And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?


So let me ask this question.

Why is it that Obama easily won the Presidental election, but 9 months into his Presidency his poll numbers are slipping drasticly? He was so popular a few months ago what happened?

Also there is an almost 2-1 ration of reqistared Dems over Repubs as of 2004 55 million R and 75 million D.
Does anyone else notice how we have nothing but bullshit American politics threads all the time? Fuck America, I want to know what's going on in Australia.

YEAH!!! This is bullshit!!! Why don't we ever discuss what the fuck is going on in Latvia anyway???
And I'll raise you
Now pay close attention to the right hand side where it says total approve and total disapprove.

That wasn't a "raise" lowered.

That's one poll which happens to be the most anti Democrat poll of all relatively credible polls.

Now pay close attention to the average of all these polls. Not just the one, most anti Obama pollster.

Never mind all of that anyway...Obama will be judge by what he does....not some poll...of course it's nice for him to have good poll numbers but the only ones that matter at this point are the ones back in Nov.


Hiliary 2020
Friday I agree, things like what I said do fall into the over the top category,at least in this point of history. But its only little old me talking.
I do think and read carefully mega, based on his actions, words (not specifically saying "hey, I'm glad 911 happened") , and associations.that he very well might feel this way.
:hatsoff: jason

I think alot of democrats might be starting to think "We should have stuck with Hillary".

Waco mega, to answer your specific question. Because the ATF opened fire on the front door soon after arrival, killing the poor schmuck who answered it.
They video taped everything, news crews + the ATF, but for some reason no video of the initial door knocking exists, it disappeared.
Either way knowing there was kids inside ........forget it.


Staff member
I don't care who the president of the US is, whether it's Bush, Obama, Yogi Bear, the Dalai Lama or Ted Bundy, nor do I care what nationality their parents or ancestors have.

I don't know if the Islam has ever been an important asset of the US' history, but it has been a part of it since the earliest days of the slave trade nonetheless as 10% of the slaves transported to the US were muslim.

It's nice to know that 65% of the French population lives in ghettos, as independent polls have concluded that that is the amount of French people that favored Obama, whereas only 8% favored McCain. The others probably couldn't care less.

The only country outside of the US where McCain was favored as highly or even slightly more than Obama was in fact Jordan (22% for Obama & 23% for McCain). I hope I don't have to point out that this is a Mulsim nation.

You have every right to an opinion, like everyone else, but if you post it, make clear that it is just that, an opinion, and don't state it like it's a fact, which it isn't.

The 65% of the French population living in ghettos (composed mostly by immigrants of the Maghreb and former French African Colonies) has been knwown for:
-leeching social helps and benefitting from the social security since 1975 at the expense of the others
-benefitting of a free shelder before french born citizens
-involved in racketeering,selling drugs, burning cars and constantly rioting with the police
-poor knowledge of foreign and American politics
-illiteracy and a poor educational level
-hate of order and disrespect of customs and habits in the country where they migrated in.
Right wing is often synonym of nazism for these people. These people are the ones who wanted Royal as president, thankfully she didn't get elected.
I wonder what's the situation in the Netherlands because you too have these people.
Regarding French students, a lot of post 1986 born people have no knowledge of foreign and American politics as well as hate of order and disrespect of their older peers.
I don't like to sound so critical but 30 years of socialism have fucked up, must I say screwed my country culturally, economically and socially. The laxism of the leftists lead to this result.
Domestic Terrorist is and this is taken straight from the patroit act:
Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."

Kinda like the Weather Underground, but we will get to that later.
Notable domestic terrorist
Animal liberation Front

off topic, but I think it's funny that ALF is on that list, since they don't do any of those things, by the Patriot Acts definition they aren't a terrorist group.

maybe mass destruction... but I wonder how many things have to be destroyed to qualify as a "mass."

Seems like all but the Army of God and the KKK are left wing groups. So i guess all them Milita groups don;t gather a interest for the DHS.

well that isn't a complete list. I think there has been more than 6 domestic terrorist groups in the last 30 years.

But it is interesting that militias aren't on that list. If obama doesn't care about armed rednecks advocating the overthrow of the government, then he probably doesn't care about couch potato rednecks bitching about him on the internet.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
obama: same shit, different colour.

9/11: yes it was horribly bad, yes the firefighters, police, civilian victims etc should be remembered, BUT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS EARTH WOULD HAVE STOPPED WHINING ABOUT IT BY NOW. IT'S BEEN 8 YEARS. GET OVER IT. if my grandparents had bitched and moaned this long then germany wouldn't have been rebuilt after '45, japan would still be paralysed by two atomic bombs instead of being the world's leading economy, and londoners would still live in fear of the blitz.
you lost two buildings, and your government's headquarters... i mean, your defense department (as if there were a difference) but act is if the whole country went down.
i know this is in large part due to media hysteria and politicians that try to exploit every tragedy to get some more votes, but please pull yourselves together.

