Beatles: Rock Band

Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

Not a bad choice per say, plenty of excellent songs in the catalog. Perhaps though Rolling Stones might have been better, or possibly for a future conjunction maybe.
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

I think all the Rock Band and Guitar hero games are getting ridiculous. Make one and update the songs period. Anyone who goes out and buys these games when nothing changes but the songs is stupid
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

I think all the Rock Band and Guitar hero games are getting ridiculous. Make one and update the songs period. Anyone who goes out and buys these games when nothing changes but the songs is stupid

You know what,Tony Hawk series got to be like that. With Rockband and guitar hero,its just getting rediculous at a much more accelerated pace.
Guitar hero type games have been around for alittle bit but are still considered a new genre,that said its rediculous there's alread 50 iterations...


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

I think all the Rock Band and Guitar hero games are getting ridiculous. Make one and update the songs period. Anyone who goes out and buys these games when nothing changes but the songs is stupid

Your paying $60 for 80 some odd songs. That is one hell of a deal! The DLC is where they make their money anyway. So whenever RB3 comes out there again 60 bucks for 80 or more songs. Thats well under a buck a song. As DLC same songs cost around 2 bucks each. You do the math!

However these band specific type games are stupid. Even the GH:Metallica game is kinda lame. They never supported it with any fuckin DLC except for the death magnetic album which is weak anyway!
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

Your paying $60 for 80 some odd songs. That is one hell of a deal! The DLC is where they make their money anyway. So whenever RB3 comes out there again 60 bucks for 80 or more songs. Thats well under a buck a song. As DLC same songs cost around 2 bucks each. You do the math!

Not to mention that those of us who got fucked over with the 20GB hard drive don't have enough space to constantly download huge updates of songs.

Anyway, I think this game is a terrible idea for people that have some amount of skill at the game because it just won't be challenging or fun.

The game is marketed at the big fans of the band, most of which are older now. This will do one of two things:

1.) It will flop. The main demographic that this game is marketed to will look at it as a waste of time because they do not play video games anyway.


2.) It will bring in a whole new wave of new fans of the series. People will buy into the Rock Band series because of it and will get addicted, thus buying future titles. Adults will see why kids are playing the fake instruments and join in.
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

Well I think its a good choice. For me RB is all about fun & The Beatles are the defining band of the 20th century. I can't think of any band that could front it & get the widest demographic. Certainly not shite like Rush or Boston for fucks sake!
Also from a visual standpoint it looks like far more effort has been put into this than with the likes of GH Metallica.
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

I'm in my 30's and the beatles are irrelevant to my generation I can't Believe this game will sell.

The 2 posts talking about using the Rolling Stone & Queen echo my thoughts exactly.

I'd like to see more Linkin Park & Fall Out Boy
and more bands releasing their best songs not the new releases
Panic at the Discos 1st album = awesome = no songs
2nd album = epic fail = 2 songs
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

It does feel like a waist of a game but they're still making a rockband 3 with great features so whatever. guitar hero seems to be the home of single band games.
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

Not to mention that those of us who got fucked over with the 20GB hard drive don't have enough space to constantly download huge updates of songs.

Anyway, I think this game is a terrible idea for people that have some amount of skill at the game because it just won't be challenging or fun.

The game is marketed at the big fans of the band, most of which are older now. This will do one of two things:

1.) It will flop. The main demographic that this game is marketed to will look at it as a waste of time because they do not play video games anyway.


2.) It will bring in a whole new wave of new fans of the series. People will buy into the Rock Band series because of it and will get addicted, thus buying future titles. Adults will see why kids are playing the fake instruments and join in.

what system do you have? get yourself a portable hardrive...
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

Your paying $60 for 80 some odd songs. That is one hell of a deal! The DLC is where they make their money anyway. So whenever RB3 comes out there again 60 bucks for 80 or more songs. Thats well under a buck a song. As DLC same songs cost around 2 bucks each. You do the math!

However these band specific type games are stupid. Even the GH:Metallica game is kinda lame. They never supported it with any fuckin DLC except for the death magnetic album which is weak anyway!

I see what you are saying but the issue of how much they charge for DLC is a whole other convo. I mean 300+ mirco points for a lightsaber :rolleyes:
Re: RockBand:the Beatles what do you think bad band choice?

good choice, make me want to buy the game, probably will although I prefer PC gaming

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
This is probably a stupid question, so bear with me. Now I'm just spitballing here, but why in the blue hell didn't you post this in the game forum? Perhaps, that is why you have not received any responses here. Chew on that... :2 cents:
They need to stop getting band specific.

The DLC for Rockband 2 fucking sucks as well. And way too expensive.

Oh. Did you just spend $160 on a video game? Sweet. Now we're going to charge you for extra songs.

Such a shitty game. They put all these unknown, obscure bands on there. WTF?? I don't want to discover new bands, I want to play songs I know and rock out.

And what's with the repetitiveness with this game? Play the same song 30 times just to advance.

They do't force you to buy songs you don't want.
Harmonix say they're will hit the 1000 songs mark by x-mas,
If you can't find stuff to like in there then you'll never be happy.
When you purchase a song you buy it with value for money in mind.
If there is a song I like enough to pay 160MSP I pay it, if not I don't, simple.


what the fuck you lookin at?
They do't force you to buy songs you don't want.
Harmonix say they're will hit the 1000 songs mark by x-mas,
If you can't find stuff to like in there then you'll never be happy.
When you purchase a song you buy it with value for money in mind.
If there is a song I like enough to pay 160MSP I pay it, if not I don't, simple.

True, but I tell ya, out of what 800+ DLC available now? I only have like 80 songs, 20 of which were the 20 free songs and a few of the others are just for party purposes as everyone knows them. So really only about 50 or so that I actually bought because I wanted them. Really quite a pathetic variety if you ask me.

Cool thing is that 9 out of 30 weeks are free for me to play!