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  1. B

    April Hunter

    I've never seen a video of it.
  2. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    It's all going to work in Trump's favor in the end - guaranteed re-election, and two more Seats on the SCOTUS(thank God)
  3. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    As I said, federal politicians have proven their hatred for America/Americans for 50 years now. We finally got fed up with it. Trump is the result of that. I generally have contempt for all politicians, so I always remain wary to ever sort of "love them" or slobber over them. Every one of...
  4. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    He's a very intelligent individual. Contrary to how you feel about him. Three degrees from pretty decent universities. Silly shit? Yeah, okay. :flaccid:
  5. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    He's an old school democrat. Just because Fake News told you he's a nazi, doesn't make it so.
  6. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    He's now putting it out there that he will only be a one-term president. He doesn't have a chance. Trump is a lock to win re-election at this point...and thank God, because he will keep the SCOTUS from turning 44% (or 55%) Talmudic. The SCOTUS is all we lowly peasants have left at this...
  7. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    Riiiiight. Which is probably why Youtube buried it and has made that video very hard to find, I'm sure.
  8. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Trump is guaranteed a second term after this impeachment fiasco is over. Book it.
  9. B

    Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

    Biden is on the verge of senility, if not at this point outright senile. Youtube has buried this video - it is very hard to find it and very few views because it's disturbing:
  10. B

    April Hunter

  11. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Oh I don't know, the fact that the one pertinent sentence that he confirmed in questioning was omitted from his opening statement. I will love it. And the reality is that he has a very strong chance of winning re-election. The Left is all about divisiveness and hatred. "ALL WHITES ARE...
  12. B

    The Trump Presidency

    His lawyer is a big democrat donor.
  13. B

    Melanie Walsh

    Anyone got any interviews with her (video)? Not necessarily naked, I'd just like to hear her voice/accent.
  14. B

    April Hunter

    Does anyone have any info on all the magazines she's posed in, and under what different aliases?
  15. B

    The Gun Control debate thread

    If so - and I respect that you admit that - then what is your solution?
  16. B

    The Gun Control debate thread

    Most homicides w gun in America a rifle is not used. Moreover, these "mass shhootings" are overly glorified by Fake News. I could give you links but I'm "typing" on my phone right now and don't want to duck with it right now. Bottom line i: even if you ban these so-called "assault weapons" the...
  17. B

    The Gun Control debate thread

    The frustrating part is people that know nothing about guns go spouting off. On my local sports radio the other day the guys said "of course assault weapons" should be banned. I mean, WTF? Dude, an "assault rifle" is nothing more than a RIFLE. So what you are saying is RIFLES SHOULD BE...
  18. B

    Male Porn Names (Porno, pornstar, star)

    Rich Dingus. Or how bout Richard Dingus or Dick Dingus...or is that too redundant? :1orglaugh
  19. B

    The Trump Presidency

    https://spectator.org/why-trumps-approval-ratings-are-up-among-minorities/ https://www.redstate.com/darth641/2019/08/16/zogby-poll-trump-gaining-support-blacks-hispanics./ https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/450097-why-latinos-back-donald-trump
  20. B

    The Trump Presidency

    It's also been reported that support for Trump among Latinos and African-Americans has gone UP since 2006. His support among said groups is higher than any other republican president I believe in my life time. You know what that means? He's a LOCK to win re-election. Oh, you won't hear any...
  21. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Look at all the SJWs and cucks who don't like DJT. The Fake News has pushed a narrative of falsehoods and hate, and they have divided the country like no other time in recent memory. You can't even put a Trump sticker on your car in my neighborhood without everyone thinking you're a...
  22. B

    Eugenie Bouchard

    Fuck I'd eat her out and love every second of it.
  23. B

    April Hunter

  24. B

    Carrie Keagan

    Could have sworn I just saw her on TV. I'd pay her to let me tongue her.
  25. B

    Lydia Schone

  26. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    SnowFlake is an embarrassment to conservatism. The fact his spineless ass had the nerve to say the nation is being ripped apart, and then siding with the side that is ripping it apart (leftists) just goes to show you we are living in the Twilight Zone.
  27. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    Obviously, yes. I am not like most people on the 'right', I will admit. And I am not good at turning the other cheek. That said, I'm probably more aware than most on the 'right' what is going on. The regressives have been playing dirty for quite some time, and the RINO "right" has been in on...
  28. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    They've been lying to us for 50+ years without regard. Joseph McCarthy was right. Everything we are seeing today, we were warned about by Senator McCarthy. I HOPE she dies - and I don't care if she dies a horrible fucking death. She is a communist anyway. There, I said it. The left...
  29. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    And now all this other salacious shit is coming about her - that poor "victim" and her fake ass tears. She wouldn't even go on ABC this morning. Could this have been any more obviously fabricated? Kavanaugh is going on the SCOTUS. The ONLY thing I hope for now, is that that fucking...
  30. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    Pretty much. (That Las Vegas thing...I have my theories on that guy - the "Man" let him live a lavish life as a "high roller" with homes all over and a millionaire's spread, but said they were going to murder his entire family if he didn't carry out their Deep State shit at the concert a year...
  31. B