Please tell me you are kidding. The Germans killed their own people and Japan still has ceremonies for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The 65% of the French population living in ghettos (composed mostly by immigrants of the Maghreb and former French African Colonies) has been knwown for:
-leeching social helps and benefitting from the social security since 1975 at the expense of the others
-benefitting of a free shelder before french born citizens
-involved in racketeering,selling drugs, burning cars and constantly rioting with the police
-poor knowledge of foreign and American politics
-illiteracy and a poor educational level
-hate of order and disrespect of customs and habits in the country where they migrated in.
Right wing is often synonym of nazism for these people. These people are the ones who wanted Royal as president, thankfully she didn't get elected.
I wonder what's the situation in the Netherlands because you too have these people.
Regarding French students, a lot of post 1986 born people have no knowledge of foreign and American politics as well as hate of order and disrespect of their older peers.
I don't like to sound so critical but 30 years of socialism have fucked up, must I say screwed my country culturally, economically and socially. The laxism of the leftists lead to this result.

But those people you mention, the ones composed mostly by immigrants of the Maghreb and former French African Colonies, are probably all muslim. Still, only 11% of the French population is Muslim and not nearly all of them are criminals.

Economically, it's the European Union that has fucked up our economies. The deficit as percent of the GDP has to be around or below the 3%. Before the European Union, it was much higher in almost all states. In the US the deficit in 2009 is 12.93%.

That, combined with useless prestige projects, like the Joint Strike Fighter (costs to buy them €5.5 billion & to use them & €9,1 billion to actually use them = €14.6 billion total costs) and the Betuwe Lijn (a rail track which is supposed to go from the western parts of the Netherlands all the way to Germany to transport goods, even though we've never needed it and nobody has ever asked for it) (€4,7 Billion) are two nice examples that the Dutch spend a lot of money on. I'm 100% convinced that the French have similar useless prestige projects.

Also, Chirac was a Gaullist & d'Estaign was central right, so I don't know what you're talking about when you're talking about 30 years of socialism.

In the Netherlands only 5.5% of the population is Muslim, 69% of those people have a Turkish & Morrocan heritage. This makes a grand total of 3.8% Turkish or Moroccan. Still, people like Wilders will blow this completely out of proportion & a lot of people actually see this small group as a threat....

In the Netherlands 90% of the people favored Obama while only 6% favored McCain.
The 65% of the French population living in ghettos (composed mostly by immigrants of the Maghreb and former French African Colonies) has been knwown for:
-leeching social helps and benefitting from the social security since 1975 at the expense of the others
-benefitting of a free shelder before french born citizens
-involved in racketeering,selling drugs, burning cars and constantly rioting with the police
-poor knowledge of foreign and American politics
-illiteracy and a poor educational level
-hate of order and disrespect of customs and habits in the country where they migrated in.
Right wing is often synonym of nazism for these people. These people are the ones who wanted Royal as president, thankfully she didn't get elected.
I wonder what's the situation in the Netherlands because you too have these people.
Regarding French students, a lot of post 1986 born people have no knowledge of foreign and American politics as well as hate of order and disrespect of their older peers.
I don't like to sound so critical but 30 years of socialism have fucked up, must I say screwed my country culturally, economically and socially. The laxism of the leftists lead to this result.

Do you mean the same way Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants to the US did when they began coming here en mass? You in ghettos, racketeering, etc.

Dude, Cal, the right wing terrorists are the people who disagree with him, not just a few possible militia types.
Other than McVeigh,and Obamas friends William Ayers and Tony Rezko, has domestic terrorism really been a big problem? Especially compared to muslim terrorists?

Well maybe Blacks and Jews and might be able to chime in on the whole domestic terrorism not ever being a problem. They've (Blacks moreso than Jews in the US) have been terrorized by domestic terrorist organizations and individuals for generations in virtually every way imaginable.

Honestly and no disrespect intended but it's pretty frightening (in a sad sense) that you teach anything.

I do think and read carefully mega, based on his actions, words (not specifically saying "hey, I'm glad 911 happened") , and associations.that he very well might feel this way.

This is what you said,

I'm gonna say it, and based on his actions, words and associations.
He's glad sept 11 happened, he was glad on that day, and he's still glad.
Now that he has the power, he is rubbing it in the faces of those who are not glad.

Again, what has Obama EVER said or done that remotely suggests he's was and is still glad 9/11 happened??? I'll wait.

