The Problem With Conservatives Is...

Here you go, an all-purpose, 24/7 thread strictly for complaining about The Conservatives!! (But conservatives can come here, too, if they want to defend themselves against SPECIFIC CHARGES made in THIS THREAD.)

Have at it! :hatsoff:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
They are dogmatic, narrow-minded and self-righteous people who think that their way is the only way and that nothing that comes from a liberal perspective is worthy of consideration.

^ I was just thinking to myself that if you just change conservative and place liberal they same argument cane be made.

I think they play to much to the religious right instead of trying to be actual conservatives.

See my reply in this thread:


^ I was just thinking to myself that if you just change conservative and place liberal they same argument cane be made.

I think they play to much to the religious right instead of trying to be actual conservatives. that they have become a minority within the GOP while NeoCons who pretend to be conservatives have take over as an extreme right wing fringe majority in the Republican Party.
Gotta agree with Jason and Jagger. They are too far to the right to make any valid points.
They are just another polarized political pundancy based cult that seeks to make them selves look like they have the answers to everything by opposing another cult of polarized political boneheads (liberal) who are equally wrong.
Is when I try and juxtapose some of their positions on some issues with some of their positions on others and finding consistency.

Like their seeming love for things considered the "outdoors" but their ignorance and almost disdain for anything which preserves the environment.

You would think some of them would be the biggest environmentalists (for example).

Or their penchant for religion but their seeming obsession with greed and appearing more greedy than those they claim are "Godless".
Views on Goverment

Conservative: Small Goverment. Goverment should only defend its people and make law. Uncle Sam cannot and should not make our descisions for us in our personal lives. No man should ever be forced to pay for the lazyness or misfortunes of another. Conservatives believe in the induvidual to make his own life for himself and his family.

Liberal: Big Govermant. Goverment can be counted on to regulate social programs for people. Goverment should provide Social/Socialized programs such as Healthcare and Welfare paid for by the taxpayers to help the less affluant.
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Conservative: Tax as little as possible to maintain the govermants role in making law and defending a nation. Ensure businesess arent taxed so much that they are firing workers and moving overseas. Everyone should be taxed the same percentage without discrimination of wealth. Trade should be free. The economy will be stronger, there will be more jobs, and people will be more weathy if goverment taxes as little as possible.

Liberal: Tax to pay for social programs that help the less affluiant. Tax the rich a far higher percentage than any one elts. Charge businesses taxes based on how sucessful they are and their effect on the enviroment. Make sure that everyone gets paid at least a mandated minimal wage.
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Conservative: Healthcare should be paid for and chosen by the induvidual. Health care providers should be able to compeat nation wide.

Liberal: Healthcare should be provided and paid for by the federal goverment. Taxes should be raised to pay for everyones healthcare.
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Conservative: No man should be charged to pay for another mans misfortunes or lazyness. Welfare only makes people dependant on the federal goverment. Tax Free and indepoendant organizations should take care of thoes in need.

Liberal: Tax the Affluent to pay the wages to the less affluent who have no job or home. It is everyones responsibility to ensure that the poor are taken care of.
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Conservative: No man has the right to ristrict anyone from praticing their religion any where as long as they arent forcing others to join their religion. Children have the right to pray in school. Religious simbols may be posted in schools and goverment buildings.

Liberal: Religion should be compleatly left out of all goverment buildings and schools both from praticing it and displaying it, as it may offend otheres who do not share the same beliefs.
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Equal Oppertunity/Affirmitive Action

Conservative: No one should be given special privlages because of their race. People should be amitted to colleges because of their GPA and people should be hired and premoted based on their experience.

Liberal: All colleges, jobs, and job promotions, should accept/premote a certain precentage of minoritys based on their skin color, as America is naturally racist.
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Conservative: People should accept responsibility for their actions if they become pregnant. Aborting a child should be illegal.

Liberal: Abortion should be legal and the choice of the woman. A child is not a child untill it is born.
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Gun Control

Conservative: Everyone has the right to own a firearm with the exception of felons that have comitted violent crimes, as the federal goverment cannot always guarentee your familys saftey. Restricting firearms will only give non compliant criminals an advantage.

Liberal: Guns should be restricted if not banned all togather. Guns only create more violence and therefore taking guns off the streets will lower violence.
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Illegal Immigration

Conservative: Illegal Immigrants should be deported. Children born of Illegal Aliens should not guarentee citizenship. A fence should be built on the Mexican Border and regulated by Border Patrol and electronic servalence. Businesses who hire Illegal mmigrants should be punished. Cops who pull over or arrest anyone should ensure their legal status.

Liberal: We should legalize all Illegal Immigrants in who are allready here as they are a needed workforce. We should only patrol the Mexican boarder and use electronic servalence. It should be Illegal to make people prove their legal status if they are pulled by a cop.
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Conservative: Schools should be able to fire non preforming teachers. Ultamatly a childs upbringing and education is the responsibility of the parents. Teachers Unions only prevent poor teachers from being fired and ensure that they can keep their job no matter how they preform.

Liberal: A childs education is the responsibility of the state. Teachers unions are a great way to guarentee benefits and encourage more people to become teachers.
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Diplomacy with our enemies.

Conservative: We should shut off all dialog and sanction thoes who are a threat to ourselves and other countrys. We should not establish diplomacy with terrorists or thoes who harbor terrorism. Talking to enemy countrys will only happen if they show an honest effort to become less of a threat to people and their rights.

Liberal: We should talk to our enemies and maintain constant dialog with them while showing our intent to help them. Showing that we are not a threat to them will encourage them to change their ways.

