Please excuse me, i am just really happy right now. We have just one the biggest game in scottish football.
:sing:Can you hear the ranger sing, no, oh
Can you hear the rangers sing, no, oh:sing:
:sing:can you hear the rangers sing
I cannae hear a fucking thing:sing:
Only another supporter of the old firm could tell you this. BUt to win a celtic and rangers derby is one of the best feeling in the world. The hatred between the teams and fans is one of the biggest in world football.
This yahoo answer sums ut up pretty nicely.
Celtic fans are predominantly Catholic. Rangers fans are predominantly Protestant. Back in the late 1800's, the potato crops failed in Ireland, resulting in the deaths of millions of Irish men, women and children. This is more commonly known as the Potato Famine. As a result of this, many Irish people had to come over to Scotland and Celtic Football Club was formed by a Marist brother as a charity to help these people.
Many Protestants did not take kindly to this, as the Irish immigrants were taking more and more of the jobs over here, due to the fact they were willing to work the same hours for less money. This obviously benefited employers.
The main reason Celtic and Rangers fans hate each other is because of this and we have here in Glasgow, what is known as a sectarian divide. Celtic are the Catholic team, Rangers are the Protestant team. There are some sectarianist Rangers fans who actually sing what is known as "The Famine Song", which mocks all the Irish people who died (over 1million), during the Potato Famine
Even though we have lost most of the religious thing. It still means a lot to win an old firm game. I just hope no one dies tonight due to some minority of idiot fans rioting.
Even though i have many friends that are rangers fans, while there is the usual banter and you get along fine, there is always a small part of you that hates rangers