    April Hunter

  32. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    I was really unaware of how the Robert Bork thing was done by liberals. Really, It is now clear to me that liberals are the most cutthroat, vile political bastards there are in America today. It's literally Saul Alinsky tactics all over the place on the left, and it's been going on for some...
  33. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    So you're saying...the FBI that we thought was the most sophisticated and talented intelligence agency on the planet, is basically filled with incompetents and morons? I guess after doing SIX background checks on Kavanaugh and letting him slip through to the nuclear codes, yep, they must be...
  34. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    If these cocksucker democrats want to live in this scorched earth world, I think EVERY single democrat senator needs to have EVERY inch of their high school and college-aged years examined. What kind of hanky panky did THEY do when they were drunk teenagers? Why the fuck aren't the repubs...
  35. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    Cue the swamp ("media") to take over.. Stephonopolos "you could see people tearing up in the room". Jesus fucking CHRIST. This shit makes me so angry.
  36. B

    The SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing

    This hatchet job on Kavanaugh by this fucking lying cunt (actress/psychologist) is a fucking charade of a grand scale. Could her fakeness be any more melodramatic? Fucking democrats...I will never respect another democrat politician after this charade. Never, ever again.
  37. B

    The Official President Donald J. Trump appreciation thread

    I love him. He's easily the best president of my lifetime. Just the fact that he fucking rubs the faces of CNN and MSNBC and their ilk in shit every chance he gets makes him a winner on the most high, in my opinion. He's right: the "media" are the enemies of the people.
  38. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Mr. Trump is right. This hatchet job on Kavanaugh by this fucking lying cunt (actress/psychologist) is a fucking charade of a grand scale. Fucking democrats...I will never respect another democrat politician after this charade.
  39. B

    April Hunter

  40. B

    The Trump Presidency

    I've probably forgot more than most SJWs posting here have ever learned, fuckstick. There was no need for the potshot. :angels:
  41. B

    The Trump Presidency

  42. B

    The Trump Presidency

    This Stormy Daniels fiasco might break him. I don't really care, one way or the other. In fact if Pence replaced him I think Pence actually would have a chance at re-election, unlike Trump. So, I mean, if liberals so desperately want Trump out, I think they'd be biting off their nose to...
  43. B

    Male Porn Names (Porno, pornstar, star)

    So I was watching the same hockey tournament last week and some kid had the last name "Stucker". Thought that was pretty funny.
  44. B

    Male Porn Names (Porno, pornstar, star)

    I just saw a hockey player with the last name "Bigger". LMFAO Rod Bigger Spike Bigger Richard Bigger lol
  45. B

    NHL '17/'18 Thread (2017/2018 National Hockey League)

    That's impressive. They're doin' some things for sure. I'd like to see them win it all...for all the victims of that shooting. Dedicate it to them. Start their franchise off with a Cup.
  46. B

    NHL '17/'18 Thread (2017/2018 National Hockey League)

    Well you will never forget it. Though you didn't get the result you wanted you still saw a classic. Vegas got some good players. Wild made it to WCF in our third season - we just got good solid players. Florida Panthers made it to the Cup Finals in their...third season? I can't remember. LVK...
  47. B

    Eugenie Bouchard

    Justin Beiber is a faggot for not seriously making an effort for that. She had a crush on him and he didn't even try? Selena Gomez? Over that? FUUUUUUUUUK
  48. B

    NHL '17/'18 Thread (2017/2018 National Hockey League)

    Nice. I liked the Yanks' jerseys - maybe I'm in the minority on that, but I loved 'em. USA has always had classy ass jerseys. How much were your tickets? That's kind of what I mean. Though...you can't reschedule such a spectacle when you got 40-60K people who came out for the game (and it...
  49. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Furthermore, I thought there was a fantastic point made the other day regarding Trump and his questioning of the intelligence community. Stephen Cohen (Ivy League professor) pointed out how it's interesting that people in the media/journalists/think tanks now think that the Intelligence...
  50. B

    The Trump Presidency

    Trump is actually doing some fantastic stuff at this juncture in his tenure. I love what he's doing. Of course, like all politicians, there is much to dislike and find dishonorable (have any of you, short of liberals who basically make politicians your gods) ever entirely respected and...