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  1. J

    [NEEDS ID] Blonde from Dancingbear - Real vomen real horny

    Several clips on a bunny site and xvideo, but no commentary/name info.
  2. J

    Snowball Daisy Chain

    Rodney Moore has one somewhere
  3. J

    Alienware m11x

    Hinges are the weak part of the M11x. The price though is VERY tough to beat. Close competitor is the Sony and it costs waaaay more and with slightly less video "umph". Other models have thermal issues or are intended for a different market altogether.... or have different sizing (apples vs...
  4. J

    Really amazing DEEPTHROAT BJ and CUM FACIAL flash game!

    Attached may help [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator PlasmaTwa2] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  5. J

    Taking Lex or Mandingo BallsDeep

    I think there is a facial later in that... Another one I cannot recall details for has a long legged fem riding deep. From Rodney M site? Dang cant remember. Might try to find again.
  6. J

    Ebony Facials/Swallowing

    censor fail! lolz
  7. J

    Really amazing DEEPTHROAT BJ and CUM FACIAL flash game!

    Edit: Got it to work... sorry about that. Didnt like touchpad... external mouse ok
  8. J

    Really amazing DEEPTHROAT BJ and CUM FACIAL flash game!

    That pic is non bukkake mode.... the cumshots are blank in "b" mode. Clicking mouse, every key I could find, and fast switching to "auto" all get nothing.... but the screen flashes like something just happened.
  9. J

    XXX - Really amazing DEEPTHROATING and BJ/Cum Facial flash "game"

    This still doesnt seem to work... zero coverage. reg mode ok.
  10. J

    Really amazing DEEPTHROAT BJ and CUM FACIAL flash game!

    aww crap. Where is edit? Prolly should remove that pic.
  11. J

    Really amazing DEEPTHROAT BJ and CUM FACIAL flash game!

    Bukkake mode doesnt work (no graphics?). Got bored. [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator PlasmaTwa2] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  12. J

    Jon Stewart Catches Sean Hannity in a Big Fat Lie

    I'll take this over photoshopping "news" anyday. If any of you guys REALLY think you get unbiased information from ANY source in a 24hr cycle then you are an idiot. If you single out Fox alone, that makes you a liberal idiot. :) Dan Rather anyone?
  13. J

    Jon Stewart Catches Sean Hannity in a Big Fat Lie

    I'll take this over photoshopping "news" anyday. If any of you guys REALLY think you get unbiased information from ANY source in a 24hr cycle then you are an idiot. If you single out Fox alone, that makes you a liberal idiot. :) Dan Rather anyone?
  14. J

    The Problem With Conservatives Is...

    hahahaha... what kind of "narrow" minded opinions might we expect here?
  15. J

    Jennifer Lopez / J-Lo

    Re: Has Jennifer Lopez Done A Porno?
  16. J

    Hot black girl handjob

    Kira? Thats the page name
  17. J

    1 year later, Obama still blames bush

    First it was the worst economic disaster for decades.... then "we fixed it", now back to "sucks bad" again. feller gets it partly right.... no matter what economies are cyclic.
  18. J

    Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush did in nearly three years...

    Yes Jack but they open themselves for scrutiny after telling others how much they should be making... and the answer is "less". If you lecture on waste, dont fly an empty AirForce1 for photo sessions - just sayin. To me this isnt related to the rate of pay... or prior agreed compensation...
  19. J

    Obama plays more golf in 9 months than Bush did in nearly three years...

    Fly the whole damn thing for an olympics bid? Wife flies separate? What about that dumbass flyover stunt in NY for a photo op!? At the end of the day I dont have to like Bush at all to say Obama is less than impressive. He is in waaay over his head and frankly cant speak worth a damn either...
  20. J

    Amazing busty ebony ! Mega hot ! ID

    sorry, dunno. Nice tho!
  21. J

    Obama supporters, serious question...

    Eh? Harshness has many levels I suppose... but if we treated them the same the Obama fans wouldnt be very happy. Check the news archives and editorials... or worse the blogs and forums. Where he got some slack was from 9/11 but the term wasnt half over before he got blamed for it... and...
  22. J

    Obama supporters, serious question...

    It remains to be seen if he sucks worse than Carter. Bush was on board with bailouts too but Obama will be remembered for them... bad bad idea. Obama is trying to get things "done" quickly because if folks were given time (like bailout oversight) to digest what he does they might think...
  23. J

    Gril keep rubbing the cock

    There is at least one thread showing this already...
  24. J

    WTF??? Mr. Pee Pants???

    I forget what this is... but its a gay pride day sort of thing. Lots of pics on "zombie" blog site (dont have URL handy)
  25. J

    Brunette in Red Pants from CFNM site giving a handjob

    Check the "story" and see who said what or did what... that might elim one or two.
  26. J

    Anyone know who this Asian cutie is?

    Did some stuff with Ed Powers?... Annissa? (sp)
  27. J

    Whos this cutie fucking Nacho?

    Bang Bros - Lilly?
  28. J

    Hot asian chick - Dancing Girl

    Dunno, but you might ask the folks at Financial Triangle in Miami... :)
  29. J

    Tiny ebony with pink scarf

    man, I think this is familiar... cant find clips though.
  30. J

    Obama's homeowner rescue unfair

    The key is "some people"... so now we have a HUGE frickin bailout that benefits those that dont deserve OR NEED it. Worse it sets the tone for the future. Got a problem? The govt will bail me out! This will just encourage even MORE risky behavior by some and then others will STOP spending...
  31. J

    girl doing handjob onto another girls face

    You can find some in the finish the job thread...
  32. J

    Seka - classic pornstar

    Linda Wong?
  33. J

    Charlie Gibson Interviews President Bush

    With all the "deals" for oil its no wonder we had less support in Iraq. The economy is STILL better than some would have you believe and far better than under Carter. Its going to take actual effort to be worse than Carter. Remember too that the protesters (cause heads) didnt want us in...
  34. J

    Babes with the loosest pussies! I like it! Post them

    Ron J had a line in a flick saying something like, "We have something like this back home. We call it the Lincoln Tunnel" She did not look amused.
  35. J

    What makes people vote republican

    Funny stuff... anytime I see "Republicans are racist" I always wonder by what standard this assessment was taken. I mean, Civil Rights act anyone? Anyone with KKK history? I suppose it must be the 'you can do it' approach rather than 'you cant do it without me' that brands Republicans as evil.
  36. J

    to much dicks fuck me

    Hover with the mouse...
  37. J

    Holy Freakin Shit ! <-- better
  38. J

    Has McCain thrown in the towel on the race?

    Definitely a ploy, but didnt Obama decline an invite to several debates already? Its hard to imagine anyone scared to debate Obama as every other word in his speeches are "Uh"
  39. J

    Paying more taxes is Patriotic?

    To me, you cant tax your way to prosperity and I dont think for a minute that Obama will somehow exlude the under 250k crowd. Why punish those with a desire to do well? If you make that much money you probably employ people who do not. Think about that. Lowering taxes has worked before and...
  40. J

    Ebony curvy goddess

    Mike in Brazil... from the 70's? heh. Attractive but not familiar. Sorry.
  41. J

    NASA warming scientist: 'This is the last chance'

    Not only that, but the "proof" Gore used from NASA was retracted by :drumroll: NASA
  42. J

    motivational posters

  43. J

    motivational posters

    Heh, what is her name again?
  44. J

    This chicks unreal
