G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
Ugh. Essentially it's pretty much what I expected. Went to a local midnight showing with girlfriend, and friends and found it all pretty damn lackluster. Of course I grew up reading the comics, and watching the cartoon, so ... yeah. I wasn't too hot on all the fucking changes.
As a action movie ... I'd give it maybe a 6 out of 10.
As a G.I. Joe movie ... a 3 out of 10 ... and that's being generous.
So the GI joe flick sucks? Thats as I suspected. Guess I'll wait for DVD to watch it.
The question is simple :
"What is the latest film you watched ?"
It could have been in a theater, on telly, rental, DvD, cDV, DivX, Vhs, PAL, SECAM, GmbH, etc.
Mine was :
"Aniki" - Takeshi 'beat' Kitano
It was broadcasted on telly.
What about you ?