Search results

  1. cartman24

    what size of Boobs do you like the best

    Mid to large b's and c's are fine for me.
  2. cartman24

    Rob Zombie to remake 'The Blob'

    I am very interested to see how an idea like this could actually be made into a genuinely scary film. If nothing else, it should be "different".
  3. cartman24

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Jenna Haze Its been a while.
  4. cartman24

    Should he have gone or stayed????

    People like that do not deserve compassion. Should have died in prison, where he belongs.
  5. cartman24

    Rock band

    9/1 DLC • Avenged Sevenfold – “Bat Country” • The Jam – “A Town Called Malice” • The Jam – “Going Underground” • Oasis – “Supersonic” (Live) • Rage Against the Machine – “Guerilla Radio” • Talking Heads – “And She Was” • Talking Heads – “Crosseyed & Painless” • Talking Heads – “Girlfriend...
  6. cartman24

    Stephanie Kane, hot or not?

    Very hot, but her orgasms are annoying sometimes.
  7. cartman24

    evo vs sti

    Older body style Evo.
  8. cartman24

    Facebook EPIC FAIL

    LOL, you gotta love people unfamiliar with the internet.
  9. cartman24

    Nothing like a Good Ol' BBQ From Sears

    I was wondering when this feature was going to be implemented. Finally the cries have been answered.
  10. cartman24

    is she a dirty girl....

    Great sites, very hot.
  11. cartman24

    how do I edit my post so it no longer says Im a newb!

    Changes under your name come in due time. Just keep posting and you will see it evolve :).
  12. cartman24

    Who thinks Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) is attractive?

    Re: Victoria Beckham Hot or Not? Yeah she is hot, but she used to be much more attractive.
  13. cartman24

    Beatles: Rock Band

    Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice? 360 is read only with portable hard drives...
  14. cartman24

    mercedes SLS first pics

    I'm not a fan of the body style at all. The front looks awful IMHO.
  15. cartman24

    Wanna Check Out A Dead Body?

    Weird, I just found this yesterday.
  16. cartman24

    what game are you playing right now?

    I WOULD have been playing Fallout 3 (Sams had it listed for $25) but they were sold out -_-. I think I'm going to play either Mass Effect or Prey.
  17. cartman24

    Sandee Westgate or Lisa Ann ?

    Sandee is sexier, but Lisa is better for porn.
  18. cartman24

    Greatest runner of all time ?

    Bolt can break records without even going full out the entire way. Yeah, I'd say he's the best.
  19. cartman24

    do ya like pierced pussy?

    A pierced clit can look nice once in a while, but it has to be the right kind.
  20. cartman24

    Punts hitting cowboys stadium video screen?

    Yet another amazingly huge stadium with equally huge problems. Its like they never even think of the game that will be played there when they construct them.
  21. cartman24

    Beatles: Rock Band

    Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice? Not to mention that those of us who got fucked over with the 20GB hard drive don't have enough space to constantly download huge updates of songs. Anyway, I think this game is a terrible idea for people that have some amount of...
  22. cartman24

    Rock band

    Guaranteed it will be have at least one of these three songs (if its a pack). Walk Cemetery Gates Cowboys From Hell And as long as its a master I'll buy it.
  23. cartman24

    Where do you spend the least amount of time?

    Watch That Video I almost never go there.
  24. cartman24

    Rock band Speaking at Gamescom 2009 today, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos flaunted his franchise's massive library of music, citing it as just one of the reasons for Rock Band's domination over the competition, along with weekly...
  25. cartman24

    How are we doing?! Fill out the Survey and earn 100 MyFreeOnes points!

    Re: How are we doing?! Fill out the Survey and earn 100 MyFreeOnes point Survey completed :).
  26. cartman24

    Fuck machines: yay or bay?

    I don't like them, it is so unnatural.
  27. cartman24

    Carmella Bing VS Austin Kincaid

    Austin is hotter, so I picked her. Carmella makes much more interesting scenes though.
  28. cartman24

    What do you prefer #2

    I have never even noticed a watch on a dude in porn, ever.
  29. cartman24

    best of these 10 blonde pornstars??? pt5

    Teagan is awesome, such amazing scenes.
  30. cartman24

    Home Depot or Lowes?

    I have always preferred Home Depot, it is what I grew up with.
  31. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    GI Joe It was ok, not the best movie and perhaps too long, but a good popcorn flick.
  32. cartman24

    Chevy Volt could get 230mpg

    Interesting concept in that car, too bad they veered so far away from the prototype body style, I used to like that a lot. I am still not sold on hybrids at all, especially the price. The batteries on these are bound to crap out eventually, and when they do you will have to spend a ton to...
  33. cartman24

    Can tits be too big ?

    Yes, indeed they can. Anything over a D seems a bit too big in my eyes (even Ds can seem too big on some girls).
  34. cartman24

    TV's Hottest Moms / Hottest TV Mom

    Re: Tv hottests mom I have always found Marcia Cross to be amazingly attractive. She is one of the few redheads that I have seen that I really like at first glance.
  35. cartman24

    >>> It's back!! Add FreeOnes Galleries to Your MyFreeOnes Favorites!

    Nice, I was wondering why it was removed, glad its back.
  36. cartman24

    Rate these Tits: Audrey Bitoni Edition

    4 Almost perfect.
  37. cartman24

    Scarlett Johansson or Elisha Cuthbert

    Close, but Scarlett.
  38. cartman24


    I love it, one of the only "costumes" that I am into.
  39. cartman24

    Criss Angel

    Criss Angel is pretty terrible. Some of his tricks are so blatantly fake that the show is almost impossible to watch without looking for goofs and rolling your eyes.
  40. cartman24

    Sarah Michelle Gellar v's Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Sarah Michelle Gellar is gorgeous. The only thing that Jennifer Love Hewitt has on her is her amazing breasts.
  41. cartman24

    South Park

    I love and have always loved South Park. It seems that a lot of people think that the whole show is nothing but attempted humor with swearing kids, but it is so much more. The way that the show parodies everything and everyone without backing down is a huge breath of fresh air.
  42. cartman24

    Ladies, THIS is how skirts SHOULD be [PICS]

    Yes indeed, the world would be a much better place if all beautiful girls wore these skirts.
  43. cartman24

    Naomi Watts v's Elizabeth Hurley???

    Elizabeth Hurley, love the accent.
  44. cartman24

    Keira Knightley or Natalie Portman?

    Hard choice, but I have to say Natalie Portman.
  45. cartman24

    Daisy Marie vs Carmen Reyes

    Daisy Marie, easily.
  46. cartman24

    Could you live without money??

    Nope, I'm not that lazy.
  47. cartman24

    Lela Star Vs. Sativa Rose

    Sativa is amazing, her scenes are much more enjoyable to watch.
  48. cartman24

    What are women more turned on by?

    I don't care too much about money, I'd rather have an average looking poor-girl than an ugly rich-girl.
  49. cartman24

    Rock band

    LAAAAAME DLC strikes back. We need classic metal now.
  50. cartman24

    you have been warned . . . FOR OVER 18's ONLY!!!

    What in the bloody hell, that was so... different.