A World Remembers 9/11

Boss Pease is easy in the Middle East. All it take is a couple
turns form some key and a push of a button, and there
you have the worlds a better place. Some of my family are
from there and there is nothing good there and nothing to miss.
Almost sounds like your one of those retard bomber.
If it wasn't for the U.S. all of these years just think how fucked
up the world would be today.

Now you take it as you like.:wave2:

hinddee29 said:
Boss Pease is easy in the Middle East. All it take is a couple
turns form some key and a push of a button, and there
you have the worlds a better place. Some of my family are
from there and there is nothing good there and nothing to miss.
Almost sounds like your one of those retard bomber.
If it wasn't for the U.S. all of these years just think how fucked
up the world would be today.

Now you take it as you like.:wave2:


:wtf: nuke the middle east and the world's a better place ??? are you sick, man ?! is that your political opinion ? the whole arabian race doesn't deserve to live ?! watch what you're saying, you sound like Hitler !!!
if it wasn't for the US many of those problems wouldn't have even ocurred in the first place, and then look at the places in the world that ARE fucked up BECAUSE the US government decided to meddle.
you're making it yourself pretty simple, right ?! terrorist are not humans. they've been born evil and they'll always be evil ! so let's waste em. them and their families. aah what the heck, let's waste the whole fucking middle east...........
you are so naive, man !!!
hinddee29 said:
Boss Pease is easy in the Middle East. All it take is a couple
turns form some key and a push of a button, and there
you have the worlds a better place.

"""Will never happen, the moment them missiles are launched the counter launches are released....ERGO No one lives to see another day !!"""

Some of my family are
from there and there is nothing good there and nothing to miss.

"""So your own family isn't good aswell and to be wasted according to your reasoning, LOL okay by me anyhow !!"""

Almost sounds like your one of those retard bomber.

"""Well obviously I ain't a bomber , but I will tell you that if it was my country unser siege then HELL YEAH I WOULD PLACE BOMBS AND TAKE SNIPERSHOTS AT THEM INVADING MOTHERFUCKERS !!!
Point blank !!"""

If it wasn't for the U.S. all of these years just think how fucked
up the world would be today.

"""Y'all made shit all over the world You Misinformed brainwashed looney!!! You instantly proved my point that your a agresive nation that meddels and involves with all kinds of nasty shit that goes around !!!
It is attitude like you showed that made them planes come into your "house", exactly this is making someone somewhere very dedicated to whooping some Yankee ass no matter what the consequences!!! You understand that, you moron!!!

I never once said I agreed with the plane attack only tryed to explain from where this hatered comes from towards the USA , and told you that things aint over by along shot because of the continuous involment from your administration in the occupation and slaughter and degradation of people in the Middle Easten world !!!"""

Now you take it as you like.:wave2:




Closed Account
boss, you are a miss guided idiot, your ignorance about the situation is amazing, get off your liberal hate america kick, all of us non trendy people are sick of hearing this commie anti american outrage, next week you will probabally be saving the rain forest or something

thats my opinion, and i am sure i will get a response

P.S. i was getting out of the shower and getting ready to go to my noon history class, i watched the second plane hit live, and i almost got sick, i had to go to the university that day and tell everyone the news, they had been teaching or learning and didnt know what had happened, it was horrible. one girl in my music ap. class had a brother that worked in the tower

i know it is your opinion and you are allowed to say what you want, but you really need to re think what you are saying because this is not a joking matter
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What some morons fail to understand?
This thread is about remembering those lost on 9-11.

