$2.2 Trillion Stimulus Bill Signed into Law

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Trump signs $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus after swift congressional votes

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed an unprecedented $2.2 trillion economic rescue package into law Friday, after swift and near-unanimous action by Congress this week to support businesses, rush resources to overburdened health care providers and help struggling families during the deepening coronavirus epidemic.

Acting with unity and resolve unseen since the 9/11 attacks, Washington moved urgently to stem an economic free fall caused by widespread restrictions meant to slow the spread of the virus that have shuttered schools, closed businesses and brought American life in many places to a virtual standstill.

People can always get down in the weeds and debate the finer points of this bill - now law. And I don't agree with how some members of congress feathered their own nests, just because they knew they could get away with it. That's why many of us dislike them so much and don't trust them. But I'm seeing firsthand how much damage is being done to our economy, and I don't even live in a hard hit state. So even though I could nit-pick, at least I can be glad that Democrats and Republicans came together for the good of the country... for once. And yeah, I know that it won't last long.


Closed Account
Sure on some lower level it could be said that both parties came together for the good of the country ... but, not really. One party (DEMOCRATS) definitely reached a new low courtesy of that raggedy-assed sagging dinosaur cunt Pelosi having the audacity to engage in the very thing she and the Democrats accused Trump in the Ukraine Quid Pro Quo HOAX.

So let me see:
The Democrats accused Trump of having withheld 300 Million dollars or 500 Million dollars or whatever it was from Ukraine in an alleged Quid Pro Quo. They then impeached him with that hoax. THEN Pelosi and her Crooked Cronies withhold 2 TRILLION dollars in a ginormous Quid Pro Quo unless all her fucking ridiculous projects (that have nothing to do with the Corona Virus) get included in the Emergency CORONAVIRUS Bill. This while Americans are losing their jobs, losing their businesses, getting sick and dying!!!

Talk about a DEADLY Quid Pro Quo! Pelosi and her Democrat Cronies should go to prison for this. Pelosi is a much more deadly virus than the Corona Virus. Pelosi and her cronies are what we need a cure from.


Closed Account
Heck, even that other worthless cunt AOC went unhinged at how low Pelosi sunk to. That's saying a lot considering how low AOC is herself.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Uh, Trump made sure he, his son in law, and his 'cronies' got theirs:


He didn't oppose it, but Trump doesn't write legislation. Congress does that. And Nancy wasn't too opposed to that provision either, was she? ;)

Paul Francis Pelosi, Sr., husband of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is an American businessman who owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm.

Like I said in the OP, a lot of nests got feathered in this legislation. And the super rich take care of the super rich, whether they be Democrats or Republicans.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Will that be 1,200 for every adult or every household? Anyone knows how it works?

$1200 for singles and $2400 for married filing jointly, I believe - but there are income limits. Last figures I saw, the amounts begin to decrease at $75K for singles and $150K for joint returns. I don't know if that's adjusted gross income or based on something else. Also, irrespective of income, there's an additional $500 per child if they're under 17(?).

There's also an extra $600 per week being added to your state's weekly unemployment benefits. That's on top of whatever your state is paying. I don't know if the $600 only applies to full-time employees, or if it's prorated based on status. Many states are relaxing the weekly job search requirements and negating the one week waiting period.

Hopefully small businesses are investigating the SBA and other options being offered to them. There's a lot out there. But this is a HUGE bill, so anyone, or any business, that needs help... they'll really have to do some Magnum PI style investigating.

Good luck to anyone here who is going through tough times. This is an absolutely crazy time.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
How much does it take to turn a TrumpTard into a Socialist? The suprsingly bargain price of $1200. Definition of Socialism to a TrumpTard: A government benefit they don't get. Any government benefit they receive, they don't consider Socialism.
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Wether it's Democrats or Republicans, Obama or Trump, when there's a crisi, the #1 response is always the same : massive loads of money for big corporations, crumbs for small businesses and low-income households

