How clear the obvious is are so right! And John even agrees with you!
Stewart has said more than once he moves the pieces around for fun, when it comes to news...he's a comedy show, not a newscaster.
Beck and Hannity claim to be no more than "they are what they are", all the fools here who keep going on about "truth" and "news" are so silly as to defy description. News casts are "breaking" news, so to speak...not the same as opinion shows.
Stewart is a satirist, a comedian, a cynical commentator...who is so stupid as to get any
NEWS from him? ...oh, sorry, there...I hope I didn't hurt your feelings! :rofl:
I realize I am speaking to a mixed bag of high schoolers and adults...some are even grown-ups as well. But ANYONE who can't tell the
difference between NEWS and information/facts/opinion is a mile short and a few decades away from the real world.
Ya'll can go to another thread for your entertainment, nothing for you in talk!