A Senseless War Begins Its 10th Year


Afghans say Nato 'as bad as the Taliban'

Despite statistics suggesting insurgents are disproportionately responsible for civilian harm, our analysis found that Afghans blamed international forces as much, if not more, than insurgents. Few spoke warmly about the Taliban. But the vast majority described international forces as equally brutal toward civilians, and equally, if not more responsible for civilian casualties, detention abuses and other concerns.

They said international forces were often indiscriminate, and that many civilian deaths could have been prevented through better targeting, intelligence or coordination (pdf). "When an accident happens, or there is an attack against Nato troops, then Nato troops react and start firing on people. They never think about those around them as human. They think every person on the street is their enemy," said a man from western Herat province.

Most alleged more horrific stories of international forces shooting people point blank in front of their families, of kidnapping women and returning their dead bodies, or of firing on or abusing children. Many also accused international soldiers of giving weapons or supplies directly to the Taliban; transporting insurgents to peaceful areas, of international forces planting bombs or mines or paying suicide bombers and then blaming the Taliban.

Afghans say Nato 'as bad as the Taliban'

Despite statistics suggesting insurgents are disproportionately responsible for civilian harm, our analysis found that Afghans blamed international forces as much, if not more, than insurgents. Few spoke warmly about the Taliban. But the vast majority described international forces as equally brutal toward civilians, and equally, if not more responsible for civilian casualties, detention abuses and other concerns.

They said international forces were often indiscriminate, and that many civilian deaths could have been prevented through better targeting, intelligence or coordination (pdf). "When an accident happens, or there is an attack against Nato troops, then Nato troops react and start firing on people. They never think about those around them as human. They think every person on the street is their enemy," said a man from western Herat province.

Most alleged more horrific stories of international forces shooting people point blank in front of their families, of kidnapping women and returning their dead bodies, or of firing on or abusing children. Many also accused international soldiers of giving weapons or supplies directly to the Taliban; transporting insurgents to peaceful areas, of international forces planting bombs or mines or paying suicide bombers and then blaming the Taliban.


Doesn't stop us from continuing to kill the Taliban by the boat load. This winning the hearts and minds can be repaired.


Doesn't stop us from continuing to kill the Taliban by the boat load. This winning the hearts and minds can be repaired.

You can't kill ideas. Even if they take out every insurgent more will rise, The root of the problem is hearts and minds.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Fire what? Boobies?
Michael Moore is an idiot. If you believe the invasion of Afghanistan is senseless then you need to do some heavy reserach on Bin Laden. One of the things Bin Laden claimed before 9/11 was that America does not have the stomach for war. That was after he attacked the embassies in Africa and attacked the USS Cole which was an act of war, but we had Clinton in office at the time.


That was after he attacked the embassies in Africa and attacked the USS Cole which was an act of war, but we had Clinton in office at the time.
I don't think that was Bin Laden :dunno:
It was the war in Iraq that was "senseless" not Afghanistan
I don't think that was Bin Laden :dunno:

That was carried out by an AQ cell in Yemen. Yes it was Bin Laden.

JayJohn the Taliban are loosing more than they can recruit. Their overlord the Pakistani ISI knows this and is pressuring them to call for talks with NATO.

The ISI needs something left of the Tali to counter what they see as Indian influence in the country. Right now the Tali are being squashed now that NATO has switched from COIN strategy to direct contact with Tali strongholds and bases.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Tis' true so we should just kill them all. Aim at the Middle East and push the red button Obama. DO IT!!!
I'm gonna assume that was supposed to be humourous...

Michael Moore is an idiot. If you believe the invasion of Afghanistan is senseless then you need to do some heavy reserach on Bin Laden. One of the things Bin Laden claimed before 9/11 was that America does not have the stomach for war. That was after he attacked the embassies in Africa and attacked the USS Cole which was an act of war, but we had Clinton in office at the time.
Right. So because I object to the KKK I'm justified in attacking the usa?

That was carried out by an AQ cell in Yemen. Yes it was Bin Laden.

JayJohn the Taliban are loosing more than they can recruit. Their overlord the Pakistani ISI knows this and is pressuring them to call for talks with NATO.

The ISI needs something left of the Tali to counter what they see as Indian influence in the country. Right now the Tali are being squashed now that NATO has switched from COIN strategy to direct contact with Tali strongholds and bases.
I never did see you produce any credible evidence for this ISI thing you're always talking about...
Umm...yeah, how's that whole hunt for Bin Laden thing going? It's foolish to think that operations in Afghanistan are really about Bin Laden anymore. They haven't been for a long time now. It's just a place where we can make one screw up after another trying badly to correct our last screw up while not accomplishing anything other than wasting resources and lives.

We have come to the point with Afghanistan where it was decided that trying to save face is more important than keeping people from dying.