Waco mega, to answer your specific question. Because the ATF opened fire on the front door soon after arrival, killing the poor schmuck who answered it.
They video taped everything, news crews + the ATF, but for some reason no video of the initial door knocking exists, it disappeared.
Either way knowing there was kids inside ........forget it.

How convenient.:rolleyes: What would any conspiracy be without the magic, vanishing video....:1orglaugh Aside from the fact that numerous investigations have concluded all of these wacko conspiracy theories are complete fantasy if not outright lies...How do you know the BATF fired unprovoked at the guy who opened the door if this mystery tape (or tapes) "disappeared"???

I'm going to tell you don't and the only conspiracy here is the one in which your own political beliefs have conspired with the lies of others to brainwash you into buying utterly implausible myths.

Forget what anyone says for a moment and try as hard as you can for just a split second to use a little common sense in considering this question (even play the scenario out in your mind if need would be helpful).

But when have you EVER known the news media to be at the scene of during the INITIAL contact law enforcement makes with a suspect?? That happens in the rarest of cases and only likely when the suspect is a celebrity. Why would the news media have a reason to be out at the Waco compound at the same time law enforcement showed up when nothing has happened yet?? In other words, there is no news yet? It certainly wouldn't be in the interests of the agency executing the warrants to have a media circus out there in their way.

Even as such, if as you claim the BATF summarily executed the poor, unsuspecting schmuck who answered the door..why didn't they continue with the breach since they apparently had gotten the drop in the Branch Davidians at that point???

The BATF went in heavy and they were absolutely right in so doing. As they were confronting a heavily armed, potentially combative suspect on a large compound with an indeterminable amount of additional hostiles.

Despite what you've been brainwashed into allowing yourself to believe, the BATF went out of their way to spare lives in that tragedy.

With respect to the fires, I'm going to appeal to your genius once more. If power has be cut to the compound and generators disabled...what do you think the Branch Davidians inside the compound were using for light when they needed it if not some type of flammable accelerant?? The same accelerants used to set the compound ablaze. These people were dead enders like most cultists and undoubtedly attempted to commit some mass suicide at the end of this thing. Otherwise what's the point of a violent standoff if you're not willing to die in the end?? That should be as obvious as the day is long.


Staff member
Do you mean the same way Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants to the US did when they began coming here en mass? You in ghettos, racketeering, etc.

Well maybe Blacks and Jews and might be able to chime in on the whole domestic terrorism not ever being a problem. They've (Blacks moreso than Jews in the US) have been terrorized by domestic terrorist organizations and individuals for generations in virtually every way imaginable.
If you look at how well and how importantly the Jews have contributed to America, you would be astonished that a big number of America's highest political personalities,financial authorities, as well as show biz personalities are either Jewish or have Jewish roots. You want some names, here you go: John D Rockfeller, Alan Greenspan, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas, Ben Bernanke, Nathalie Portman, Cindy Margolis, Yul Bruner, etc. Jews have contributed to America and its developpement.

Blacks have contributed too to America's cultural, political and social developpement. Politicians like Powell and Rice have significantly contributed to the importance of the American politics. Actors like Chris Rock, Billy Blanks, Michael Jay White, Wesley Snipes, Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Anthony Mackie, Jamie Foxx, Forest Whitaker and TV host Oprah worked hard to achieve their goals and the place where they are at. Another thing that plagues the black community is gangs and poverty. The gangsta culture is present as well as the temptation of easy money with selling crack, weed and marijuana is what cause troubles in the black hoods.

Concerning Italians, in the twenties and the thirties, they were starting to establish the first mafia clans in NY and then in Chicago. I bet you heard from John Gotti. The Italian mafia is still present. Some months ago Michael "Mikey Cigars, Filma, Little Mike" J. Coppola was arrested for the murder in which he plead non guilty and was acquitted of it but however remained guilty for racketeering Another alleged convicted mafiosi Joseph "Joey" Anthony Quartieri is still on the run and wanted for attempted murder of a cop and for robbery Italians have also contributed to America politically and culturally with Giulianni, De Niro, Al Pacino, Mira Sorvino, James Farentino, Leonardo Di Caprio, Armand Assante, etc.

The Irish are part of the founding roots of USA, they are a part of America's history.
I will ignore you like I would ignore a pimple on my ass.

Hey, be careful, ignore those at your own risk - sometimes those pimples can become infected, and then you get an abscess...

Also, they can really smart (or BE really smart, as Hot Mega is)!



Hiliary 2020
If your gonna kiss his ass, don't use me to do it. Please.
There are rules, onthis board and just normal behavior, you don't insult someone with something that has nothing to with the thread.
If we all start doing that, then the board goes to shit, and we look like a bunch of punks.