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  1. cartman24

    MLB 2009 thread

    Ahhh, these small acquisitions the Red Sox are making are driving me nuts. Sure LaRoche has produced well so far, but I can't imagine he will stay this consistent. The other two were sent directly to the minors for the time being, so that doesn't really help now. I am a bit afraid of what they...
  2. cartman24

    Would you watch your woman being banged?

    Nope, that is a bit too risky and weird for me. If she is screwing other dudes she isn't really "my girl".
  3. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Transformers 2 Even better the second time and amazing in IMAX.
  4. cartman24

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Samantha Sin, so dirty sometimes :).
  5. cartman24

    Battle of the Blondes

    Jesse Jane will always be my favorite blonde pornstar :).
  6. cartman24

    She's really...Curvy???

    Holy damn, this is amazing. I must find this girl immediately.
  7. cartman24

    Mustang sign

    Yet another reason to love american muscle! (ignore my sig after reading this)
  8. cartman24

    A Great Butt

    This statement is so true, I basically live my sex life by it.
  9. cartman24

    You can't leave her alone for a second!

    Looks like a good time to me...
  10. cartman24

    My Reverse Bukkake story - Would you do it?

    If there was sex involved I might do it, but just getting soaked... no, don't think so.
  11. cartman24

    Julia Ann v's Lisa Ann

    Lisa Ann, didn't even have to think about the choice.
  12. cartman24

    Anyone looking forward to Dead Rising 2?

    The save system and health system left a bad taste in my mouth, so I can't say I am looking forward to it. If it has full campaign co-op I may change my outlook a bit, but as for now I could honestly care less.
  13. cartman24

    Top 10 Wii Games

    Well, Ive only got 5 games, so I'll rate them in order. 1.)Mario Galaxy 2.) Mario Kart 3.) Wii Sports 4.) Metroid Prime 3 5.) Resident Evil 4 I still need to get Brawl and Twilight Princess but other than that it is hard to think of many games to look forward to except for obvious choices like...
  14. cartman24

    Rate these Tits: Sunny Leone Edition

    4 Not the best I've seen, but good nonetheless.
  15. cartman24

    Brett Favre staying retired

    I hope this is it as far as him in the news as a player. His back-and-forth nature got old years ago.
  16. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Unearth - Crow Killer I LOVE the intro riff.
  17. cartman24

    What actress, singer and pornstar would you like to have a 4way with?

    Carrie Underwood Jessica Alba Taylor Rain
  18. cartman24

    The movie you are waiting for the most

    Pandorum I'm not even sure what its about, it just looks awesome.
  19. cartman24

    Who else hates the guy in the T mobile advert?

    I've yet to see this commercial and by the sound of it this is a very good thing. (It'll probably play every 10 minutes now...)
  20. cartman24

    Priya Rai celebrates her Birthday today!

    Happy B-day Priya, I'll be sure to look at your birthday suit to celebrate the occasion.
  21. cartman24

    Best "Dark Lord" ?

    Darth Sidious
  22. cartman24


    :nono: You name all of these Armstrongs, and you forgret the best... Stretch Armstrong
  23. cartman24

    Rock band

    I don't know. "What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse" may sound bad, but it is probably the most fun medium drum song in the game. Fucking horrible dlc this week btw.
  24. cartman24

    Miles on your car?

    93 Bronco with 53,000 miles :)
  25. cartman24

    Who thinks that Paris Hilton is hot?

    I have always been a fan of hers. I'm not sure why, I just think she is hot as hell.
  26. cartman24

    Movies that you hate that everyone else likes?

    Napoleon Dynamite Lord of the Rings (all) Finding Nemo Juno No Country For Old Men
  27. cartman24

    Mario Brothers

    Play Mario Galaxy and you'll learn to hate him ;)
  28. cartman24

    Which is Better?

    2008 is better than 04-07, but the design before 2004 was better than both.
  29. cartman24

    Does Alexis Texas have the biggest ass in porn?

    Naomi Russell has the most perfect ass I've ever seen :D
  30. cartman24

    Do Not Look at this Picture!

    The floor must be close to giving out with all of that weight concentrated in one area.
  31. cartman24

    If only it were this easy..

    Someone needs to buy that girl a few drinks immediately.
  32. cartman24

    Mario Brothers

    Seriously... Does anyone really like Luigi?
  33. cartman24

    Any chicks????

    Just another dude...
  34. cartman24

    Bruno: possibly one of the worst movies of time

    I really don't want to see this movie, at all, but I just know that I'll be dragged to see it.
  35. cartman24

    Best Porn Stars!!!!!

    Shyla and Jesse Not even a competition there.
  36. cartman24

    porno vids, does the plot matter?

    Nope, they especially don't matter if they are trying to be funny, it just doesn't work.
  37. cartman24

    Create a Pornstar

    Face/Body - Rachel Starr Ass - Naomi Russell Tits - Audrey Bitoni
  38. cartman24

    what game are you playing right now?

    1 vs. 100 Live Still waiting to get in the mob...
  39. cartman24

    Hot Chocolate !! :( There are many puns on the topic in this video (starting around 1:50). It's really hard to find a topic like this sad, so you might as well laugh it off :).
  40. cartman24

    Post #100

    :( I wasn't the one who started a thread like this.
  41. cartman24

    Rock band

    7/14 DLC: Big Dipper "All Going Out Together" Big Dipper "She's Fetching" Big Dipper "Younger Bums" Judas Priest "Dissident Aggressor (Live)" Judas Priest "Eat Me Alive (Live)" Judas Priest "Prophecy (Live)" The Dead Weather "Hang You From the Heavens" The Dead Weather "No Hassle Night" The Dead...
  42. cartman24

    Post #100

    Okay, now make yourself a meaningful member of the community and maybe someone will care...
  43. cartman24

    Little Lupe's Breast Implants

    Terrible job on the nipples. Better without for sure.
  44. cartman24

    what ya fav car ot motocycle

    Toyota Supra will always be my favorite car followed closely by the Nissan Skyline. I can't say I have a favorite bike.
  45. cartman24

    Kiss after blowie?

    So long as I haven't came then I see no problem.
  46. cartman24

    vaginal piercing : hot or not

    Certain ones turn me on, but some are hard to look at.
  47. cartman24

    My 1st Trip To Hooters

    Every time I have gone I have had the oldest waitress there :(. Maybe you'll have better luck (unless you like the milfs).
  48. cartman24

    have you ever peed in the pool

    Pool, no. River/lake, yes.
  49. cartman24

    XBox - Game Suggestions

    Project Gotham 2 Halo 1 & 2 Ninja Gaiden Doom 3
  50. cartman24

    girls fucking a guy with a strap on

    I wouldn't ever allow that. Definitely not something ANY straight man should ever try.