To the big headed wonder typers who feel they need to show others what is right and what has happned.
I laugh at you, talking to yourself isn't just a habbit for you.
Whatever man. I didn't think I was attacting you, but with all the
intel on the subject just sounded like you have thought about it.
There will never be peace because no one really wants it.
The middle east has been doomed since the beginning of time.
Sorry you don't really understand what I'm trying to say, but
as someone used to say on here I don't give a shit what you think.

silentfall said:
boss, you are a miss guided idiot, your ignorance about the situation is amazing, get off your liberal hate america kick, all of us non trendy people are sick of hearing this commie anti american outrage, next week you will probabally be saving the rain forest or something

thats my opinion, and i am sure i will get a response

P.S. i was getting out of the shower and getting ready to go to my noon history class, i watched the second plane hit live, and i almost got sick, i had to go to the university that day and tell everyone the news, they had been teaching or learning and didnt know what had happened, it was horrible. one girl in my music ap. class had a brother that worked in the tower

i know it is your opinion and you are allowed to say what you want, but you really need to re think what you are saying because this is not a joking matter

Well I told how it is like and if you feel different then it is okay with me anyways, I will state AGAIN that I never said anywhere that I agreed with them attacks ...Show me please where I did say so according to you wiseasses ?!!
And AGAIN I will say that the shit aint over by along shot for the USA, every day off the socalled Enduring Freedom campaign there are people dying who didn't have part in ANY off the bollox that has happend in the USA the counterside of that medal is the deeprooted hate that will eventually take his toll in an outburst of violence (9/11 remember !)

Dont you guys understand when a man is left absolutly NO choice and his family has been slaughtered (litterally!) in front of his eyes, that there is NO FUCKING WAY that you can get at peace with this man or calculate what he might do against the oppresion he so hardly feels ?
That is an war you will not and cannot win, them guys did war for almost 60 years now man and still there is no look at peace( not by a long shot),... Now what the fuck you think is gonna happen when USA is keeping on invading country's ? Bring peace and "democracy" or having to stay there for ever and get bombed at for another 60 years and loose soldiers every goddamn day of your stay overthere??

Nuff said !


Staff member
Brino said:
First of all, your getting the War in Iraq mixed up with 9/11 as so many people do because of the Bush Administrations lies! The Iraq War is an unjust war but dont use that as an example to say that 9/11 was justified! Whether were the ones doing the killing or they are, the killing of innocents is never justified! They didnt attack us because of the Bush Administration, they attacked us because of our culture in general! I agree with a few things you said but dont ever say that 9/11 was justified!

Typically what you find in my moore's bullshit movie 9/11, damn you:mad:
The war against Iraq was necessary, a dictatorship must be destructed by all means and it is not by fucking peaceful talks that you will solve the problems with dictators and terrorists.Destroying saddam's regime was a necessity. But what aggriviates me the most is that Clinton did nothing the first time when the wtc was bombed.:mad:
i was in my drama class... they announced what had happened on the PA... everyone was sent home... for safety sakes.... and i was watchin the attack on tv the rest of the day... so sad


There some countries that have suffered many similiar attacks almost daily, its almost shocking to them that America makes a big deal about one day that we are finally attacked and still dwell on it. This is why the US is the most hated country in the world, we have this attitude well we never thought this would happen to us. It finally does and we go into panick mode.

Other countries have traitors who attack their own country, they envy our power and their only way to survive is to do what they know, which is to attack countries that are weaker than themselves. Do you think the last thing they want to see is a country as strong as ours mourn over one day in our history. Their country has no reason to mourn for the countless times it has been attacked.

This is why mourning for people lost in 9/11 sickens me, we take ou freedom for granted. I have no doubt in my mind that our country will be attacked once again, and this time do you think people will feel more sorry for us. NO, its gonna be eye for an eye.

I agree with about 60% of what The Boss had said, because frankly I am not a polotical person, and I know shit about politics, but what I do know is that Bush is by far our most weak president in our history, and it would be a travesty for him to be reelected in November. But then again I feel Kerry would not do any better as president either. So the US is pretty much screwed, I just wish Gore had the guts to run again this year, or maybe in 2008.


The Boss said:
Through the eyes of the prosecuted and outcasted people of Palestina it is most definetly justifyed that a blow was handed to the mighty USA for allowing, participating and sponsoring the brutal and ongoing slaughter and driving in excile of a whole people from their birthland !!

