Rob Zombie to remake 'The Blob'

Variety reports that funding is in place to make an R-rated $30 million film, and Zombie will complete the script while he’s on tour with his new album this fall. Producers are confident that a distribution deal will be made before the production begins in Spring 2010.

The original film tells the story of people of a small town who refuse to listen to a group of teenagers who witnessed a mysterious creature from another planet land on earth. The ever-growing giant blob of jelly absorbs the humans it contacts and destroys the town.

My immediate reaction is that the story won’t work for audiences today unless you made it a period horror-comedy, something like Mars Attacks or Slither. But that is not in the plans. Zombie says he intends “to make it scary,” and touts the “freedom” he has been given “to take it in any crazy direction.” Zombie was a fan of the original, but has much different plans for the reinvention. So don’t expect a “big red blobby thing” as Zombie says “That gigantic Jello-looking thing might have been scary to audiences in the 1950s, but people would laugh now.” The list of producers includes original Blob producer Jack H. Harris.

If it's not a "big red blobby thing" ... I suppose it will be green and maybe even tumor-ish. :dunno:
Remake a film that has already been remade. Yeah, sure, why not. Well done on being so original Mr Zombie.

Yeah I though it had been remade already.Not that the original even was all that great.Only thing notable about the original really was it had a young Steve McQueen in it.While they can't get Steve I guess they can spend some money on special effects.
I am very interested to see how an idea like this could actually be made into a genuinely scary film. If nothing else, it should be "different".


what the fuck you lookin at?
I dunno, I like Rob Zombie movies. Always plenty of gore. So I'm sure this will be gory as well. Which is great for me! Also I LOVE creature features!!! Scary...I doubt it, but I'd suspect if anyone can pull of the remade remake it would be him. Looking forward to it myself. The first to were awesome. Though I did prefer the 80's remake.
The only Rob Zombie movie I like is Halloween. The rest suck IMO.

Maybe, just maybe he will create another movie I like with this one. The Blob isn't exactly a movie I'd remake though. Not because I think the original is best or that there has been too many remakes of it before. I wouldn't touch it in remake form or original form as the whole idea is crap. I think Rob will make the blob in human form or something so as to blend in with the locals at first. Then the more it kills, the more it changes form, and gets bigger and worse. If Rob can turn me into a fan of The Blob then anything is possible I guess. Only time will tell on this one though.
I like Rob, but this does not seem to me to be the best project for him. The 80s remake is one of the best remakes around. I wish he would do something else.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I wish Hollywood and the "creative" folks would quit regurgitating tired ideas.
It seems Hollywood films are either spoofs, remakes, or if original, crappy. Very few ever catch my eye and make me want to go out and pay to see it.

I like House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects. Beyond that I have not seen any of his Halloween remakes.
Rob Zombie is nothing more that a two bit hack.I can't stand that guy.
Would this guy stop fucking remaking movies? He's doing Night of the Living Dead as well. His original movies are terrible, and he's going to ruin the classics. Go fuck yourself Rob.

He's quickly going from..."that awesome guy who was in those awesome bands" to "that guy that couldn't make an original movie to save his life so he's putting his own shitty spin on the classics"


He usually does a decent job, I'll wait and see on this one.
What's next on his list of horror remakes? Children of the Corn? Nightmare on Elm Street? I hope he remakes Gremlins and turns it into a gorefest. :)


It's good to be the king...
Another pointless remake idea, which ranks in its stupidity alongside "Harvey" and "Forbidden Planet".


The Blob might be my favorite movie from that genre.

Out of all the old classic B horror movies, why can't he just pick one of the countless other ones to ruin. :mad:
What's next on his list of horror remakes? Children of the Corn? Nightmare on Elm Street? I hope he remakes Gremlins and turns it into a gorefest. :)

It's already in the works and should be coming out next year.

Jackie Earl Haley,aka Rorschach from Watchmen is playing Freddy Krueger.