What's worse: Obama speaking to children or Dubya using a tragedy to force through a warmongering agenda in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11? How many innocent Iraqis have perished in Dubya's war? :dunno:
Probably alot less than if they were still under Saddam's dictatorship.
In his own words, he really is transforming America..... or at least trying.
The question is do those on the recieving end now have more numbers than those who are being/going to be raped do, and if not, will the rapies have the courage and sense to stop it, or are they too busy working or scared of being called a terrorist or racist for not agreeing with him
And STd, your post shows that your are just a punk
Yes, trying, but failing I'm afraid. At the rate Obama's popularity is dropping I predict by this time next year he'll be as popular as Bush. Everyone might as well start thinking about who the next pres should be because I seriously doubt it will be him. I personally think its time for some new type of party because the Reps and Dems don't seem to be working that well anymore.