Dont be surprised if England is next to hit the 'To do list' from the guys of Al-Qaida, after all they responsible for the stealing of a great piece off of Palestina in 1948...which by the way was condoned and under guidance of y'all USA ( again meddeling and interfering with country's at the other end of the globe!).

Like it or not Brino, I said it before...Americans are an agressive people who reap what they have sown for along long time !!

Innocent people dying is never good you said...well hell yeah your right about that but why is it that when innocent people die in West Bank by tanks and shit like that , that it is okay and totally NO effort is made to correct this wrong.....but when people who have nothing but rocks and homemade bombs who are willing to blow up them selfs in the process, and actually do so are deamed "terrorist" !!!???!!!!

Dont you guys understand when a man is left absolutly NO choice and his family has been slaughtered (litterally!) in front of his eyes, that there is NO FUCKING WAY that you can get at peace with this man or calculate what he might do against the oppresion he so hardly feels ?
That is an war you will not and cannot win, them guys did war for almost 60 years now man and still there is no look at peace( not by a long shot),... Now what the fuck you think is gonna happen when USA is keeping on invading country's ? Bring peace and "democracy" or having to stay there for ever and get bombed at for another 60 years and loose soldiers every goddamn day of your stay overthere??

If you dont wanne get targeted, then dont involve yourself in every thing around the world...Russia learned it in the 10 year stay the hard way over in Afghanistan....you think the killing has stopped overthere because CNN dont broadcast anymore??? No man every day hundreds of people die and for what ??? Taliban has been exciled and Bin Laden has taken the high road, why bomb these poor people anymore? After all they the ones who suffered the most through Taliban regime allready !!!
And now Operation Enduring Freedom, what a motherfucking joke that is, bombs people who already had nothing to begin with..
I say ...dont act surprised and shocked when another blast is shaking y'all awake again, because things can't go on like this...

Take it as you like !!

The Boss

The Palistinians arent exactly a peaceful people and they also reap what they sow the same with the Americans! You talk about the Arab people becoming terrorists because they see their family killed in front of them but what about us!? A lot of people lost somebody on 9/11 and you dont expect them to act the same way!? It's a cycle, we attack them and that creates violence, then they attack us and that creates even more violence! Violence is not the solution in the Middle East!

If were going to fight terrorism then it should be all terrorism not just the terrorism that affects us, but the solution isnt to "mind our own business"! You talked about Russia learning some lesson about minding their own business, well what has that done for them in stoping terrorism!? Nothing, that was proven with the recent terrorist attacks on them that may have involved some Arabs! It's stupid to think that they'll stop attacking us if we leave them alone because they wont! They hate us because of our culture and if we leave them alone then they'll still hate us because of our culture!

Yes they also hate us because we have killed their people, but us killing their people isnt what created terrorism over their in the first place and it isnt going to stop it either! Say we do stop killing them tomorrow and we leave the Middle East all together, thats not going to stop the terrorist attacks because thats not the main reason their attacking us! It's a Holy War to them and that is a war of cultures not a war of "were going to attack them because they attacked us first"! Besides they originally attacked us because they dont want infidels in their land, not because we attacked them first, because we didnt! Ask yourself who really started this!? It wasnt us, it was them, long before 9/11 ever happened!


georges said:
Typically what you find in my moore's bullshit movie 9/11, damn you:mad:
The war against Iraq was necessary, a dictatorship must be destructed by all means and it is not by fucking peaceful talks that you will solve the problems with dictators and terrorists.Destroying saddam's regime was a necessity. But what aggriviates me the most is that Clinton did nothing the first time when the wtc was bombed.:mad:

Georges, I'm not going to get into this fight with you again and if you reply to this post then I'm not going to reply to your reply!

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and nothing to do with terrorism! Iraq was not an imminent threat and we didnt need to go to war with them! Period!


Staff member
Brino said:
Georges, I'm not going to get into this fight with you again and if you reply to this post then I'm not going to reply to your reply!

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and nothing to do with terrorism! Iraq was not an imminent threat and we didnt need to go to war with them! Period!

You are such a leftist. You prefered Saddam obviously ?Maybe are you immature or irrealistic? Saddam was a danger and his dictatorship needed to be removed.If you prefer dictature then go live in North Korea.
georges said:
You are such a leftist. You prefered Saddam obviously ?Maybe are you immature or irrealistic? Saddam was a danger and his dictatorship needed to be removed.If you prefer dictature then go live in North Korea.

if you think that invading a country is a realistic measure to establish peace, then you are wrong, georges. and who are the US to decide for other nations what's good for them and what is not ? with that behaviour you cause a lot more problems than you can solve. some time ago the USA didn't have to fear terrorist from iraq, because there weren't any, but now there are, thanks to GWB. so what exactly have they achieved in their "crusade against evil" ? nothing, in fact the situation is worse now. and the moment the troops leave iraq it'll get real bad, cause they'll leave a political mess, not only in iraq but in the whole region.
and georges, i can remember many critical situations in world history which have been solved by negotiations or other political measures, without anyone getting harmed. i'm really sick of hearing that phrase "it was necessary and there was no other way". that's a lame excuse of GWB and his junta. one of the oldest wisdoms of mankind is that peace can never be achieved by violence. is that so hard to understand ?!


....and that negotiation certainly included some very clear explanation to Castro as to just what would happen to his happy little country should he not comply with our wishes.

You will get a lot further with a kind word and a gun than you will with a kind word.

And yes, even a whole 3 years later my thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the 9/11/01 terrorist shenanigans.
I was in the military during 9/11. I wont say where I was but I am sure the case was similar for all bases of all branches. We were put on lockdown after the second plane hit. I was on the midnight shift and did not even know what had happened til my roommate came and woke me up and told me to get all my gear. We were really close to having everyone locked and loaded. I didnt get to talk to my then fiancee for several days. When everyone finally sat down that night in the operations tent where we had a small tv someone had brought in that day, we all saw what had happened. It was the first time I had seen any emotion from a lot of them. Most people there cried. I tried not to, but I admit I did cry some. All those people killed just to prove a point and to make their agenda known. I still stop every year and think about all the people who needlessly lost their lives. All I can say is my heart still goes out to all those who lost loved ones there. They didnt deserve the fate that befell them.

And now to those who dont think we should remember those who died. I guess you think that memorial day and veterans day are both a waste of time too. If you dont feel bad for the people who were affected by this act, then you are seriously fucked up and have no heart at all. If I were you I would take a good long look in the mirror and ask myself what would I do if I were in the shoes of these people. I know other countries have been attacked in similar ways and some are under attack now. They should remember their dead too. If they dont, then its not our fault. Thats just how I feel. Agree or disagree with me, cuz I could give a fuck either way.
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On 9/11, I got up to go exercise..............feeling great as it was my birthday. Turned on the news and wondered what kind of knucklehead would run a plane in the towers. At first I thought it was a small light plane, maybe the pilot had a heart attack or something stupid. Watched in awe, as the second plane ran into the second tower.

My birthday isn't that much fun anymore. From that day on, my outlook on life and core beliefs have changed dramactically. If you have any intelligence, you will realize that if you are non-muslim, you have a bulls-eye on your back.



Staff member
Ranger said:
On 9/11, I got up to go exercise..............feeling great as it was my birthday. Turned on the news and wondered what kind of knucklehead would run a plane in the towers. At first I thought it was a small light plane, maybe the pilot had a heart attack or something stupid. Watched in awe, as the second plane ran into the second tower.

My birthday isn't that much fun anymore. From that day on, my outlook on life and core beliefs have changed dramactically. If you have any intelligence, you will realize that if you are non-muslim, you have a bulls-eye on your back.


One of the saddest days in my life.Lot of my uncle friends died in the towers.I became more hardened and more ruthless against terrorists and their allies than ever.