Oops, I forgot this email I got:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't` eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. If a liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life. If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a person of color is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative slips and falls in a store, he gets up, laughs and is embarrassed. If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, moans like he's in labor and then sues.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".
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Views on Goverment

Conservative: Small Goverment. Goverment should only defend its people and make law. Uncle Sam cannot and should not make our descisions for us in our personal lives. No man should ever be forced to pay for the lazyness or misfortunes of another. Conservatives believe in the induvidual to make his own life for himself and his family.

Liberal: Big Govermant. Goverment can be counted on to regulate social programs for people. Goverment should provide Social/Socialized programs such as Healthcare and Welfare paid for by the taxpayers to help the less affluant.
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Conservative: Tax as little as possible to maintain the govermants role in making law and defending a nation. Ensure businesess arent taxed so much that they are firing workers and moving overseas. Everyone should be taxed the same percentage without discrimination of wealth. Trade should be free. The economy will be stronger, there will be more jobs, and people will be more weathy if goverment taxes as little as possible.

Liberal: Tax to pay for social programs that help the less affluiant. Tax the rich a far higher percentage than any one elts. Charge businesses taxes based on how sucessful they are and their effect on the enviroment. Make sure that everyone gets paid at least a mandated minimal wage.
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Conservative: Healthcare should be paid for and chosen by the induvidual. Health care providers should be able to compeat nation wide.

Liberal: Healthcare should be provided and paid for by the federal goverment. Taxes should be raised to pay for everyones healthcare.
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Conservative: No man should be charged to pay for another mans misfortunes or lazyness. Welfare only makes people dependant on the federal goverment. Tax Free and indepoendant organizations should take care of thoes in need.

Liberal: Tax the Affluent to pay the wages to the less affluent who have no job or home. It is everyones responsibility to ensure that the poor are taken care of.
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Conservative: No man has the right to ristrict anyone from praticing their religion any where as long as they arent forcing others to join their religion. Children have the right to pray in school. Religious simbols may be posted in schools and goverment buildings.

Liberal: Religion should be compleatly left out of all goverment buildings and schools both from praticing it and displaying it, as it may offend otheres who do not share the same beliefs.
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Equal Oppertunity/Affirmitive Action

Conservative: No one should be given special privlages because of their race. People should be amitted to colleges because of their GPA and people should be hired and premoted based on their experience.

Liberal: All colleges, jobs, and job promotions, should accept/premote a certain precentage of minoritys based on their skin color, as America is naturally racist.
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Conservative: People should accept responsibility for their actions if they become pregnant. Aborting a child should be illegal.

Liberal: Abortion should be legal and the choice of the woman. A child is not a child untill it is born.
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Gun Control

Conservative: Everyone has the right to own a firearm with the exception of felons that have comitted violent crimes, as the federal goverment cannot always guarentee your familys saftey. Restricting firearms will only give non compliant criminals an advantage.

Liberal: Guns should be restricted if not banned all togather. Guns only create more violence and therefore taking guns off the streets will lower violence.
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Illegal Immigration

Conservative: Illegal Immigrants should be deported. Children born of Illegal Aliens should not guarentee citizenship. A fence should be built on the Mexican Border and regulated by Border Patrol and electronic servalence. Businesses who hire Illegal mmigrants should be punished. Cops who pull over or arrest anyone should ensure their legal status.

Liberal: We should legalize all Illegal Immigrants in who are allready here as they are a needed workforce. We should only patrol the Mexican boarder and use electronic servalence. It should be Illegal to make people prove their legal status if they are pulled by a cop.
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Conservative: Schools should be able to fire non preforming teachers. Ultamatly a childs upbringing and education is the responsibility of the parents. Teachers Unions only prevent poor teachers from being fired and ensure that they can keep their job no matter how they preform.

Liberal: A childs education is the responsibility of the state. Teachers unions are a great way to guarentee benefits and encourage more people to become teachers.
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Diplomacy with our enemies.

Conservative: We should shut off all dialog and sanction thoes who are a threat to ourselves and other countrys. We should not establish diplomacy with terrorists or thoes who harbor terrorism. Talking to enemy countrys will only happen if they show an honest effort to become less of a threat to people and their rights.

Liberal: We should talk to our enemies and maintain constant dialog with them while showing our intent to help them. Showing that we are not a threat to them will encourage them to change their ways.

Lemme guess believe you're a "conservative". :1orglaugh

One question, presumably as a "conservative" do you fund 100% of the cost of your health care insurance or do you participate in an employer subsidized plan where they pay the majority of the premium for you?
The problem with conservatives is they fell the need to debate with liberals! Am I right!?



Dumbest post on

All this brews is hate towards another party. You say republicans have all the problems, but your the one preaching hate. You also say republicans don't listen to another point of view, but your 100% guilty of this.

Edit - NVM - I didn't realize you were kidding Jagger.
Undoubtedly, with a few notable exceptions here and there, they make fucking shit artists. Name your art form and the talented end is dominated by lefties.

Michael Medved, (If I have spelled that correctly) the conservative pundit ,admitted that he could not understand why that all the great US metropolitan cities in which you can still live downtown were Liberal. (New York, Boston, Seattle, San Fran Cicago etc) He thought conservative principles put in practice would produce the best cities. So the problem with Conservatives is that although they talk a good game about values etc they are unable to get on with their neighbours.
There's only one thing conservatives believe: white is right. That's why their rallies all look like white pride rallies complete with nazi symbolism. That's why the same people who called you a traitor if you disagreed with the president are suddenly calling the president vile, racist names. These so-called conservatives want to take America back to the 1850s when women knew their place and minorities were property. I will never vote for a Republican.


Will E Worm is one. ZING:nanner: