You know what? I'm sorry, you're right. Why should I listen to the stories of the old European men who fought in the war when I could instead believe american propoganda. Why listen to the old men who said he fell asleep standing up in the snow when on guard duty when according to the americans it was THEM who got the enigma machine off the German sub.
Obviously you americans are an innately superior race to us Europeans, because we didn't fight a bit in the war. RAF Mosquitos didn't regularily fly so low at night that they came home with foliage in their undercarriages, their attacks coining the term "Mosquito shrack" (Mosquito fear).
Polish airmen didn't flee to the R.A.F. to continue the fight after their country had been blitzkrieged because it adopted information centric tactics without having strong, mobile armour to back them up (weird - sounds like the system the us operates today, but obviously it can't be because you americans are just innately better).
The countries who were Blitzkrieged (The French et al) did not operate resistance fighters against the Germans.
The Swiss did not shoot down German aircraft that strayed into their territory.
Indians didn't march to war to fight for the Empire (possibly the best example of turkeys voting for Christmas until americans voted for Reagan and Bush).
The Soviet Union absolutely did not kill the largest number of Nazis in the world.
The British did not give the radar and jet engine tech they'd developed before the war was done to the americans, you of course invented this yourself. You were technological leaders for the duration of the war and after, which is why you didn't need to employ an old Nazi to head up Nasa when the Soviets had the great genius Korolev, father of modern rocketry.
No, European men hung around cafes sipping coffee, discussing whose handbag was prettiest and eyeing up the handsome Germans/americans in their uniforms.
But then again if you are so much better, how come the Germans were such a problem for you?
I mean you americans are so brilliant that you didn't fly bloody stupid daylight bombing raids resulting in massive casualties, right?

During world war 1 you didn't completely disregard advice given to you and adopt tactics that had already failed, resulting in bloodshed, right?
You saved our "butts"? BULLSHIT, The word is arses, the Russians would've rolled over the Germans anyways and the only reason you helped is because you realised that if you didn't you'd face a united Europe under Fascism or Communism; a gun loaded with economic bullets...