What is the latest good film you watched ?

G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

Ugh. Essentially it's pretty much what I expected. Went to a local midnight showing with girlfriend, and friends and found it all pretty damn lackluster. Of course I grew up reading the comics, and watching the cartoon, so ... yeah. I wasn't too hot on all the fucking changes.

As a action movie ... I'd give it maybe a 6 out of 10.

As a G.I. Joe movie ... a 3 out of 10 ... and that's being generous.

I just saw it today,and I think that's a pretty fair assessment.


what the fuck you lookin at?
So the GI joe flick sucks? Thats as I suspected. Guess I'll wait for DVD to watch it.
So the GI joe flick sucks? Thats as I suspected. Guess I'll wait for DVD to watch it.

If you liked any of the Mummy movies,then you probably won't mind this.

You could do what I do and just see it in the theater at matinee price,that way if you hate it,at least you didn't pay full price to see it,then you could sneak into another movie to help you forget about it.
The question is simple :

"What is the latest film you watched ?"

It could have been in a theater, on telly, rental, DvD, cDV, DivX, Vhs, PAL, SECAM, GmbH, etc.

Mine was :

"Aniki" - Takeshi 'beat' Kitano
It was broadcasted on telly.

What about you ?

Mine was in at the theater. I saw G.I. Joe. It was so awesome. :)
The Bank Job, Dracula (Gary Oldman was pretty cool as Dracula), History of the World Part 1, Cheech and Chong: Nice Dreams. Yup a drink a smoke and lots of movies. Terrible weekend.
Ocean's Twelve

Slick, stylish and star-studded.

I've always regarded the Ocean films as a sort of all-star game - it's all just for fun, you don't have to put that much effort and nobody takes it too seriously. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Ocean's Eleven was way better though.