well


Hiliary 2020
What I find odd is how everyone talks about remembering 9/11 yet we still don't have a new building or memorial where the towers once stood and we still haven't found and killed Bin Laden. However we did succeed at killing the dictator that had nothing to do with 9/11 and we still have a hole in NYC. Go America!:thumbsup:

Yeah man and most of the terrorist leaders who were involved with it and other mass murders, well at least when Bush was prez.
Clinton did bomb a pharmacutical factory and thusfar Obama has done nothing, except record spending to push his communist intentions.

And we don't have a new building because there a thing in the US called capitalism.
When somebody wants to, they will buy the land and build something.


Hiliary 2020
Who cares how many? It was alot thats all, and ones too many in my book.
Between 93 and 2002 the country was attacked repeatedly.

But its got nothing to do with the thread.
The fact is he's pushing his plans purposely on that day.


Staff member
Considering that the HSAS (Homeland Security Advisory System) threat level hasn't been raised/elevated since Obama got elected, I'd say yes.

It's possible that Obama is manipulating things so that they seem safer than they actually are, but if this is true and something actually happens it'd be the end of his political carreer & because of that I doubt he'd actually do such a thing.

Of course it's also possible Bush elevated the threat level artificially while there wasn't any actual danger, but why would he do such a thing? I can think of some, which mostly have to do with political gain, but would an honest and sincere politician really use the system in such a way?

Stupid Obama freed Guantanamo detainees that will certainly be back to attack the USA. Closing Guantanamo in order to please to the UN and show some humanism as well kissing the arab nations asses is a job at which Obama excels. I don't consider Barrak Hussein Obama as a real American but clearly more as an Americanized Arab, Barrak and Hussein are not American first names but Arab first names, using that senseless argument that he represents all Americans when it is not true is not valid and useless. He represents mainly the poor, the ghetto people as well as black muslims. He was elected thanks to communautarianist vote based on massive marketing hype not something else. He also said that Islam is an important asset to the American history, since when Islam has been an important asset to the American history? Since, he likes Farrakhan and the other moronic reverend that backed him up? Before you jump on me like a bandwagon for criticizing Obama and his roots, know that in France, the people who wanted him so badly to be president, were people of the ghetto, muslims, teachers and fucking students and people who don't have a good position in the society.
This is my honest opinion and it will remain as such.
Naivety is a common flaw that liberals have as well as lacking patriotism and pragmatism when it comes to take measures that are efficient and immediate.
What kind of measures has taken Daddy O since the start of his term? Only fucked up ones. Yet you still think that Daddy O will fix the economy over the short run? Please get real.
Stupid Obama freed Guantanamo detainees that will certainly be back to attack the USA. Closing Guantanamo in order to please to the UN and show some humanism as well kissing the arab nations asses is a job at which Obama excels. I don't consider Barrak Hussein Obama as a real American but clearly more as an Americanized Arab, Barrak and Hussein are not American first names but Arab first names, using that senseless argument that he represents all Americans when it is not true is not valid and useless. He represents mainly the poor, the ghetto people as well as black muslims. He was elected thanks to communautarianist vote based on massive marketing hype not something else. He also said that Islam is an important asset to the American history, since when Islam has been an important asset to the American history? Since, he likes Farrakhan and the other moronic reverend that backed him up? Before you jump on me like a bandwagon for criticizing Obama and his roots, know that in France, the people who wanted him so badly to be president, were people of the ghetto, muslims, teachers and fucking students and people who don't have a good position in the society.
This is my honest opinion and it will remain as such.
Naivety is a common flaw that liberals have as well as lacking patriotism and pragmatism when it comes to take measures that are efficient and immediate.
What kind of measures has taken Daddy O since the start of his term? Only fucked up ones. Yet you still think that Daddy O will fix the economy over the short run? Please get real.

As usual you're clueless (apparently except for muscle cars)...

Since 2002, 61 former detainees have committed or are suspected to have committed attacks after being released from the detention camp, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said at a briefing Tuesday.

The number is up since the Pentagon's last report in March 2008 when officials said 37 former detainees had been suspected of returning to the battlefield since 2002.

Since 2007, more than 100 detainees were released, significantly more than in previous years, according to Pentagon officials.

According to the statistics, of the 61 former detainees that are believed to have returned to fighting, 18 have been officially confirmed while 43 are suspected, Morrell said.

The 18 were confirmed through intelligence, photographs, fingerprints and other information, Morrell said.

Of the 43 other detainees suspected of taking part in terrorist attacks, only "plausible reporting" on their activities indicated some kind of involvement, according to Morrell.

Here's a test. This article was written on Jan 14, 2009 and it cites cases of former detainees released and suspected of returning to terror since 2002.

Who was the POTUS between 2002 and Jan. 14, 2009...the time frame these individuals were released? Here's a hint...his initials aren't BHO.

But daddy Bush was keeping us safe with his rainbow terra alerts:rolleyes:...Had this been a Demo POTUS he Fox would be skewering him or her.

But "georges" don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.
As usual you're clueless (apparently except for muscle cars)...

The worst one probably is saying Barak Hussein Obama is not an "american" name.As if there was any name that is not potentially an american name.But I get what he means ,he means real americans, who of course all have anglo sounding names and fair skin.

That is of course a very narrow definition of an american which would be rejected hopefully by most americans.If they think those are the only real americans they are sadly mistaken.
Stupid Obama freed Guantanamo detainees that will certainly be back to attack the USA. Closing Guantanamo in order to please to the UN and show some humanism as well kissing the arab nations asses is a job at which Obama excels. I don't consider Barrak Hussein Obama as a real American but clearly more as an Americanized Arab, Barrak and Hussein are not American first names but Arab first names, using that senseless argument that he represents all Americans when it is not true is not valid and useless. He represents mainly the poor, the ghetto people as well as black muslims. He was elected thanks to communautarianist vote based on massive marketing hype not something else. He also said that Islam is an important asset to the American history, since when Islam has been an important asset to the American history? Since, he likes Farrakhan and the other moronic reverend that backed him up? Before you jump on me like a bandwagon for criticizing Obama and his roots, know that in France, the people who wanted him so badly to be president, were people of the ghetto, muslims, teachers and fucking students and people who don't have a good position in the society.
This is my honest opinion and it will remain as such.
Naivety is a common flaw that liberals have as well as lacking patriotism and pragmatism when it comes to take measures that are efficient and immediate.
What kind of measures has taken Daddy O since the start of his term? Only fucked up ones. Yet you still think that Daddy O will fix the economy over the short run? Please get real.

At last someone else has woken up to the first name danger! I've been writing my congressman this last six months to try and get a federal first name task force off the ground. They have yet to respond. Evidence enough that my congressman is already under the thumb of the Obamacon secret shadow government.

As an unrelated aside can anyone recommend a good soothing cream? Every summer I get a rash on my neck from sweating under this tinfoil helmet.