$1,200 for every American. That's peanuts. What a joke

I love this man

Me too. And you gotta also love that woman



Hiliary 2020
What has being far right gotten you?
I'm so far right I'm 3/16 to the left.
X, I was attempting to make a clever funny.
I don't consider myself right or left. I do consider myself conservative but not "a conservative". And thats for all things both political , pertaining to government, and in my personal habits.
When it comes to the whole "socialist" trigger word or whatever its supposed to be - I would rather see money, funds, resources, go to THE PEOPLE of the USA rather than to buy more bullets and bombs and billions of dollars in planes, tanks and ships and trillions spent on National Security for a boogeyman who never existed in the first place. All those trillions that go in the pockets of bankers and members of The Big Club. I bet if just a small percent of that money went to help the American People in the form of loans, grants, education, tax breaks, ect and our quality of life would increase soooo much. The economy would prosper also. And inflation would slow down also, creating an even more prosporous society.
But they don't want that. Its set up for most people to just get by no matter how hard they try while the richest of the rich keep getting richer.

Kinda like what Gaddafi did for the Libyan people before the US GOV used their proxy army of bearded mercenaries to kill him and destroy his country and damage all of Africa so members of The Big Club can exploit it even more.

I see nothing wrong with spending money on People, Helping Human Beings, especially instead of seeing that same money go into the hands of the richest of the rich who are basically treasonous criminals.
But the dice dice are loaded, the deck is stacked and I don't think that will be changing anytime soon.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Minimum wage 7.50
40 hour s per week
30 day month
7.5$ x 40hrx = 300
4 weeks per month , 300 a week = 1200


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I would rather see money, funds, resources, go to THE PEOPLE of the USA rather than to buy more bullets and bombs and billions of dollars in planes, tanks and ships and trillions spent on National Security for a boogeyman who never existed in the first place. All those trillions that go in the pockets of bankers and members of The Big Club. I bet if just a small percent of that money went to help the American People in the form of loans, grants, education, tax breaks, ect and our quality of life would increase soooo much. The economy would prosper also. And inflation would slow down also, creating an even more prosporous society.

I see nothing wrong with spending money on People, Helping Human Beings, especially instead of seeing that same money go into the hands of the richest of the rich who are basically treasonous criminals.
But the dice dice are loaded, the deck is stacked and I don't think that will be changing anytime soon.

Republicans and Trump aren't your guy. Democrats campaign on the platform you just described. You might not believe that the leadership, or as you would put it, "the people that pull the strings in the democrat party" are onboard with that agenda, doesn't matter, those are the priorities of the Democratic electorate.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
In case of revolution: Break glass.
Literally all of it. Not just the fire extinguisher glass.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Since a study published in 2019 found that 63% of Americans didn't have even $500 in savings to cover an emergency expense without borrowing, an extra $1200 most certainly does mean something to a lot of single people. And for a family of four (husband, wife and two kids), an extra $3400 would surely go a long way toward giving them a cushion. For households that are still fully employed, and not (currently) being financially affected by this pandemic, that money can be put towards an emergency fund. For those that are suffering with job losses, this money, in addition to the extra $600 per week in unemployment benefits, should soften the blow. I believe that extra amount is in place for 16 weeks.

My overall point here is: there are a lot of programs and facilities within this new law. I would suggest that those who actually want to know what's in it that might help them or their family and friends, dig into it - there's a LOT to digest. At the state level, many states have also undertaken other measures that benefit renters. Depending on the state, there will be no evictions for a period of time, because some states have restricted magistrates from issuing such orders. For renters in federal housing programs, there is a blanket moratorium on evictions. For homeowners and smaller residential investors with federally insured mortgages (FNMA, FHA, VA, etc.), there is a forbearance program, which allows the homeowner/investor to forgo mortgage payments for up to six months, without threat of foreclosure or damage to their credit. The unpaid monthly amounts are simply tacked onto the end of the mortgage.

Like I said, there's a lot to digest. But unlike during the financial crisis of a decade ago, this time there are programs which also assist contractors, the self employed and small business owners. I'm working with a couple of people, who own small businesses, this week on how to apply for EIDL advance grants. Whether people realize it or not, small businesses are the spark plugs within the U.S. economic engine. A good many probably aren't going to make it, even with this aid package. But I hope that as many as possible can wade through this ocean of information and at least make a good attempt at surviving.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Corporate welfare to the tune of $2 trillion fucking dollars, bet your bottom goddamn dollar I'm getting some of that shit, one way or another. Take that to the bank.